Release Notes for XFree86[TM] 3.1.2G (beta version) The XFree86 Project, Inc 3 September 1996 This document describes the rationale and conditions of this beta release, what is new in the XFree86 beta versions 3.1.2G, 3.1.2F, 3.1.2E, 3.1.2D, 3.1.2B and 3.1.2A compared with the current release version 3.1.2, and how to install this beta release. Note: version 3.1.2C is included (in source form) in the X Consortium's X11R6.1 release. 1. General Information about Beta Releases This is a beta release of XFree86. XFree86 beta releases are available to the public in binary form only. Source code is available only to registered members of the XFree86 beta team. The main reason for this is that XFree86 beta versions often contain source code from other sources (such as the X Consortium) which is not yet available for public release. If you want to test or work on these releases at the source code level, you can apply for membership of the XFree86 beta team by sending email to The X servers included in beta releases have a built-in expiry date. The reason for this is to try to prevent them from persisting beyond the date of the next release, and to encourage people to test new beta releases. The expiry date for 3.1.2G is 15 January 1997. The XFree86 binary beta releases may be freely redistributed providing that they are not modified in any way, and providing that an unmodified version of this document and the BetaReport document is included with the distribution. The reasons for making this beta release publicly available are to give it the widest possible testing, and also to make support for new hardware available. The XFree86 Project encourages people to test this beta release, and to send us a report. We need both success and failure reports, and we also need people using already supported hardware to test these beta releases to make sure that we haven't broken anything while adding support for new hardware. A template for the Beta test reports can be found in the file ``BetaReport'' which should be available from the same place you got this file. It is also installed in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/doc/. Beta test reports should be sent to Please do not send these reports to our usual support address. The XFree86 FAQ contains a section about the current beta version. It includes a regularly updated list of known problems. If you are having problems with the current beta version, please look here first. Note that much of the documentation provided with this release has not been updated and still refers to 3.1.2. If in doubt, check the date shown in the file(s). 2. Who are the XFree86 Beta Releases Targeted At? The XFree86 beta releases are intended for people who are prepared to test software which might be unstable and which might be buggy, and report the results of the testing. These beta releases are not intended for beginners, but for people who have a basic knowledge of the OS so that they don't require much support for issues like upgrading system libraries and obtaining necessary packages. If you are going to test this software, you should be prepared for the following: o Installation problems. The installation procedure for beta releases gets only very limited testing prior to release. You should be prepared for problems here, and you should be prepared to upgrade other components of your system if it proves necessary. You should also have facilities to backup a previous installation (and preferably your entire system) so that it can be restored in case of serious problems. o New bugs. Since each beta version gets only a limited amount of pre-release testing, it is likely that a new version will contain new bugs. This is unavoidable, because any code change, be it fixing previous bugs or adding new features, brings with it the chance that new bugs have been introduced. You should be prepared for the possibility that the new version will have problems with your hardware. In this situation, you should first check the XFree86 FAQ to see if it is a known problem (possibly with a workaround), and then report the problem in detail. o Expiry date. The XFree86 beta servers have a limited lifetime. Before using one, you should be aware of this and what the implications of this are. If you have objections to software that has an expiry date, you shouldn't use this beta software. It is possible that when one version expires you may find that the replacement version has problems, or perhaps binaries of the replacement are not available for your OS. If you depend on a server for your work/school/etc, you shouldn't be relying on this beta software. 3. XFree86 and X11R6.1 XFree86 3.1.2D and subsequent releases are based on the X Consortium's X11R6.1. 3.1.2G is distributed as a complete release. R6.1 is an update to R6, and is intended to be compatible with R6 at the source and protocol levels. Binaries should be upward-compatible. X11R6.1 includes some new Xserver extensions: DOUBLE-BUFFER, XKEYBOARD and RECORD. LBX has been dropped from R6.1, and as such, has been dropped from XFree86 too. It is expected that it will reappear in some form in a future release. 4. OS issues Beta testers should always check the OS specific README files for special requirements or caveats. Testers running Linux/Elf (on Intel platforms) should note that they will need and (which is ncurses-1.9.9e). Both can be found at . 5. New Features in 3.1.2G 3.1.2G is primarily a bug-fix release. It is intended to fix some serious problems that were discovered shortly after 3.1.2F was released. 5.1. General X server changes o A `DefaultColorDepth' keyword has been added for the Screen section in XF86Config files to allow the default bpp to be specified. o A `-nolock' server command-line option has been added to allow the server's locking mechanism to be disabled. 5.2. XF86Setup o Some bugs in the XF86Setup utility have been fixed. 5.3. PC98 Support o Some bugs in the S3-based servers have been fixed. 5.4. S3 server o A display problem with Trio64V+ cards when operating at 16bpp has been fixed. o The "newmmio" driver is now disabled when the OS doesn't allow linear framebuffer access, or when the "nolinear" option is used. o Some potential problems with the way the accelerator is used have been fixed. 5.5. Mach64 server o Contrary to what is stated for 3.1.2F, the "no_block_write" option is sometimes still required. 5.6. Trident driver (SVGA server) o A problem with non-linear memory access for TGUI cards has been fixed. This should fix the problems that showed up with 3.1.2F with VLB cards when the "linear" option wasn't specified. o PCI burst write is now turned off by default for PCI TGUI cards. This fixes a problem that showed up with 3.1.2F when the "tgui_pci_write_off" option wasn't specified. On the downside, this can result in reduced performance for cards that can do PCI burst writes. This can be solved by adding the option "tgui_pci_write_on" to the Device Section. 5.7. Ark driver (SVGA server) o The Ark driver will now detect the ARK2000MT, but it is treated as an ARK2000PV. This hasn't been tested. 5.8. Alliance ProMotion driver (SVGA server) o A driver for the Alliance ProMotion 6442 has been added (from Alliance Semiconductor). This has not been thoroughly tested. 5.9. Cirrus driver (SVGA server) o A problem with clock limits for the CL-GD754x when operating at 16bpp has been fixed. However, the appears to be other problems remaining for some machines using the CL-GD754x chips. 5.10. Client/Library changes o A bug in the xterm termcap entry distributed with 3.1.2F has been fixed. o Some problems with xterm's handling of the colorUL and colorBG resources have been fixed. o An additional buffer overrun problem in libX11 which can lead to security problems has been fixed. 6. New Features in 3.1.2F o 3.1.2F includes a new, graphical utility for X server configuration called `XF86Setup'. NOTE: this utility requires that you have the VGA16 server installed, as well as the server specific to your video card. o 3.1.2F includes a full distribution for Linux/m68k. o Support for the Linux/Alpha has been improved. 6.1. General X server changes o The XKEYBOARD extension and related utilities and data files have been updated. The support for European keyboards should be better than in the previous release. 6.2. DGA Extension o SetViewport has been fixed for the SVGA server. o An InstallColormap function has been added. o DGA support has been added to the AGX server. o A man page has been added for this extension. 6.3. XInput Extension o Some problems with loading XInput dynamic modules have been fixed. o Motion history support has been added for XInput devices. o A driver for the SummaSketch tablet has been added. o The Wacom driver has been updated. 6.4. PC98 Support o A server has been added for the GA-968V4/PCI(S3 968). 6.5. S3 server o A bug which caused the server to hang during startup with Trio64V+ cards in machines with PCI SCSI controllers has been fixed. o Problems related to hardware bugs with the Trio64V+ video blanking signal have been worked around. o A new driver has been added for the 868/968/Trio64V+ which uses the new MMIO mode available with these chips. This new driver is used by default for these chips on Intel platforms, but not yet on Alpha platforms. It can be enabled for Alpha platforms by specifying: Chipset "NewMMio" If you see any problems with the new driver, please let us know. It is possible to disable this new driver and use the old one by specifying: Chipset "mmio_928" in the Device section. Please test the new driver before disabling it, and for any problem you see, also check if it happens with the old driver, and let us know (even if the old driver fixes the prob- lem!). o An initialisation problem with some VideoLogic cards has been fixed. 6.6. Mach64 server o A bug in the handling of block_write that was introduced in 3.1.2E has been fixed. If you needed to add the "no_block_write" option to your XF86Config in 3.1.2E, you should be able to remove it now. 6.7. W32 server o Support has been added for the ET6000 6.8. I128 server o Support has been added for the Series 2 cards. o Support has been added for 8MB cards. 6.9. Trident driver (SVGA server) o Some problems introduced in 3.1.2E have been fixed. Refer to the README.trident file for details of new options that may be required. 6.10. SiS driver (SVGA server) o 256 colour support has been added. 6.11. Chips and Technologies driver (SVGA server) o This driver has been significantly reworked. o Support has been added for the 65546, 65548, 65550 and 65554. o Linear addressing support for the 65530 and above. o 16bpp and 24bpp (packed) support for the 65545 an above. o BitBLT acceleration for the 65545, 65546 and 65548. 6.12. ALI driver (SVGA server) o Interlaced modes now work with this driver. 6.13. ATI driver (SVGA server) o Mach64 support has been improved. 6.14. Cirrus driver (SVGA server) o Support has been added for the CL-GD5446 and CL-GD5462. 6.15. ET3000 driver (SVGA server) o VGA16 support has been added to the ET3000 driver. 6.16. Client/Library changes o Various bugs in the previous version of xterm have been fixed. o The termcap and terminfo entries for xterm have been updated. o Support for ddterm's escape sequences has been added to xterm. o Support for most vt220/vt320 escape sequenced has been added to xterm. o xdm's session handling on BSD OSs has been fixed. o Some buffer overrun problems which can lead to security problems have been fixed in libXt and libX11. At least one of these problems has been used to exploit the setuid xterm. 6.17. Fonts o The Cyrillic fonts have been updated. 7. New Features in 3.1.2E 7.1. General o 3.1.2E is based on the first publicly released form of X11R6.1 (i.e,. X11R6.1 public patch 1). o Many updates have been made to the OS/2 port. o 3.1.2E also includes a first full distribution for Linux/AXP (Linux on DEC Alpha/AXP architecture) with tested servers for S3 and Mach64 cards. 7.2. General X server changes o All VGA cards with a set of discrete clocks (i.e. not a ClockChip or a ClockProg) can now also use all the clocks mentioned in the clocks line divided by 2. This presents the server with twice as many clocks to choose from. Add the option "clkdiv2" to the "Device" section of XF86Config to enable this. o Some cursor colouring bugs have been fixed for servers that use hardware cursors. o Autorepeating modifier keys when using XKB have been fixed. 7.3. XInput Extension o A new device supporting mouse protocols has been added. o The wacom device has been enhanced to support tilt valuators and to have a motion history. 7.4. PC98 Support o Bugs have been fixed in some of the PC98 servers. o Support has been added for the PowerWindow968, Cyber9320 and TGUI9680. o Support has been added for the PANIX-PC98 SVR4.0 OS. 7.5. S3 server o Support for the ELSA Winner 2000PRO/X rev G and ELSA Gloria-8 (except the GLint 300SX 3D chip) has been added. o S3 dashed lines are finally fixed. o Fixed some problems with the S3 Trio64V+. o Added options "slow_dram" and "slow_edodram" to avoid pixel errors on the display for some broken cards. 7.6. Mach64 server o Screen blanking for Mach64 CT cards running at 16bpp and 32bpp has been fixed. o The Mach64 server will detect the new VT and GT cards, and it should work for at least the VT cards. o A problem that caused the server to incorrectly use block I/O mode on some cards has been fixed. o A problem with olvwm icons has been fixed. o A problem with ghostview scrollbars has been fixed. This may also fix some Netscape font problems that have been reported. 7.7. W32 server o Support has been added for the ICD2061A clock chip (which is used on the Diamond Stealth 32). o The server's reporting of bits/RGB resolution has been fixed. 7.8. P9000 server o DGA support has been added to the P9000 server. 7.9. Trident driver (SVGA server) o Support for the TGUI9320 has been fixed (it was broken in 3.1.2D). 7.10. ATI driver (SVGA server) o There have been a number of updates to the ati driver. 7.11. ARK driver (SVGA server) o A problem which caused the server to crash when no Ramdac was given in the XF86Config file has been fixed. 7.12. Client/Library changes o Problems with the colour support in xterm have been fixed. o POSIX termios support has been added for xterm on most BSD systems. This removes the need for the BSD kernel to built with the COMPAT_43 option. There are problems with this on FreeBSD 2.0.5 and earlier, so it isn't used in that case. o The termcap and terminfo entries for xterm have been brought up to date. 8. New Features in 3.1.2D 8.1. General o OS/2 support has advanced significantly. There should be OS/2 binaries available soon. 8.2. General X server changes o A security problem related to the X server's lock files has been fixed. o The DGA extension has been implemented now for all servers that can support it, and some bugs in the previous version have been fixed. Connections are now only allowed from clients using a local connection type (e.g., DISPLAY=":0"). o The VidMode extension (as used by xvidtune) now by default only allows changes to modes by clients using a local connection type. There is also an option to completely disable mode changes via this extension. o A new server extension called "XFree86-Misc" has been added. The primary purpose of this is to allow reconfiguration of some parameters while the server is running. Some functions previously in the VidMode extension (like screen save functions) have been moved to this new extension. o Support has been added for the ALPS GlidePoint. A tap on the pad is treated as a fourth button. o A RecolorCursor problem that was present in servers/drivers using HW cursors has been fixed. o The XKEYBOARD extension is included in the servers as part of X11R6.1. It is enabled by default, but can be disabled either from the command line (see the Xserver man page) or from the XF86Config file (see XkbDisable in the XF86Config man page). With this extension enabled, you may see some differences in the keyboard mappings. 8.3. PC98 Support o Initial release of the PC98 NKV-NEC(cirrus) server. This server is based on the PC-AT SVGA(cirrus) server. o Initial release of the PC98 WABS server. This server is based on the PC-AT SVGA(cirrus) server. o Initial release of the PC98 GANB-WAP server. This server is based on the PC-AT SVGA(cirrus) server. o Initial release of the PC98 WAB-EP server. This server is based on the PC-AT SVGA(cirrus) server. o Initial release of the PC98 WSN-A2F server. This server is based on the PC-AT SVGA(cirrus) server. o Initial release of the PC98 EGC server. This server is based on the PC-AT VGA16(generic) server. o Initial release of the PC98 PEGC-480 server. This server is based on the PC-AT SVGA(generic) server. 8.4. S3 server o A Ti3026 clock problem that appears on some SPEA cards has been fixed. o Code has been added to automatically detect the Trio32 bug that causes font cache problems. If you've needed to use the "trio32_fc_bug" option in 3.1.2B, try removing it and let us know if there are any problems. o Framebuffer address problems with some 1MB Trio64 VLB cards should be fixed. o The low ICS5342 clock limit has been removed. o A workaround is included for the "bright left border" problem that shows up with some Trio64V+ cards. o Detection of Diamond S3 cards has been improved. If you've needed to use the "diamond" option to avoid screen wrapping in previous releases, try removing it and let us know if there are any problems. o Memory parameter calculations for 2MB Trio64 cards have been fixed. If you've needed to add something like "S3MClk 170" to your XF86Config with previous versions, you should remove it now. o The handling of the S3RefClk XF86Config setting has been fixed for cards with an IBM Ramdac. o Fixes for S3 dashed lines are included. Part of this is a workaround for a dashed line bug in some 968 chips. 8.5. Mach64 server o The Mach64 server now correctly initialises Block I/O mode on cards which report that it is available. This fixes the problem of some Mach64 CT cards not being recognised in earlier versions. o In addition to the known problems listed below for version 3.1.2B, the following problems are known: + Olvwm icons may be displayed with some pieces missing. + Screen blanking at 16bpp doesn't work properly with CT (and other?) cards. 8.6. I128 server o Problems detecting some I128 cards have been fixed. o The server doesn't yet support 8MB cards. o The server is still completely unaccelerated. 8.7. SVGA/VGA16/Mono servers o A PCI probe has been added to these servers. If it causes problems, it can be disabled by adding the line: Option "no_pci_probe" to the Device section in your XF86Config file. 8.8. Trident driver (SVGA server) o Known problems with TGUI9440 cards have been fixed (including interlaced modes). o Support for TGUI9660/9680 cards has been improved. 8.9. ARK driver (SVGA server) o The ICS5342 clock support (required for the Diamond Stealth64 Graphics 2001 series) has been fixed. 8.10. ATI driver (SVGA server) o The driver name has been changed back from "vgawonder" to "ati". o Support is included for most recent Mach64 cards. o The "undoc_clocks" option has been removed. If you had been using it, remove it from your XF86Config file. o A colourmap problem with VGA Wonder V3 boards has been fixed. 8.11. ET4000 driver (SVGA server) o The ET4000 driver support in the SVGA server was broken in 3.1.2B for old ET4000 (non-W32) cards. This has been fixed. 8.12. Compaq AVGA driver (SVGA server) o The Compaq AVGA driver has been disabled in this release because it doesn't work, and nobody seems interested in fixing it. 8.13. Hercules mono driver o The Hercules mono driver has been disabled in this release because it has problems, and isn't likely to be fixed soon. 8.14. XInput Extension o Bugs with the Wacom Tablet support have been fixed. o The Eraser button of a Wacom stylus may now be used as a third button. o Joystick support is now included for NetBSD. o XInput drivers are now dynamically loadable for Linux/ELF, FreeBSD, and NetBSD. o Multiple instances of XInput devices may be specified. As a consequence, the "Joystick2" device has been removed. 8.15. SuperProbe o Much improved detection for Mach64 cards. o Improved detection for Trident cards. o Added detection of SiS cards. 8.16. Client/Library Changes o As part of the change to X11R6.1, the shared library revisions for libX11, libXaw, libXext, and libXtst have been incremented to 6.1. o The client-side library code for the XFree86 extensions and the ScreenSaver extension has been moved into separate libraries. The old libXExExt has been removed. o Colour support is now included by default in xterm. I18N support in xterm has been improved (as part of X11R6.1). If you've previously been using one of the many "color_xterm" variants, try this and let us know if you have any problems. o xdpyinfo has been updated to provide more detailed information about the XInput extension and the XFree86 extensions. o The setting/examining of extended screen saver parameters has been added to xset (was in xvidtune). xset can now also be used to set the keyboard repeat parameters. 9. New Features in 3.1.2B 9.1. General X server changes o A new extension called XFree86-DGA is now provided. This allows a client program to get direct access to the video card's memory. This is currently only implemented for the S3 and Mach64 servers and the Cirrus and Trident drivers of the SVGA server. For details of the client-side API, see the file README.DGA. o An implementation of the XInput extension is now included. It has support for the following devices: + Joystick (Linux and FreeBSD only at the moment) + Wacom tablet (Wacom IV protocol only) + Elographics touchscreen Refer to the XF86Config(4/5) manual page for configuration details. o The default black and white pixel values are now black = 0 and white = 1 for all servers. This may be swapped with the `-flipPixels' command-line option. o The RepeatMiddle keyword that was added in 3.1.2A has been removed because it didn't work properly. 9.2. PC98 support o Support has been added for PC98 machines. These are Intel based machines which are common in Japan. o Initial release of the PC98 NEC(S3) server. This server is based on the PC-AT S3 server. o Initial release of the PC98 SKB-PowerWindow(S3) server. This server is based on the PC-AT S3 server. o Initial release of the PC98 PowerWindowLB(S3) server. This server is based on the PC-AT S3 server. 9.3. Number Nine Imagine 128 server o A new server for the Number Nine Imagine 128 card is included. This server is currently not accelerated. 9.4. Trident driver (SVGA server) o TGUI9440 is now fully supported by the SVGA server. o Major updates for most of the trident family of chips. o Preliminary support for the 9660/9680 chipsets - please test! o Hardware Cursor support has problems when mode switching. This is only a positioning issue and shouldn't cause any problems. o Check README.trident distributed with this release for full details. o Known problems: + There is a problem with interlaced modes with the SVGA driver. 9.5. ARK driver (SVGA server) o The ICS5342 clock support (required for the Diamond Stealth64 Graphics 2001 series) reportedly didn't work in the 3.1.2A version. A problem with it has been found and fixed in 3.1.2B, but it hasn't been tested. 9.6. S3 server o Workaround for the hardware bug in some new Trio32 chips that causes font corruption. To enable this workaround, add the following line to the Device section of your XF86Config: Option "trio32_fc_bug" o Support for S3 and Bt485 HW cursor in doublescan modes. o Fix positioning of IBM RGB Ramdac HW cursor in interlace and doublescan modes (the cursor shape still isn't correct). o Fixed detection of Trio64V+ cards. o Improved linear fb detection for PCI cards. In particular this should allow most Trio64V+ cards to use the linear fb, which seems to prevent a lot of the lockups that have been reported. o Support for the ELSA Elsa Winner2000PRO/X-2,4 Rev.G which uses an ICS9161A clock chip as well as the Ti3026 RAMDAC (clock doubling not supported yet). o The AT&T20C409 RAMDAC now supported at clocks up to 135MHz in 8bpp mode. 9.7. Mach64 server o The Mach64 CT (also known as the 264CT, or 215CT22200) chip is now supported. This chip has a integrated RAMDAC and clockchip, and is used on some Graphics Xpression and WinBoost cards. o The Mach64 GX-F (GX rev 3) is now supported. o The IBM RGB514 RAMDAC is now supported (as used on the ATI Graphics Turbo Pro 1600). o The "program_clocks" option added in the 3.1.2A version has been removed, so if you have been using it in your XF86Config you will need to remove it. The use of programmed clocks is now the default when a programmable clock chip is present. This can be disabled if necessary by adding the following line to the Device section of the XF86Config: Option "no_program_clocks" o The memory base should now be correctly detected for VLB cards. If you've needed to add a `MemBase' line to the XF86Config for previous versions, please try removing it, and let us know if there are any problems. o Cursor colour problems at 16bpp/32bpp mode with some RAMDACs have been fixed. o Errors in detecting some RAMDACs (like the CH8398) should now be fixed. o 8 bit-per-RGB mode (when running at 8bpp) is now default for RAMDACs that support it. o Known problems with this version of the Mach64 server are: + The Background colour is not correctly set after exiting the server when using a GPT1600 card. + VT switching does not work for cards with the CH8398 and AT&T20C409 RAMDACs. + The background colour of the cursor in xterms for the CH8398 and AT&T20C409 RAMDACs is blue instead of black in 16bpp and 32bpp modes. + When using the software cursor, after switching to the console and back, it leaves ``droppings'' when entering and exiting windows (this bug is also present in 3.1.2). 9.8. ET4000/W32 server o Support for the STG1703 RAMDAC/clock has been added. Clocks up to 135MHz should be OK. To use the programmable clock add the following line to the Device section of the XF86Config: ClockChip "stg1703" o Options have been added to allow PCI burst mode and W32 interleaving to be turned on or off. The XF86Config Device section entries for these are: Option "pci_burst_on" Option "pci_burst_off" Option "w32_interleave_on" Option "w32_interleave_off" 9.9. SiS 86C201 support o Support is included in 3.1.2B for the SiS 86C201 PCI graphics card. It is currently only supported by the VGA16 and Mono servers. Support for 256 colour operation is being worked on. 9.10. Client/Library changes o The following new clients have been added: + dga -- a test program for the XFree86-DGA extension. + xsetmode, xsetpointer -- programs for use with the XInput extension. 10. New Features in 3.1.2A 10.1. General X server changes o Underscore characters are now ignored in Options and keywords in the XF86Config file. o The built-in X server malloc is used by default. o Fix a problem that can cause the X server to crash when running xvidtune. o A new pointer keyword RepeatMiddle has been added to support dual-protocol 3-button mice which repeat the previous button event when the middle button is pressed in Microsoft-compatible mode. If you've had problems getting the middle button working on your mouse, try this. o Bitmap fontpath elements can have ":unscaled" appended to prevent the fonts from being treated as scalable. This works with the fontserver (xfs) too. 10.2. Trident driver (SVGA server) o Preliminary support is included for the TGUI 9440. 10.3. Cirrus driver (SVGA server) o Support has been added for the CL-GD7543. o The programmable clock code has been improved to avoid unstable settings. 10.4. ARK driver (SVGA server) o Preliminary support has been added for the ICS5342 RAMDAC/programmable clock, which is used on the Stealth64 Graphics 2001 card. This has had very little testing so far. To enable this, add the following lines to the Device section of your XF86Config file: Ramdac "ics5342" ClockChip "ics5342" Do not include any Clocks lines in your XF86Config file. o Panning has been fixed for ARK2000PV cards with 2MB of video memory. 10.5. WD90C24 driver (SVGA server) o A problem with snow at high clocks has been fixed. 10.6. S3 server o The default InvertVCLK settings have been changed for #9 Motion 771 cards and Hercules Terminator 64 Pro cards. If you have needed to add Invert_VCLK lines to your XF86Config file to avoid screen wrapping with version 3.1.2, please remove them when testing this version. If there are problems with the new defaults, please report them to us. o Preliminary support has been added for the AT&T 20C409 and AT&T 20C499 RAMDACs with 868 cards. 8bpp pixel multiplexing currently does not work. o The IBM RGB526 RAMDAC used on the newer Diamond Stealth64 Video 3240/3400 cards isn't yet auto-detected, but it will work if the following line is added to the Device section of your XF86Config file: Ramdac "ibm_rgb526" 10.7. Mach32 server o Hardware cursor mask problem has been fixed. 10.8. Mach64 server o Hardware cursor mask problem has been fixed. o Support for the AT&T 20C408 RAMDAC/Clockchip has been added. o Arbitrary clocks can be used on most boards with supported clock chips. This is enabled with the "program_clocks" option. 10.9. ET4000/W32 server o Support has been added for the ICS5341 programmable clock. To enable this, add the following lines to the Device section of your XF86Config file: Ramdac "ics5341" ClockChip "ics5341" o Problems that could cause the W32 server to crash at startup or get stuck in a loop at exit have been fixed. 10.10. AGX server o Fix for clock probing with AGX-010 chips. 10.11. VGA16 server o A problem preventing the StaticGray visual from working has been fixed. 10.12. xf86config utility o Incorrect handling of IBM RGB Ramdacs has been fixed. 10.13. SuperProbe o Added detection for C&T 65548, Cirrus CL-GD7543/1, AT&T 20C409, AT&T20C499, and fixed an incorrect ET4000/W32 probe problem. 10.14. Client/Library changes o The xdm security fix from the X Consortium's fix-13 is included. o xconsole has been updated for Unixware 2.x. o Colour support has been added to xterm. o XNLS support has been added for KOI8-R. o xrdb dynamically allocates string space to avoid overruns. o A memory overrun problem in xterm has been fixed. o An "AllowNullPasswd" resource has been added to xdm. o libXt bug fix from the X Consortium's fix-13. 11. Installing the XFree86 3.1.2G Beta Release The XFree86 3.1.2G binary beta release is distributed as a full release, not as an upgrade. What follows is a list of the XFree86 3.1.2G components. There may be some variations in this for some OSs. The following are required for all installations: BetaReport Beta test report template form Pre-installation script Post-installation script 312Gbin.tgz Clients, run-time libs, and app-defaults files 312Gdoc.tgz Documentation 312Gfnts.tgz 75dpi and misc fonts 312Glib.tgz Data files required at run-time 312Gman.tgz Manual pages 312Gset.tgz XF86Setup utility 312GVG16.tgz 16 colour VGA server (XF86Setup needs this server) The following X servers are for PC/AT hardware. Choose at least one which matches your hardware, as well as the VGA16 server. The VGA16 server is required by the new configuration utility (XF86Setup). 312G8514.tgz 8514/A server 312GAGX.tgz AGX server 312GI128.tgz I128 server 312GMa32.tgz Mach 32 server 312GMa64.tgz Mach 64 server 312GMa8.tgz Mach 8 server 312GMono.tgz Mono server 312GP9K.tgz P9000 server 312GS3.tgz S3 server 312GSVGA.tgz SVGA server 312GVG16.tgz 16 colour VGA server (XF86Setup needs this server) 312GW32.tgz ET4000/W32, ET6000 server The following X servers are for PC98 hardware. If you have a PC98 machine, choose one which suits your hardware. If you don't know what a PC98 machine is, you don't need any of these. 312G9NS3.tgz PC98 NEC(S3) server 312G9SPW.tgz PC98 PCSKB-PowerWindow(S3) server 312G9LPW.tgz PC98 PowerWindowLB(S3) server 312G9EGC.tgz PC98 EGC(generic) server 312G9GA9.tgz PC98 GA-968V4/PCI(S3 968) server 312G9GAN.tgz PC98 GANB-WAP(cirrus) server 312G9480.tgz PC98 PEGC-480(generic) server 312G9NKV.tgz PC98 NKV-NEC(cirrus) server 312G9WBS.tgz PC98 WABS(cirrus) server 312G9WEP.tgz PC98 WAB-EP(cirrus) server 312G9WSN.tgz PC98 WSN-A2F(cirrus) server The following are optional. 312Gf100.tgz 100dpi fonts 312Gfcyr.tgz Cyrillic fonts 312Gfnon.tgz Other fonts (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Hebrew) 312Gfscl.tgz Scalable fonts (Speedo and Type1) 312Gfsrv.tgz Font server and config files 312Gprog.tgz X header files, config files and compile-time libs 312Gcfg.tgz sample config files for xinit, xdm 312Gnest.tgz Nested X server 312Gvfb.tgz Virtual framebuffer X server If you already have a version of XFree86 installed, MAKE A BACKUP OF /usr/X11R6 BEFORE DOING ANYTHING ELSE. The standard installation procedure will overwrite your existing version of XFree86. If you are installing from scratch, create a directory called /usr/X11R6, then extract the required .tgz files. If you don't have enough space in /usr for this, create a directory elsewhere and create a symbolic link to it. E.g., if you create a directory in /home: mkdir /home/X11R6 ln -s /home/X11R6 /usr The next step is to run the pre-installation script. This script makes some preliminary checks of your system. For some OSs, it may tell you to install new versions of some system components before proceeding with the installation. This script also removes outdated files and symbolic links from a previous installation that may cause problems. Copy the script to /var/tmp, then run go to /usr/X11R6 and run it: cd /usr/X11R6 sh /var/tmp/ The .tgz files are gzipped tar files. To extract them, go to /usr/X11R6, and run the following as root for each file you need: gzip -d < X312Ffile.tgz | tar vxf - On some OSs, you might get some "Broken Pipe" messages. Providing there are no other messages associated with this, they can be safely ignored. If you are using NetBSD or FreeBSD, a more reliable way of doing this is to extract the .tgz files with: gzip -d < X312Ffile.tgz | tar -v -x --unlink -f - If you have GNU cpio (as Linux does) or SVR4 cpio, a more reliable way of doing this is to extract the .tgz files with: gzip -d < X312Ffile.tgz | cpio -i -v -u -H ustar Once the required .tgz files have been extracted, copy the script to /var/tmp, then run go to /usr/X11R6 and run it: cd /usr/X11R6 sh /var/tmp/ For OSs which use ldconfig (like Linux, FreeBSD and NetBSD), you should either run ldconfig or reboot to complete the installation. On FreeBSD and NetBSD, ldconfig takes arguments. In particular, you should at least include /usr/lib and /usr/X11R6/lib on the command line. Check /etc/rc to see how ldconfig gets run at boot time. Generated from XFree86: xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/doc/sgml/RELNOTE.sgml,v 3.41 1996/09/03 15:12:13 dawes Exp $ $XFree86: xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/doc/RELNOTES,v 3.36 1996/09/03 15:26:44 dawes Exp $