Begin3 Title: hdump-1.1.tgz Version: 1.1 Entered-date: 25JAN96 Description: File utilities hdump is a simple hex dump utility. I missed it badly from OS-9 so I wrote my own. The difference between it on 'od' is the ascii dump side by side with the numeric dump. Makes it much easier to read a binary files contents. undump will take a hex dump created by dump and convert it back to a binary file. This is a very useful tool if you don't have access to a binary file editor. You may make patches to any binary file by redirecting the output of hdump to a file, useing a text editor on the file (editing only the hex values), then use undump to create the modified version. NOTE: undump will only work with HEX output from hdump or from the OS-9 dump utility. hdump -? results in: Syntax: hdump [] [] [] Function: formatted display of contents of a file Options: -b binary display -d decimal display -h hexadecimal display (default) -o octal display -z read from standard input -v version undump -? results in: Syntax: undump [] outfile []