Doing fun with the title of your xterm (v1.1, 18.10.96) ------------------------------------------------------- "Isn't this boring?" most people will ask. I just do a xterm -T "Rent this place for your advertisement" \ -n "The name of the icon could be yours, too" & to place arbitary strings into the titlebar of the xterm. Ok, that's right but you may want to change it after startup ... To change the title while the xterm is running, you just send a special sequence of characters to it. Such a special sequence is named "escape sequence" and usally not displayed on the screen but causing certain actions. For example, if you press , your xterm should reset. The and are only needed to make the bash printing the actual sequence . Note that I refer to keystrokes by including the label of that key into <>. Now, to change the titlebar and icon of the xterm you just use the escape-sequences <]> <2> sets a new title <]> <1> sets a new icon-name To send those sequences to the xterm, we no longer type them on the command-line, but we use the program `echo': echo -e "\033]2 You can rent this place for a commercial. \007" As you might have guessed `\033' is the octal representation of the escape-character and '-e' enables this syntax. You must terminate the string that should show up in the title with a non-printable character (in the case above, it's aka "the lovely beep"). One useful application for those features is to move the information usally found in the command-prompt to the title: lets assume you have defined you command-prompt as export PS1='\u@\h:\w> ' so it looks like winni@FeilSurf:~/mail> What happens, if you change to the directory "/afs/ /pub/packages/linux/kernel/v2.0"? Right, the prompt gets longer and leaves less space for typing commands: winni@FeilSurf:/afs/> This is odd. But - if you put this information into the title-bar, everything is fine: export PS1='\033]2 \u@\h:\w \007bash> ' The command above echoes the needed escape-sequences and leaves as prompt: bash> _ Unfortunatly the maximum length of the value of PS1 is limited to somewhat around 60 (?) chars and so it's not suited in all cases. Another idea is to re-define shell-builtins like "cd" to echo the escape-sequences but this has the ugly side-effect of a nervous title-bar when running shell-scripts ... (yes, every "cd" changes the title). The most reliable approach seems to me the usage of the environment-variable "PROMPT_COMMAND". The content of this variable is executed after a program has finished and before the bash prompts at you again. The following is very useful in a networked environment with many xterms opened: export PROMPT_COMMAND='echo -ne "\033]2;$LOGNAME@$HOST Directory: $PWD\007\033]1;$LOGNAME@$HOST\007"' ... especially when you look at the "window list" of your window-manager. And to make it perfect, we only set this variable when we are in an xterm: if [ "$TERM" = "xterm" -o "$TERM" = "xterm-color" -o \ "$TERM" = "rxvt" -o "$TERM" = "vs100" ] then PS1='bash> ' PS2='bash>> ' PS3='bash>>> ' export PROMPT_COMMAND='echo -ne "\033]2;$LOGNAME@$HOST Directory: $PWD\007\033]1;$LOGNAME@$HOST\007"' fi Note that the prompt "bash> " makes the command-line somewhat more consistent because many programs put their name in the front (gnuplot, ncftp, gap, kash, ...). But even this has the drawback of messing up some programs that spawn up sub-shells like "ytalk". If you get bitten by it, issue unset PROMPT_COMMAND Happy Linuxing -Winfried Trümper PS: --- Don't ever use raw "escape-sequences" in any of your programs! Let the program »tput« choose the right sequences from the environment-variable '$TERM' plus your symbolic description of the action to perform. See tput(1) for details (enter »man 1 tput« at the command prompt). The escape-sequences for the xterm-titlebar are the only exception from the above rule.