I have written a new getty program, that can only be used as console getty for Linux. This getty is about half the size from agetty and very well suited for a Greased-Weasel(tm)-based System (better known as Linux). :-) As I would use nothing else but mgetty for a modem getty (greetings to Gerd Doering from me...), I wanted to have a very minimal getty for my virtual consoles under Linux. It is called mingetty-0.9 and is currently in the incoming-directory of sunsite and should probably be moved to /pub/Linux/source/system/Admin/login or /pub/Linux/system/Daemons/init. You could also fetch it from susix.jura.uni-sb.de/pub/linux/source/system. utmp-Handling is from agetty in util-linux 2.5 (probably added by Peter Orbaek poe@daimi.aau.dk), and Theodore Tytso has helped a bit about correct tty handling. By the way, if someone wants to learn about process groups, sessions, controling tty's and other things, I have found a good documentation in a recent version of the GNU info pages from the GNU C library. Some comments in the kernel are also very helpful and sometimes it is also possible to just read the relevant source code. S.u.S.E. GmbH in Germany has paid some of the time that was needed to write this program. Thanks a lot for their support. (These are no commercial words, just a hint, that you could buy Linux CD-ROMs and Linux-support from them...) Example entry for a sysvinit-based system: 1:123:respawn:/sbin/mingetty [--noclear] tty1 Please email me, if you need additional things from a console getty, that are currently not supported. I'd add them for you! Currently, a man-page is missing and I won't start writing one until end of march. So if someone volunteers, I'd be more than thankful. Thanks to all of you, Florian La Roche florian@suse.de florian@jurix.jura.uni-sb.de