Begin3 Title: MPU-401 Device Driver/Standard MIDI File library Version: 0.2 Entered-date: 1995-08-07 Description: A device driver for true Roland MPU-401 compatible MIDI interfaces (including Roland SCC-1 and RAP-10/ATW-10). Comes with a useful collection of utilities including a Standard MIDI File replayer and recorder. Numerous improvements have been made since version 0.11a. Among other things, the driver now features IRQ sharing policy and complies with the new kernel module interface. Metronome functionality, possibility for synchronizing e.g. graphics on a per beat basis without loosing precision, advanced replay/record/overdub interface and much, much more. Keywords: MPU-401 device driver General MIDI library music sequencer Author: (Kim Burgaard) Maintained-by: (Kim Burgaard) Primary-site: /pub/Linux/kernel/sound 114Kb mpu401-0.2.tar.gz 1228 mpu401-0.2.lsm Alternate-site: /pub/OS/Linux/kernel/sound Original-site: /pub/linux/kernel/Modules Platforms: Linux 1.2.4 (or newer) or 1.3.x configured with CONFIG_MODVERSIONS, GCC 2.7.0, modules-1.2.8 Copying-policy: GNU GPL 2 End