I have uploaded dialog-0.6c.tar.gz to sunsite. It should be moved to pub/Linux/utils/shell, I think. (It is also on susix.jura.uni-sb.de/pub/linux/source/libc/ncurses/.) dialog is typically invoked from a shell script and puts nice yes-no/checklist/radio-button - menues on your screen. (Text is just passed on as arguments to dialog.) Starting point for this new version was dialog-0.54 from the RedHat people. I reformatted the source code to be better readable :-), deleted some old code for old broken nurses-versions, moved code around to give it a better structure (better modularisation), made some small modifications (forgot which, but all were very minor). One goal was to have a library, which can also be used from normal C programs and maybe perl5 (any volunteer to show me how to do this?). There are no new features and I also don't expect any compatibility problems with shell scripts written for previous releases. ("No known problems/bugs.") Please use ncurses-1.9.4 or newer with this dialog release. It's really worth it. (prep.ai.mit.edu or ftp.netcom.com/pub/zm/zmbenhal/ncurses.) If you have problems compiling dialog, you might have to change the source code to use '' instead of the now used ''. Thanks a lot, Florian La Roche florian@jurix.jura.uni-sb.de P.S.: I am currently working on a C program for my install disk. At the moment, most things just have to be recoded from perl to C. (Mainly calls to put nice menues on the screen.) If anybody wants to help me, I'd be more than thankful. (Apart from the install-disk hassel, my elf-distribution seems to complete and working now. Just look on susix.jura.uni-sb.de/pub/linux.) Current source for the C prog is in the dialog-0.6c source code...