Hiya! this is the release of yamm-2.5.6 (ALPHA) patch. This patch is a maintenance one, with just the changes to let yamm compile with new kernels. This patch is intended for that ppl that wrote me asking for the new yamm release. Ppl, thank you for your support! This version is not a bug-free well checked one, so if it don't work for you, don't be angry with me :) o It compiles drv_yamm with kernels >= 1.3.53 o Changed the /dev/yamm char device from maj=29 to maj=41 Please if you use this (ALPHA) version of yamm, let me know you are using it! If you find bugs, let me know! WARNING This release is checked with the drv_yamm module. The /proc version is not checked at all!!!! I have to leave my home at 16:00 (now it is 14:30) to reach Bozen (300Km far away) and my Army Corp! >>>> So I have no time to ckech it all!!!!! <<<< WARNING1 This is an ALPHA release. The next releases will strip out all the old-kernels code. The 1.2.?? official yamm versions will be the 2.5.5 and previous. The 1.3.somewhere will be the 2.5.6 and after. THIS RELEASE IS TESTED WITH AN ELF SYSTEM: Linux azuth 1.3.59 #1 Sat Jan 27 01:12:37 MET 1996 i486 gcc 2.7.0 libncurses.so => /usr/lib/libncurses.so.1.9.4 libtermcap.so.2 => /lib/libtermcap.so.2.0.0 libc.so.5 => /lib/libc.so.5.0.9 WARNING2 My cdc8g5 account will expire in an unknown date in the next future! I have an account at: riccardo@sli2.starlink.it If you want drop me an e-mail, please use this new address. Ciao, Riccardo.