Begin 35:PkgName = afdisk-0.01.tar.gz 35:Title = FDisk for Amiga RDB harddisks 25:Version = 0.01 65:Desc1 = An fdisk implementation for 65:Desc2 = harddisks using the Rigid Disk 65:Desc3 = Block (Amiga/Linux m68k stuff) 65:Desc4 = works also with Linux/i386 etc. 65:Author = Stefan Reinauer 65:AuthorEmail= 65:MaintBy = Stefan Reinauer 65:MaintAt1 = 65:Site1 = 64:Path1 = system/Misc 65:Required1 = any Linux System (?!) 65:CopyPolicy = GNU 65:Keywords = fdisk affs RDB amiga partition 15:ApproxSize = 19K 65:LastRel = 0.01 65:Comment1 = It's early APLHA so do not exspect to 65:Comment2 = much. It ought to work correctly, though. 30:CheckedBy = 8:Date = 08/06/96 End