CHANGES FROM PREVIOUS VERSIONS ============================== 0.5 Modified to support the linux 2.0 version kernels. This will be my last update. I don't believe, there is any use in supporting a 1x speed CD-ROM drive in the future, that 4x speed CD-ROM drives have reached the price range of a few bucks ... 0.4.3 Changed names according to new major number and LST-bootkernel-requirements as noted by Ralf Flaxa speedup in timer commandline configuration If you update from an older version of this driver, you will notice, that the major device number has changed. It is now 30, so re-create your device special file. See below for instructions. IMPORTANT NOTE ============== THIS DRIVER SUPPORTS NEITHER 205MS DRIVES NOR 206 DRIVES AND FINALLY NOT ANY CONFIGURATION DIFFERING FROM CM250 HOSTADAPTER WITH 205 DRIVE. There's a 206 driver distributed with the standard linux 2.0 kernel.0). ABOUT THIS FILE: ================ This is a README for the file cm205cd0.5.tar.gz. This tar file contains the files: cm205cd0.5.diff README Use the lmscd0.4?.tar.gz for linux kernels version 1.2. For older versions (kernel < 1.1.92) watch out for lmscd0.3?.tar.gz. That includes the 'pure', the a, b and c-Patches ! For the interims 1.1.77-1.1.81 no patch is available. I couldn't modify as fast as the kernel patches came in :-) In lmscd0.3d.tar.gz is the patch for 1.1.82 till 1.1.92. ABOUT THE DRIVER: ================= cm205cd0.5 is an experimental driver for the LMS/Philips CD-ROM CM 205 connected to the CM 250 adapter. It has lots of enhancements and speed ups versus the 0.2 version of the driver. The 0.5 version runs stable on many machines and is for Linux 2.0. It supports kernel mechanism for allocating I/Os and IRQs. I have not come around to implement support to play audio. However, there is rudimantary audio support built into the CM 205 drive hardware: insert an audio CD, and press the volume knob to play it. Press that knob again to skip forward a sector. This driver should also work with the CM 225 external drive and the (old) CM 202. It does not work with the CM 206. Support for that drive is already included with the standard V 2.0 linux kernel distribution. There is a 'Multisession'-Version of the 205-drive in the stores: LMS205MS. This has a slightly different controller, so it can not be used with this version of driver. I am not aware of a driver for the 205MS! INCLUDING THIS DRIVER INTO YOUR KERNEL: ======================================= Unpack the .tar.gz file, then include the changes into your kernel using the patch command: cd /usr/src/linux make mrproper cat cm205cd0.5.diff | patch -p1 -s There should no hunks fail, but if so, look, if you can fix it by hand. If not, send an e-mail. CONFIGURING DEBUGGING: ====================== There is lots of debugging information, which can be compiled into the driver. By default, most of it is off. To turn on some of it (which I would ask you to do if you have problems, so you can report me more details!), change the values of DLEVEL, CLEVEL and DFUNC. DLEVEL defines the debugging level: #define DLEVEL 0 prints very few messages #define DLEVEL 1 prints some messages whenever an error occurs #define DLEVEL 2 protocolls most action, that is going on #define DLEVEL 3 outputs a real lot CLEVEL is how much double checks should be performed. #define CLEVEL 0 turns all integrity checks off #define CLEVEL 1 does a lot of tests, that really should not fail. #define CLEVEL 2 Reports some more errors about conditions, which are strange, but did not cause errors for me so far. If you set DFUNC to 1, additional information is printed along most debugging data, which tells about what action the driver is performing right now, or what the driver is expecting from the hardware. RECOMPILING YOUR KERNEL: ======================== You have to configure your kernel again to ensure, that the CD-ROM driver is really included. Thus don't forget to type "make config". Type (in directory /usr/src/linux): make mrproper; make config make depend make [zImage | zlilo | ...] When asked about the configuration, ensure, that you answer *yes* to the following two questions: * "LMS/Philips CDROM 202/205 driver support" * "ISO9660 cdrom filesystem support". Then type "make depend", and finally use make with your favourite options to compile a kernel. For further information, like installing your newly compiled kernel, please refer to the linux FAQ. CONFIGURING FOR YOUR HARDWARE: ============================== While 'make config' and answering the CM205-question with 'y' you are asked for your hardware-configuration. Please enter just a 3,4,5 or 6 for the interrupt number. But all other interrupts are possible to enter (if you have modified your card for high interrupts). For the I/O-address just enter the index number. If you do not enter 2 (0x300), 3 (0x310) or 4 (0x330) the default 0x340 is used. CREATING THE DEVICE SPECIAL FILE: ================================= After recompiling and installing your new kernel, you have to reboot. To access the drive, you have to create an entry for it in the /dev file. Type: mknod /dev/cm205cd b 30 0 chown root:disk /dev/cm205cd chmod 440 /dev/cm205cd If you want to give read permissions to anyone, use: chmod 444 /dev/cm205cd instead. MOUNTING A DISK: ================ Type: mkdir /cdrom mount -t iso9660 -o ro /dev/cm205cd /cdrom [Note the '-o ro' ! Since CDROMs are usually read-only you will receive an error, if you forget it.] UNMOUNTING/CHANGING A DISK: =========================== Type: umount -t /dev/cm205cd then change the disk, then do the mount command again. You can safely leave unused disks mounted. REPORTING BUGS: =============== Please report any problems you encounter. You can reach me by e-mail as Please include all information available. This includes: - Which kernel were you using? - Which other patches had you included? - How did you access the CD-ROM, when the driver failed (eg. were you just mounting/unmounting it, starting an executable, copying a file, etc., etc.)? - Did you just start or finish another program (for example, for a while, this driver kept crashing, when I left X-Windows). - Were you accessing other devices heavily at the same time (like sending bitmaps to the printer, ftp'ing to another host, etc.) - Can you reproduce the error, or does is appear unpredictable? - Please include all the debugging output, which was printed in the last few seconds before a crash or other failure. If you can reproduce the error, please recompile the kernel with higher debugging levels, and retry. PLEASE: Check, if you _really_ have the naked 205 (no MS-type nor 206) ! This driver doesn't work with any other types than the 205. AUTHOR: ======= Kai Petzke, MODIFICATIONS for the 1.1 and 1.2 kernels: ========================================== Martin Seine, COPYRIGHT: ========== This file is copyrighted by the author. You may use and distribute it under the terms of the GNU Copyleft. NO GUARANTEE: ============= Lot's of people have been using this driver with different kernels, and noone sent me mail about fatal problems caused by the driver being installed. But that does not mean, that there aren't problems. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.