Linux Projects Map

Archive-name: linux/Projects-Map
Posting-Frequency: monthly
Last-Modified: 22 Sep 1996

                             Linux Projects Map

This is the Linux Projects Map (LPM). Here you'll find some information
concerning popular projects that are currently in the design or coding
stage. The LPM is maintained by Harald Milz ( 


Code for these projects is not publicly available yet or in
early ALPHA stage. However, the software is being worked
on and will be eventually available. Please DO NOT send
hundreds and thousands of questions to the developers but
instead let them spend their time working on the project. The
Linux Projects Map will be updated regularly and is available on Plus,
it will be posted to comp.os.linux.answers on a monthly basis. The latest
and greatest version will be available on 

If you are about to develop a certain piece of software and if you think it
would be good to let people know, please send me an entry according to the
template shown below. The fields "AuthorEmail" and "ETA" are optional; if
you don't believe people won't drown you in email or don't think it's wise
to tell a potential release date, simply leave these fields empty. Please
don't forget to send me updates if the status of your project changes, or
I'll have to query you eventually. ;^) 

If you are not working on a specific project yourself but know someone else
is, please drop me a note. 

After the initial release of code to the public, I intend to leave the
respective entry in the list for some weeks or so, adding a comment where
the code can be found, then delete the entry to avoid redundancy (with the
Linux Software Map, LSM).  

The LPM is for non-commercial Linux software projects only. As a supplement
for commercial software, there is the Linux Commercial-HOWTO. 

Linux-specific hardware projects are not covered here -- it doesn't seem as
if there were too many of them.  

If you are going to develop a piece of software not specifically related
to the Linux kernel, please consider to contact the FSF (
so that they can try to coordinate with their volunteers -- no reason to 
re-invent the wheel, right? ;-)

Sample entry follows (similar to the old LSM format). Some sample entries
(e.g. "Assistance") don't cover every possible item - feel free to enter what
you like, but don't create new fields and PLEEZE DON'T CHANGE FIELD
NAMES. Field lengths are now arbitrary, but avoid an overall length of more
than 78 characters. The format is subject to change -- it will reflect Lars'
new LSM format eventually. By now, please stick to the current format.

If you want to give some pointers to further information, please use the URL
format so that the pointers will be clickable in the HTML format. Thank you. 

Field:          Description
-----------     ------------------------------------------------------
Title:          The name of the package.  example: "Linux for DEC 21064"
Desc1:          5 lines of text describing the package's function or purpose
Desc2:          The more descriptive you are the more useful the entry 
Desc3:          will be.
Author:         Who is going to write the package.
AuthorEmail:    The author's email address (optional)
InfoSources1:   where to get additional information such as mailing lists, 
InfoSources2:   local newsgroups or FTP/WWW sites (please use the URL format,
InfoSources3: 	but do not hyphenate them. No HREFs please).
Assistance:     assistance needed? {required | appreciated | not required }
CurrentStat:    {still in the design phase | first code runs | approaching 
                 ALPHA status | in ALPHA | code is available on (FTP path)}
ETA:            Estimated time of arrival (optional & conservative ;) 
Remarks1:       Other info of value (up to the developer), 5 lines.
Remarks2:       Additional info that won't fit in one of the above fields.

Remark: On Feb 2, 1996, I queried all contributors whose entries were more
than 120 days old, just to get a recent picture... 


This section shows you all recent changes (not more than a handful to
keep it handy) so that you don't have to search the whole list.

Date		Entry name (abbrev.)			type of change
Apr 17 1996	UMAX scanner driver			update
May 07 1996	MiCom-Interlan NI5010			new 
Jun 24 1996		finished
		Non-ATAPI compliant cdrom changer supp.	new
Jun 25 1996	Non-ATAPI compliant cdrom changer supp.	update
Jul 06 1996	Non-ATAPI compliant cdrom changer supp.	finished
Jul 30 1996	Linux Logging Filesystem Project	new
Sep 15 1996	Virtual Partition System		new
		Linux/68k for MVME166			update
Sep 22 1996	ACL for Linux				update

Title: 5LiS - "Linux STREAMS" Desc1: LiS is a STREAMS framework which will be like Desc2: SVR4 STREAMS. You'll be able to use multiplexing a will have Desc3: a development aid: a Linux STREAMS modules testbeds. Desc4: Good to do networking and other things. Desc5: Author: Francisco J. Ballesteros, Graham Wheeler, Lars Dahl-Hansen, Rodney Thayer, Dennis Henriksen, Tim Grube, ... AuthorEmail: InfoSources1: email to get in touch w/ authors InfoSources2: finger to get LiS state-of-the-art InfoSources3: majordomo mailing list Assistance: assistance appreciated CurrentStat: (projects stopped as of Nov 22, 1995. See WWW page) ETA: Remarks1: Would enjoy to hear comments from the kernel guys. Remarks2: We are beginning w/ an implementation. Will set up an Remarks3: ftp site when the code is complete. Remarks4: Remarks5: Will need help specially to port drivers to STREAMS. Entered: 27 Nov 1995
Title: ACL for Linux Desc1: Access Control List for Linux Desc2: Access control lists are a key enforcement mechanism of Desc3: discretionary access control, for specifying access to files Desc4: by users and groups more selectively than traditional Desc5: UNIX mechanisms allow Author: Artem Belevich AuthorEmail: InfoSources1: InfoSources2: InfoSources3: Assistance: not required CurrentStat: ALPHA ETA: unknown Remarks1: Beta testers are appreciated (as soon as ACL becomes BETA). Remarks2: Remarks3: Remarks4: Remarks5: Entered: 22 Sep 1996
Title: ATM on Linux Desc1: State of the art (UNI 3.1) ATM support for Linux, including Desc2: ATM device drivers (ENI155p and ZN1221), native ATM API, Desc3: UNI 3.1 signaling, and IP over ATM Desc4: Desc5: Author: Werner Almesberger AuthorEmail: InfoSources1: InfoSources2: Progress is reported to the linux-atm mailing list InfoSources3: (subscriptions to Assistance: please contact the author CurrentStat: stable for PVCs, SVCs and driver support are progressing ETA: 11/95 Remarks1: Remarks2: Remarks3: Remarks4: Remarks5: Entered: 23 Oct 1995
Title: BACKNET (BACKpropagation neural NETwork) Desc1: A C++ - class library for simulating a neural network, Desc2: using the backpropagation paradigm, but open for other Desc3: paradigms, too. Desc4: Desc5: Author: Marko Meyer AuthorEmail: InfoSources1: InfoSources2: Email me for more informations or discussion ... InfoSources3: Assistance: assistance not required CurrentStat: ready for BETA-testing ETA: Mid/End-November for release 0.2 Remarks1: Archive site: Remarks2: Remarks3: Further plans: bug fixing and extensions: support for Remarks4: parallel architectures, some new Neural-Network-Paradigms, Remarks5: use as distributed system, performance checks. Entered: 23 Oct 1995
Title: Caching file system, benfs Desc1: This will be a file system that will cache files from Desc2: another directory structure (that is currently mounted) Desc3: onto the local hard disk. Thus if you have a slow CD-ROM Desc4: drive you would mount it normaly, then mount its directory Desc5: structure using benfs and access the files via the cache. Author: Ben Frank AuthorEmail: InfoSources1: Mail me if your interested :) InfoSources2: or if you want me to include something InfoSources3: Assistance: not required CurrentStat: Still coding ETA: End of July 96 Remarks1: The file system will prob only be able to mount read only Remarks2: directories, but this may change depending on how things Remarks3: go ;) I'm calling it BCFS "Bens Caching File System" Remarks4: Check out my web pages for more info, Remarks5: Entered: 24 Oct 1995
Title: Civilization for Linux Desc1: A strategy game for Linux, running under X Desc2: inspired by Galactic Civilisations for OS/2 Desc3: Desc4: Desc5: Author: Ingo Luetkebohle, Oliver Jowett, Sean Starkey AuthorEmail:,, InfoSources1: Mailing-List: InfoSources2: InfoSources3: Assistance: assistance appreciated (see remarks) CurrentStat: in design phase ETA: end of next year, basic versions earlier Remarks1: we are using C++ and intend do develop with Remarks2: OOP principles in mind; Remarks3: we are looking for people with expertise on AI Remarks4: and X programming Remarks5: Entered: 27 Nov 1995
Title: DCE Secure Core for Linux Desc1: The DCE secure core will implement various DCE interfaces from Desc2: the OSF AES rather than their source code. We intend to Desc3: implement the security services, parts of CDS and DFS etc. The Desc4: project depends on the availability of DCE-RPC for Linux Desc5: (which is based on freely available OSF source). Author: Luke Howard, Michael Peterson, others soon :) AuthorEmail: InfoSources1: InfoSources2: InfoSources3: Assistance: Would be appreciated CurrentStat: DCE-RPC (not direct part of project) almost ready, core is still being planned. ETA: some time in 96 Remarks1: Remarks2: Remarks3: Remarks4: Remarks5: Entered: 18 Nov 1995
Title: DeafGuide (Working title, better name suggestions, please email) Desc1: Rapid Prototyper a la Sun's devguide for XVIEW 3.2 Desc2: Consists of a User Interface Editor to assist in defining the (open) Desc3: look and feel of the UI. A separate compiler will transform the gen- Desc4: erated interim-code into C(++) code. Desc5: Trying to be as much DevGuide compatible as is (legally) possible. Author: Pascal van Dam & Jasper v.d. Horst AuthorEmail: InfoSources1: a WWW page will be setup in early November InfoSources2: also newsgroup alt.toolkit.xview is a good place to try InfoSources3: Assistance: school-project 'till late February, so we'll have to do it alone CurrentStat: Trying to put some GIL-3 alike language into a neat grammar ETA: First subset of xview late February, Full beta probably end of june '96 Remarks1: GNU Copyleft distribution policy Remarks2: Initial version will generate C++ code for use with the UIT libs Remarks3: Editor and codegenerator will have support for the slingshot Remarks4: extensions. Later versions are planned to also generate plain XVIEW Remarks5: Entered: 07 Oct 1995
Title: Device driver for CED 1401 laboratory interface Desc1: The CED 1401 is a laboratory interface providing 16 to Desc2: 32 ADC-Chans, 4 DACs, 24 digital I/O-lines and several Desc3: event timers and clocks. It has its own processor and Desc4: memory and is supported by several Mac and DOS programs. Desc5: We develop a driver to support it using Linux 1.2 / 1.3 Author: Georg v. Zezschwitz, Alessandro Rubini AuthorEmail:, InfoSources1: Current version on InfoSources2: and InfoSources3: Assistance: appreciated CurrentStat: first code runs ETA: Code runs, but we plan to enhance app-level support. Remarks1: The CED 1401 is a device developed and sold by Cambridge Remarks2: Electronic Design. Though hardware is not GPL, our driver Remarks3: will be. As the 1401 is rather a "co-system" than a Remarks4: simple dma-cards with some ADC and DACs, it will (hopefully) Remarks5: better fit the needs for signal-processing under Linux. Entered: 24 Oct 1995
Title: Didot - a DTP program for unix/X11 and perhaps other systems Desc1: Didot is a frame orientated desktop publishing program. Desc2: We use the ghostscript library for display output (real Desc3: WYSIWYG). It will support common DTP features: rotatable Desc4: frames, lines & boxes, color, text styles and more. Desc5: Author: Harald Krummeck & others AuthorEmail: InfoSources1: InfoSources2: InfoSources3: Assistance: required CurrentStat: first code runs ETA: no comment :-) Remarks1: The programing language for Didot is C++. Remarks2: The GUI is based on Tcl/Tk/Tix Remarks3: Remarks4: Remarks5: Entered: 13 Feb 1996
Title: ELKS (Embeddable Linux Kernel Subset) - Linux 8086 Desc1: Linux core running on [initially] 8086 hardware with Desc2: 64K split I/D binaries Desc3: Desc4: Desc5: Author: Alan Cox and others AuthorEmail: InfoSources1: Usual DOS documentation 8) InfoSources2: Web page InfoSources3: Assistance: see Remarks3-5 CurrentStat: Working on C compiler and libs; building a Linux8086 binary emulator ETA: Depends on compiler availability and number of hackers involved. Remarks1: Longer term target embeddable Z80 and 6809 kernels Remarks2: [See Dave Braun's UZI before dismissing as impossible..] Remarks3: People willing to improve the bcc _free_ 8086 C compiler Remarks4: with source. Remarks5: Entered: 03 Feb 1996
Title: ENI155 (SONET) PCI ATM device driver Desc1: Device driver for the Efficient Networks ENI155 155 Mbps Desc2: SONET PCI ATM adapter. Desc3: Desc4: Desc5: Author: Werner Almesberger AuthorEmail: InfoSources1: InfoSources2: Progress is reported to the linux-atm mailing list InfoSources3: (subscriptions to Assistance: CurrentStat: first experimental release, more work in progress ETA: 6/95 Remarks1: Some other ATM components (simple API, etc.) will also Remarks2: be developed as part of the project. Remarks3: Remarks4: Remarks5: Entered: 23 Oct 1995
Title: GNU Paint (very tentative) Desc1: X11-based paint program. Will be a big improvement over Desc2: XPaint. The object is to implement a lot of features similar Desc3: to mid-range graphics editing/creation software. Probably Desc4: bitmapped, not vector-based Desc5: Author: Arun Bhalla and David Johnston (and others) AuthorEmail:, InfoSources1: InfoSources2: InfoSources3: Assistance: I think we have enough people for now. Suggestions welcome. CurrentStat: On hold until a reliable listserve host is found. ETA: Remarks1: One of the most important things in this project is that Remarks2: we're going to allow plug-ins and file filters such as Kai's Remarks3: Power tools. We're still open to suggestions on what we Remarks4: should include. Remarks5: Entered: 02 Feb 1996
Title: GNUStep Desc1: A free implementation of NeXT's OpenStep standard Desc2: for GNU/Linux and a myriad of other UNIX flavors. Desc3: Intended to be compatible with the forthcoming Desc4: OpenStep implementations by NeXT, DEC, Sun, and Desc5: possibly HP. Author: Andrew McCallum, Paul F. Kunz, and many others. AuthorEmail:, Paul_Kunz@SLAC.Stanford.Edu InfoSources1: e-mail Andrew McCallum InfoSources2: InfoSources3: (mailing list request address) Assistance: actively sought CurrentStat: objcX and libobjects available ETA: Remarks1: Volunteers, please contact Andrew McCallum. Remarks2: Web-mirror: Remarks3: Remarks4: Remarks5: Entered: 25 Mar 1996
Title: IWB - The Image Workbench Desc1: An image processing, drawing and conversion Desc2: software, including an interface for plug-ins. Desc3: It should hopefully become the "best" public graphics Desc4: software, but, to be rational, I will develop it Desc5: step by step. Author: Andreas Heilwagen, Germany AuthorEmail: InfoSources1: InfoSources2: Demo version for download around Mid-May (I assume 1996. hm). InfoSources3: Assistance: appreciated CurrentStat: first code runs, first public release coming soon ETA: never ending story, see my www page for latest info Remarks1: implementation language C++, portability to any other Remarks2: researches to play with old and test new algorithms. Remarks3: Remarks4: Remarks5: Entered: 29 Jan 1996
Title: LUMP (Linux Using Multiple Processors) Desc1: Linux running SMP over Intel MP compliant Desc2: i486/i586 motherboards Desc3: Desc4: Desc5: Author: Alan Cox and others AuthorEmail: InfoSources1: for the MP spec in postscript InfoSources2: Support chip documentation only in paper form InfoSources3: Mailing list Assistance: The more the merrier CurrentStat: Design, waiting delivery of board for initial test programs ETA: 1st quarter 96 Remarks1: sponsored by Caldera, Remarks2: Remarks3: Remarks4: Remarks5: Entered: 22 Jun 1995
Title: LessTif Desc1: LessTif is a free clone of the Motif 1.2 widget set. Desc2: When completed, any source written for Motif 1.2, Desc3: no matter how in depth the sourc's dependency on Desc4: internal Motif functions, constants, or structures Desc5: will function the same in LessTif. Author: The Hungry Programmers AuthorEmail: InfoSources1: InfoSources2: mailing list: InfoSources3: (moved!) Assistance: assistance and testing appreciated CurrentStat: Some widgets function, many don't. Most functions are stubs. ETA: Working base library by end of summer. (f. northern hemisphere) Remarks1: LessTif is to be GPL'ed. Remarks2: Send a message with a line in its body (not its subject) which Remarks3: says "subscribe lesstif" or "subscribe lesstif-digest" to join Remarks4: the mailing list. Remarks5: Entered: 21 Oct 1995
Title: Linux-Word (name subject to change) Desc1: This is a project to create a word processor for the Desc2: Linux community. It will be X-based (at least initially) Desc3: and support the usual word processing features along with Desc4: some extensions, as yet to be determined. Desc5: Name is tentatively "*word" Author: The linux-word programming group AuthorEmail: (Coordinator) InfoSources1: Mailing list: (after Sept 1, 1995) InfoSources2: FTP Site: Europe, InfoSources3: WWW Page: Europe, Assistance: appreciated CurrentStat: Starting to discuss API design, starting to code. ETA: When we are satisfied it is worthy to be released. Remarks1: Software will be GPL'ed. C++ will be the language used. Remarks2: We are planning on many front ends (GUI, CHUI, TUI). Remarks3: First working version will probably be text-only. Remarks4: Old mailing-list is Remarks5: Mailing-list archived at Entered: 29 Aug 1995
Title: Linux/68k for MVME166 Desc1: This is a port of Linux/68k to run on Motorola MVME166 Desc2: and MVME167 boards. The MVME166 is 68040 based with on- Desc3: board SCSI, Ethernet, serial ports (4), RTC, timers, parallel Desc4: port. Desc5: Author: Richard Hirst AuthorEmail: or InfoSources1: e-mail me InfoSources2: http:/ InfoSources3: Assistance: not required CurrentStat: Seems to work, self hosting, ethernet also supported now. ETA: Try it now Remarks1: Very stable, being used by a small number of people, has Remarks2: been further ported to the MVME162, no parallel port Remarks3: support yet, now running a 2.0.8 kernel. Will NFS mount Remarks4: its root slice, meaning you don't need a local disk to Remarks5: try it out. Please let me know if you try it. Entered: 15 Sep 1996
Title: Linux AX.25 stack Desc1: AX.25 protocol stack for the Linux OS Desc2: including IP over AX.25 UI frames Desc3: No NetROM, DAMA or IP over VC yet Desc4: Desc5: Author: Alan Cox, Jonathan Naylor AuthorEmail:, InfoSources1: AX.25 protocol specification, SDL diagrams from the 7th ARRL# InfoSources2: computer networking conference InfoSources3: Assistance: For NetROM, and especially european users on DAMA networks to CurrentStat: Stable, solid, but not full featured. ETA: Full system fall 1995 Remarks1: Now in the 1.3.0 kernel, BSD code removed. Remarks2: Remarks3: Remarks4: Application layer programs starting to appear Remarks5: Drivers for PI/2 card and dumb SCC cards exist. Entered: 09 Jun 1995
Title: Linux General Graphics Inteface (GGI) Desc1: The aim is to setup a secure and fast interface to graphics Desc2: services on all current Linux platforms. All applictions Desc3: (including X) will have to use special device files to access Desc4: virtualized hardware. To have as little performance penalty as Desc5: possible, direct hardware access is granted wherever possible. Author: Andreas Beck, Steffen Seeger and The Linux GGI Group. AuthorEmail: InfoSources1: InfoSources2: InfoSources3: Assistance: hardware code, testing, libs, X server, 68k/Alpha/SUN platforms CurrentStat: first code runs but still in design phase ETA: Remarks1: Mail with 'subscribe linux-ggi' in the body Remarks2: to join the developement mailing list. Remarks3: We especially need people involved in the Alpha/SUN/68k ports Remarks4: to have a look if their hardware would fit our concepts. Remarks5: Currently there is S3 Vision96x and VGA support for i386 arch. Entered: 25 Mar 1996
Title: Linux Mobile-IP Desc1: Support for mobile hosts under Linux. This would allow a Desc2: mobile host to maintain its network connection transparently Desc3: even as the host moves across different networks. The Desc4: IETF Draft "IP Mobility Support" will form Desc5: the basis of this mobile-IP implementation. Author: Vipul Gupta, Ben Lancki AuthorEmail:, InfoSources1: IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) mobile-IP drafts InfoSources2: are in directory InfoSources3: Assistance: CurrentStat: An alpha version was released on Aug 31, 1995 ETA: Remarks1: The alpha version (along with supporting documentation) Remarks2: can be retreived from (, Remarks3: Remarks4: Ongoing work is directed towards making the software more Remarks5: compliant with the IETF draft. Entered: 02 Sep 1995
Title: Linux/VME Desc1: Linux/VME is a port of Linux/68k to Motorola MVME147 based Desc2: systems, e.g. machines from the Motorola Delta series. Desc3: The MVME147 is a 68030-based VME board with WD33C93 SCSI and Desc4: LANCE7990 Ethernet controllers as well as Z8530 SCC's. Desc5: Author: Michael Engel, Nils Faerber AuthorEmail:, InfoSources1: Our ftp server is As soon as InfoSources2: we have anything to offer, you'll find it in /pub/vmelinux. InfoSources3: Assistance: MVME hardware experts are always welcome... CurrentStat: Just started off. Experimental C code runs on the machine. ETA: Don't ask ... Remarks1: With the help of Linux/68k cross-development tools, we are Remarks2: able to develop C code on Linux/intel and download it in S-Rec Remarks3: format. We hope to get some low-level stuff running rsn. Remarks4: Donations of VME bus hardware are always welcome. Remarks5: Entered: 03 Aug 1995
Title: Linux device driver for AM53/79C974 PCI SCSI controller Desc1: Features: queueing, DMA, sync. negotiation Desc2: The AM79C974 is used in the Compaq XL, some ZEOS Desc3: machines and the HP Vectra Desc4: Driver software is sucessfully tested with HP C2244 (disk), Desc5: Wangtek streamer, Toshiba 3301 CD and some Micropolis disk Author: D. Frieauff AuthorEmail: InfoSources1: InfoSources2: InfoSources3: Assistance: appreciated CurrentStat: ALPHA status ETA: availabe with kernel releases >1.3.59 Remarks1: Driver gives reliable operation for at least some Compaq, Remarks2: ZEOS, and HP Pentium machines that use this SCSI chip. Remarks3: Other people have had problems, at least some of those Remarks4: have been fixed by getting a bug-fixed BIOS. Remarks5: Entered: 03 Mar 1996
Title: Linux driver for MiCom-Interlan NI5010 ethernet card Desc1: The NI5010 is a dusty 8-bit, full size ISA ethernet card Desc2: featuring 2x2KB packet buffers. Desc3: Desc4: Desc5: Author: Jan-Pascal van Best AuthorEmail: InfoSources1: InfoSources2: InfoSources3: Assistance: appreciated, especially BETA-testers. CurrentStat: ready for BETA-testing ETA: When I've had reports from some testers Remarks1: The drivers isn't as efficient as it could be, but Remarks2: I'm not changing it until I know it works for more Remarks3: people than just me. Remarks4: Remarks5: Entered: 07 May 1996
Title: LogeMonde. Desc1: A distributed server which will store details of tempory accommodation Desc2: for students and others, but mainly students. The project will have to Desc3: demonstrate parallel processing in the read write monitor etc and Desc4: the use of signals etc. the project will be programmed in C. Desc5: Author: James Riley and Kai Carver AuthorEmail: InfoSources1: InfoSources2: InfoSources3: Assistance: Yes Please - anything CurrentStat: Running Late ETA: 18 feb 1996 something needs to be working. Remarks1: I think I know what I should be doing, but exactly how to impliment Remarks2: it remains a bit of a mystery.... Remarks3: Remarks4: Remarks5: Entered: 18 Jan 1996
Title: Plug-and-Play (PnP) Device Support Desc1: Kernel level support for all software configurable devices Desc2: that fall under the PnP specs. This includes support for: Desc3: PnP BIOS, PnP ISA, legacy ISA, ESCD, PCI, EISA, and PCMCIA. Desc4: Support for polled PnP via a daemon for hot-swapable Desc5: devices will be the last phase (someday). Author: Andrew E. Mileski AuthorEmail: InfoSources1: InfoSources2: InfoSources3: Assistance: Appreciated CurrentStat: Working on the kernel interface and PnP ISA support. ETA: Something bootable in 6 months. Remarks1: This is a *big* long term project that will require major Remarks2: changes to the kernel and its drivers. Remarks3: Help is welcomed from anybody interested in kernel hacking. Remarks4: Check the 'linux-kernel' mailing list for occasional info Remarks5: (mail with 'help' in the body) Entered: 04 Dec 1995
Title: SCEND - Simple Configuration EditiNg moDule Desc1: Full-screen configuration editor. Uses a generic format for Desc2: its data files and shell scripts to convert them. Primarily Desc3: intended to replace the current sequential kernel Desc4: configuration script. Desc5: Author: Werner Almesberger AuthorEmail: InfoSources1: Test/demo versions can be FTPed from InfoSources2: InfoSources3: KERNEL channel or comp.os.linux.development Assistance: feedback on user interface and concept appreciated CurrentStat: development suspended (make xconfig is a reasonable compromise) ETA: N/A (entry will be deleted if project isn't revived. hm) Remarks1: Remarks2: Remarks3: Remarks4: Remarks5: Entered: 23 Oct 1995
Title: TFS (Tape-Filesystem) Desc1: A driver and a enhanced Minix-Filesystem for Desc2: changing your SCSI-streamer into a blockdevice Desc3: Desc4: Desc5: Author: Stefan Opperskalski AuthorEmail: InfoSources1: InfoSources2: Email me for more informations or discussion ... InfoSources3: Assistance: not required CurrentStat: ready for ALPHA-testing ETA: Spring 1996 (reliable version) Remarks1: Archive site: Remarks2: See down in my www-site (download the driver) Remarks3: Further plans: bug fixing and optimizations Remarks4: for speed and stability Remarks5: Entered: 18 Nov 1995
Title: Temporary Filesystem (tmpfs) Desc1: Uses VM to allocate space for files, like in Desc2: SunOS(tm) and Solaris(tm). Desc3: Desc4: Desc5: Author: Jeff Garzik AuthorEmail: InfoSources1: InfoSources2: InfoSources3: Assistance: not required CurrentStat: in ALPHA ETA: July 1996 Remarks1: Remarks2: Remarks3: Remarks4: Remarks5: Entered: 01 Feb 1996
Title: UMAX scanner driver Desc1: Driver for most, if not all, UMAX scanners. I have a Desc2: Vista-S6, and would like people with all models of Desc3: UMAX scanners who would like to beta-test to contact Desc4: me. Desc5: Author: Michael K. Johnson AuthorEmail: InfoSources1: InfoSources2: UMAX corp. InfoSources3: Assistance: appreciated CurrentStat: code runs; only supports 1-pass scans so far. ETA: Available as alpha-test software now. Remarks1: UMAX was very cooperative in sending developer information Remarks2: via email! Also, it seems to follow SCSI-2 quite well. Remarks3: Nice, fast, cool, quiet, inexpensive scanner. I bought mine Remarks4: from Envisions as an "ENV 6600S", but the back says "Vista-S6". Remarks5: Envisions seems to sell the cheapest UMAX (OEM) scanners. Entered: 17 Apr 1996
Title: Virtual Partition System Desc1: VPS is a re-implementation of many of the IBM AIX Logical Desc2: Volume Manager ideas under Linux. We will be implementing Desc3: a new, versatile disk partitioning scheme. The first release Desc4: will have cross-disk filesystems and resizable filesystems. Desc5: Later we'll add resizable swapspaces and filesystem mirroring. Author: Mark D. Roth AuthorEmail: InfoSources1: InfoSources2: InfoSources3: Assistance: appreciated CurrentStat: still in the early design phase ETA: Remarks1: If you know anything about filesystems, I'd love to hear Remarks2: from you! Remarks3: Remarks4: Remarks5: Entered: 15 Sep 1996
Title: XQWK - QWK mailreader for X11 (requieres MOTIF(R)) Desc1: QWK Mailreader under X11R6, using Motif 2.0 Widget set. Desc2: A statically linked binary version will be available. Desc3: Desc4: Desc5: Author: Bernd Stahl AuthorEmail: InfoSources1: Send me an email! InfoSources2: InfoSources3: Assistance: not required CurrentStat: nearly ready ETA: conservative: sept. 95 Remarks1: Remarks2: Remarks3: Remarks4: Remarks5: Entered: 11 Aug 1995
Title: XWord Desc1: XWord is a free word processor for X. Various fonts Desc2: and sizes are available. When completed, XWord will export Desc3: to and import from various useful formats. Guile is used Desc4: as an extension language. Desc5: Author: The Hungry Programmers AuthorEmail: InfoSources1: InfoSources2: mailing list: InfoSources3: Assistance: assistance and testing appreciated CurrentStat: Working -- still buggy and changing rapidly. ETA: 2001 Remarks1: XWord will be GPLed. Remarks2: Send a message with a line in its body (not its subject) which Remarks3: says "subscribe xword" or "subscribe xword-digest" to join Remarks4: the mailing list. Remarks5: Entered: 03 Feb 1996
Title: cxdrv Desc1: A device driver for the cx100 frame grabber, by Desc2: Image-Nation, Oregon. The driver is designes as a module, Desc3: and can run with Linux-1.2 and 1.3. Desc4: Desc5: Author: Alessandro Rubini AuthorEmail: InfoSources1: Source available from and InfoSources2: InfoSources3: Assistance: Appreciated, to test hardware (ups's and os's) CurrentStat: code runs ETA: (code available on sunsite. entry will disappear soon. hm) Remarks1: Remarks2: Remarks3: Remarks4: Remarks5: Entered: 23 Oct 1995
Title: dialog Desc1: A new version of dialog-0.[456], compatible with the Desc2: old executable. This one would be a complete rewrite Desc3: in order to ease extension and maintenance. Desc4: Desc5: Author: Alessandro Rubini, Florian La Roche AuthorEmail:, InfoSources1: Mailing list InfoSources2: InfoSources3: Assistance: Not needed, but ideas and patches are welcome CurrentStat: dialog-0.6 runs, and is being slowly replaced ETA: Something great by the first quater of 1996 Remarks1: The final product (dialog-1.0) will spur out in Remarks2: graphics if invoked under xterm and will be quite Remarks3: portable across architectures. A small "boot-disk" Remarks4: version will be available. Remarks5: Entered: 21 Oct 1995
Title: shadow-3.3.2-patched (unofficial) Desc1: A multiple upgrade to the shadow-3.3.2 package including Desc2: better documentation, implementing people wish-lists as Desc3: we see fit, etc. Some of the kludged bits of the shaodw Desc4: library is being re-implemented. Bugs and memory leaks Desc5: willl be fixed, etc. Author: D.P.Simpson AuthorEmail: InfoSources1: Send email to InfoSources2: InfoSources3: Assistance: actively sought CurrentStat: First module test works. Some progress on implementation ETA: Unknown as work procceeds in fits and starts Remarks1: Nasty things like work tend to mean the time I have to Remarks2: continue this hacking is very limited. Further labour Remarks3: and (eventually) ALPHA testers would be very useful. Remarks4: My email address will last until July some time. After Remarks5: that it may work but then again it might not. Entered: 31 May 1995
Title: x2600 Desc1: An Atari 2600 emulator for X windows on Linux and Sun. I am Desc2: writing it as my third year project at university, so there Desc3: is a definate dead-line! Desc4: Desc5: Author: Alex Hornby AuthorEmail: InfoSources1: InfoSources2: InfoSources3: Assistance: appreciated, particularly hardware info and cart images CurrentStat: still in the design phase ETA: August 1996 Remarks1: I don't currently plan on emulating the sound hardware, but Remarks2: would be interested in what options are available to play Remarks3: 2 channel sound over a /dev/audio style interface, that would Remarks4: work on both SunOS and Linux. ( I have the soundIt library for Remarks5: linux but no SunOS equivalent. Entered: 18 Aug 1995

There are several projects I've heard of but for which I haven't received an entry yet. Here they are: Linus Torvalds (torvalds@cc.Helsinki.FI) Alpha AXP port for Linux (-> 64 bit version) (is in the mainstream kernel since the 1.1.70's) Louis-D. Dubeau ( Linux Mach Single Server (linuxss) project Pete Kruckenberg ( is in contact with SDL to get a driver for their V.35 board done. Some outdated entries which are frequently being asked for: Peter De Schrijver ( has uploaded a Linux Token Ring driver for 1.2.0 to and More info on
The Linux Projects Map is maintained by Harald Milz (,