Begin3 Title: asp Version: 1.3.2 Entered-date: 23Sep96 Description: Asp finds the ip address of an host connected to Internet knowing the host name and its possible ip addresses. The use of asp is suggested when the nameserver of the looked for host does not provide information about its address: this is a common case for hosts connected via ppp or slip with dynamic ip allocation. With asp you can let others to find your host when it is on-line independently from your ISP; this result is obtained running a server (you can choose between the standalone server or the inetd ver- sion) on your host. Keywords: address search dynamic ip ppp slip Author: Stenio Brunetta Maintained-by: Stenio Brunetta Primary-site: /pub/Linux/Network/misc 24326 asp-1.3.2.tar.gz 987 asp.lsm Alternate-site: /pub/Linux/Incoming Original-site: Platforms: linux 1.2.x, linux 2.0.x, AIX Copying-policy: GPL End