Begin3 Title: CMU SNMP Version: cmu-snmp-linux-3.2 Entered-date: 15AUG96 Description: Sixth release of the port of the CMU SNMP V1/V2usec agent and applications to Linux, with enhancements to the MIB-2 group (snmp, ipNetToMedia, udpEntry), the host resources MIB and the ident MIB. It supports additional configurable settings and supports setable system group variables, the TU-BS Linux MIB, and some more. It is the first release based on SNMPV2usec without support of the now historic party based SNMPV2. Keywords: SNMP, USEC, Linux, Network Management, Beck's Beer Author: Carnegie Mellon University, Steve Waldbusser, (Glenn Waters) Maintained-by: (Erik Schoenfelder) Primary-site: /pub/local/linux-cmu-snmp 189k cmu-snmp-linux-3.2-src.tar.gz 126k cmu-snmp-linux-3.2-bin.tar.gz 1k cmu-snmp-linux-3.2.lsm Alternate-site: /pub/Linux/system/Network/admin Original-site: Unknown. But a copy is avail at /pub/src/snmp/UT-ARCHIVE/cmu 125k cmu-snmp1.1b-v2usec.tar.gz Platforms: Linux 2.0 or later and libc v5.2.18 or later; this is for ELF only. Please note: It may or may not compile with Linux v1.2.x or v1.3.x and libc v4.6.x or other. Copying-policy: BSD End