These are crude operational docs for sure, but they should give you a basic understanding of how to use both termnet and termsrvd. The purpose of these programs was to emulate a terminal server. Termnet is the client through which you the user communicates with the serial devices with like you would use telnet, and termsrvd is the server program that provides the actual connection to the serial device. By using a subset of the telnet protocol w/ a few special extensions allowing the port, bad rate and port parameters to be set, gives the user a convenient terminal program providing access to the serial ports on any machine that is running the termsrvd program. Just as termnet can be used to talk to any telnet service, telnet can also be used to connect to termsrvd, though the special port configuration options will not work in either of these situations. To alleviate this problem to some degree, termsrvd can be configured through the file /etc/services and /etc/inetd.conf to allow it to be started w/ fixed port assignments and configurations. Okay, now on to the options used by the programs. It is my hope to one day change termsrvd's options to conform to termnet's options. This will help in remembering them considerably. termsrvd: termsrvd [options] -p // Set port default port configuration -b // Set default baud rate -d // Set default initial device The port settings is a string composed of the following characters N // No parity (default) E // Even parity O // Odd parity 8 // 8 bits / word (default) 7 // 7 bits / word 6 // 6 bits / word 5 // 5 bits / word 1 // 1 stop bit (default) 2 // 2 stop bits H // Half Duplex F // Full Duplex (default) S[01] // S/W Flow control (off/on) (default = on) C[01] // H/W Flow control (off/on) (default = off) For example, -s 7EH2C1S0 will set up the port configuration as 7 bits, Even parity, 2 stop bits, Full duplex, and Hardware flow control on. The entire set does not have to be specified, any option not given will remain unchanged. Baud rate can be any of the following baud rates assuming both the hardware and the machines OS will allow them. I'm not sure of the commend, but fro my understanding, Unix will only allow a maximum baud rate of 9600 though there is a command that can be run to set it to a maximum of 38400. 300 600 1200 2400 4800 9600 19200 38400 Device is the full name of the device to initialy connect to such as /dev/cua0. termnet: termnet [options] [ []] [chat like sequences] If not provided, termnet will attempt to connect to 'localhost' on port 'termsrvd'. -e // Echo localy -d // Initial device -p // Initial port configuration -b // Initial baudrate -f