amiga - binaries and/or sources for Amiga tools gas-1.38.lha - lha'ed archive of the gas-1.38 sources (includes fixes by Hamish Macdonald) gtar10.lha - lha'ed archive of GNU tar version 10 sources (includes amiga binary) specs.shar - A sharfile containing an up-to-date specs file for gcc which gives the correct options to the various gcc passes for correct compilation of linux. gas-2.2.changes - Sources patches to gas-2.2 to build an m68k-linux assembler. gas-2.2.linux.tar.gz - gas-2.2. sources ready-to-compile on an Amiga with gcc. Configure has already been run, all links are setup. The resulting executable can be found in the "amiga" subdirectory in gas-2.2.gz. Note that you have to use at least 200K of stack when building gas. binutils-1.9l.1.tar.gz - The source for the m68k-linux binutils. Ready to compile on an Amiga. You'd have to make changes to the Makefile to compile it anywhere else. ld.diffs.shlib - A patch to binutils-1.9l.1.tar.gz to allow correct linking of dynamically linked executables. ld-2.5.2.gz - m68k-linux linker that understands the -qmagic flag tar.gz - gzipped statically linked executable of GNU tar for linux/68k. m68k-linux.gcc.diffs.gz - gzipped patches for gcc-2.5.8 to allow the generation of gcc for m68k-linux. tools-m68k.tar.gz - The changed portions of tools-2.9.tar.gz which were changed for m68k support. These are the tools you use to generate shared, dynamically linked libraries. ext2-util.diff.gz - Diffs against e2fsprogs-0.4a for m68k-linux. Use with 0.08pl3. fsck.ext2.gz - New filesystem checker for ext2 fs. Use with 0.08pl3. mkfs.ext2.gz - New filesystem maker for ext2 fs. Use with 0.08pl3. minix-util.diff.gz - Diffs against util-linux-1.6 for m68k-linux. Use with 0.08pl3. fsck.minix.gz - New filesystem checker for minix fs. Use with 0.08pl3. mkfs.minix.gz - New filesystem maker for minix fs. Use with 0.08pl3.