Begin3 Title: Taper Version: 6.7.4 Entered-date: 5AUG96 Description: This is a tape backup and restore program that provides a friendly user interface to allow backing/restoring files to a tape drive. Alternatively, files can be backed up to hard disk files. Selecting files for backup and restore is very similar to the Mouseless Commander interface and allows easy traversal of directories. Recursively selected directories are supported. Incremental backup and automatic most recent restore are defaults settings. SCSI, ftape, zftape, and removable drives are supported (ide tape drives in ALPHA stage) Information about archives is stored on the hard disk allowing information about archives to be obtained without having to have the tape in the drive. Keywords: Tape, Backup, Archive Author: (yusuf nagree) Maintained-by: Primary-site: /pub/Linux/system/Backup/taper-6.7.4.tar.gz /pub/linux/sources/sbin/taper-6.7.4.tar.gz Approx 250K Platforms: linux > 1.2.1 ncurses >= 1.9.6 with the forms library GCC > 2.6.1 Copying-policy: GPL End