Begin3 Title: rman Version: 2.5a6 Entered-date: 22JUL96 Description: (RosettaMan) RosettaMan is a filter for UNIX manual pages. It takes as input man pages formatted for a variety of UNIX flavors (not [tn]roff source) and produces as output a variety of file formats. Currently RosettaMan accepts man pages as formatted by the following flavors of UNIX: Hewlett-Packard HP-UX, AT&T System V, SunOS, Sun Solaris, OSF/1, DEC Ultrix, SGI IRIX, Linux, SCO; and produces output for the following formats: printable ASCII only (stripping page headers and footers), section and subsection headers only, TkMan, [tn]roff, Ensemble, SGML, HTML, LaTeX, RTF, Perl 5's pod. Binary provided by Jeremie PETIT ( and comes with no warranty. Keywords: rman, filter, man page Author: phelps@cs.Berkeley.EDU Primary-site: /ucb/people/phelps/tcltk 64105 rman-2.5a6.tar.Z Alternate-site: /pub/Linux/system/Manual-pagers 22293 rman-2.5a6.ELF.tgz 42303 rman-2.5a6.src.tgz Platforms: Unix Copying-policy: Copyrighted and free. End