Begin3 Title: xpilot Version: 3.5.1 Entered-date: 21MAY96 Description: A multiplayer tactical manouvering game for X and Unix workstations. Players have a fighter which they move along in an artificial world and shoot each other using various kind of weapons, without forgetting to fight against gravity. See also the www xpilot page: http://www.cs.uit/no/XPilot/ The package provides some utilities to better play or set up the game. Client and server included. Keywords: xpilot, game, multiplayer, X11 Author: Primary-site: /contrib/games/multiplayer 766887 xpilot-3.5.1.tar.gz Alternate-site: /pub/Linux/games/x11/networked 766887 xpilot-3.5.1.tgz Original-site: /pub/games/xpilot 766887 xpilot-3.5.1.tar.gz Platforms: Linux with X11. Rplay for sound. Copying-policy: GPL End