Begin3 Title: xview32LinuxElf Version: 1.00 (April 1995) Entered-date: 04/24/95 Description: A port of XView3.2 for XFree86 3.1.1 and ELF shared libraries. Includes a binary distrution of updated /usr/openwin, patches and full source code. olvwm and xcenter are included as additional XView clients. Keywords: XView, X, ELF, XFree86, openwin Author: Oleg Kibirev Maintained-by: ditto Primary-site: gd.cs.CSUFresno.EDU /pub/sun4bin/src/xview/ Original-site: Platforms: libc 5.0.2, gcc 2.6.4, XFree 3.1.1-Elf. Source code may compile with other ELF versions, but I didn't test it yet. Copying-policy: The same as Sun XView 3.2 release End