This is a binary release of the core distribution of X11R6.1 for Linux/m68k (ELF). It's distributed in 10 archives: - X11R6_960411_bin.tar.gz : binaries - X11R6_960411_fonts_100dpi.tar.gz : fonts (100 dpi) - X11R6_960411_fonts_75dpi.tar.gz : fonts (75 dpi) - X11R6_960411_fonts_Speedo.tar.gz : fonts (Speedo) - X11R6_960411_fonts_Type1.tar.gz : fonts (Type 1) - X11R6_960411_fonts_misc.tar.gz : fonts (misc) - X11R6_960411_include.tar.gz : includes - X11R6_960411_lib.tar.gz : libraries and misc - X11R6_960411_man.tar.gz : man pages - X11R6_960411_servers.tar.gz : X servers and /etc/XF86Config The source diffs (relative to X11R6.1) are available in - X11R6_960411_xc_diffs.gz Notes: - X11R6.1 installs by default in `/usr/X11R6.1'. Make sure your `/etc/' contains a line `/usr/X11R6.1/lib' and rerun `ldconfig' so the dynamic linker will find the shared libraries. - You may want to relink `/usr/X11R6.1/bin/X' to another X server than the default (`XF86_FBDev'). There are 3 X servers available: o `XF86_Amiga': Amiga X server o `XF86_Atari': Atari X server o `XF86_FBDev': X server for a generic Frame Buffer Device - You may want to create a link from `/usr/X11R6' to `/usr/X11R6.1'. - You may want to create links from `/usr/X11R6.1/lib/*.6.0' to `/usr/X11R6.1/lib/*.6.1' to avoid problems with programs that expect all X shared libraries to have version 6.0. - This release contains only the core distribution (`xc') of X11R6.1. `contrib' may follow later. Special thanks to Martin Schaller, Andreas Schwab and Frank Neumann. Without their work this wouldn't be possible! Enjoy! -- Geert Uytterhoeven Wavelets, Linux/m68k on Amiga Department of Computer Science -- Katholieke Universiteit Leuven -- Belgium