/pub/Linux/libs (INDEX) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 197-197a.diffs.gz patch from ncurses 1.9.7 to 1.9.7a X/ libs for X11 Xterminal-0.010.tar.gz text-based Object Oriented User Interface library acdc-1.0.src.tgz ncurses based audio CD plater bstreams.tar.gz C++ package for binary data i/o via <<, >> ops db/ database libraries dld.3.2.7.tar.gz source for a.out dynamic loading library ftplib.tgz library of callable ftp routines graphics/ graphics libraries inline-math-2.1.tar.gz inline floating-point GCC macros for the 80387/80486 ld.so-1.5.3.tar.gz dynamic linking library libc-4.6.27-syslog-fix.tar.gz Linux LIBC 4.6.27 with SYSLOG security patch libc.so.4.7.6.gz a.out libc with various fixes libcso509p.tgz libc 5.0.9 built with pentium optimizations libelf-0.6.4.tar.gz ELF object file access library libhelp-1.8.1.tar.gz html based ypertext help system libhelp.LICENCE license information libkb-1.00.tar.gz keyboard library for both Linux and MSDOS libmodem-0.99.2.tar.gz interface to the modem devices libreadline-2.0.0-bin-ELF.tar.gz GNU readline ELF shared lib binary dist librl-1.2.tar.gz dll for gnu's readlin library (w/ makefile fix) librl-2.0.3.tar.gz dll for gnu's readlin library (not 1.2 compat) linux-conio-1.01.tgz impl of dos conio.h functions (ncurses 1.9.9.e) linux-conio.tgz implementation of dos conio.h functions via curses linux.words.2.tar.gz /usr/lib/dict word list logwrites-1.1.tar.gz library for logging file modifications lwp-0.1-tar.gz sun compatible thread library (lwp) lzo-0.22.tar.gz real-time data compression library ncurses-1.9.9e.tar.gz curses terminal control library oldlibs/ Most of the old shared libraries rawkey-0.2.tar.gz library for using the keyboard in raw mode resize-197.shar patch to ncurses 1.9.7a for SIGWINCH support runix100.tgz user level portable remote file service shadow-GPL.tar.gz shadow library under LGPL shhmsg-1.2.tar.gz library for displaying messages shhmsg-1.3.tar.gz C library for displaying messages shhopt-1.1.tar.gz library for parsing command line options winlib-0.0.4.tar.gz windowing and menu library with mouse support zlib-1.0.4.tar.gz general-purpose data compression library zlibc-0.8.src.tar.gz libc w/ patch for open(2)ing compressed files [elf]