Begin3 Title: morepkgtools - supplements Slackware's package tools Version: 1.2 Entered-date: 30.3.96 Description: A set of scripts which generate pkgtool package description files from lists of files or from the execution of a "make install" command, which list "custom packages" on a filesystem, which compress documentation files (and update the package description files) to save disk space, and which provides a menu-based interface to these and other tools. Replaces the mkpkg package version one by A Davison. Keywords: pkgtool make mkpkg Slackware pkgheader listcustompkgs Linux morepkgtools viewscripts ncurses html man2html zipdocdirs zdd packagetools Author: Stephen Kennedy (Internet) (AmPRNet) (Packet radio NTS) Material borrowed from: Andrew J. Davison Patrick Volderking Maintained-by: Stephen Kennedy (SDK Software) - details above Primary-site: Alternate-site: // Alternate-site: (AmPRNet only) Original-site: Platforms: This package was written for use with the Slackware distribution of Linux. The author would be pleased to receive feedback concerning the use of morepkgtools with other distributions (and indeed other flavours of Unix). Copying-policy: Free. See the copyright notice in the script for copyright conditions. The notice must remain intact in all distributions. Derivatives are allowed under certain conditions.