Begin3 Title: ljetmgr Version: 2.4 Entered-date: 02/07/1996 Description: This program makes the options on the front panel of a HP Laserjet printer directly available to the user at his screen. It is especially well suited for the newer Laserjet 5 models that completely lack front panel configurability. It comes complete with english/german language adaption and help pages. see the README file for more details. (versions for HP-UX and SGI are also available) Keywords: pjl laserjet printer Author: (Richard Schwaninger) Maintained-by: (Richard Schwaninger) Primary-site: /pub/Linux/system/Printing ljetmgr2.4.README 8k ljetmgr2.4-base.tar.gz 104k ljetmgr2.4-linux.tar.gz 524k ljetmgr2.4-hpux.tar.gz 614k ljetmgr2.4-irix.tar.gz (soon to come) ljetmgr2.4-english.tar.gz 117k ljetmgr2.3-german.tar.gz 132k Alternate-site: /pub/tcl/NEW Original-site: Platforms: ELF, X11, a printer that supports PJL, eg LaserJet IIISi, 4Si, 4SiMx, 4V, 4MV LaserJet 4, 4 Plus, 4M, 4M Plus, 4L, 4ML, 4P, 4MP, 4PJ LaserJet 5 Color LaserJet DeskJet 1200C and DesignJet Family PaintJet XL300 Copying-policy: free license - see the license help page for full details. End