ash.tar.gz - source for the BSD 4.4 "ash" bourne shell. libgcc.tar.gz - source for the libgcc1.a portion of the libgcc.a library (this portion contains the assembler routines for floating point multiply etc). atalnx_3.lzh - Sources for Linux/68k for the Atari. inc-4.5.26.tar.gz - Include files for libc version 4.5.26. libc-4.5.26.tar.gz - Source for libc version 4.5.26. linux-0.9.tar.gz - Sources for version 0.9 of the Linux/68K kernel. linux-0.9pl1.diffs.gz - Sources for the 1st patch of version 0.9. linux-0.9pl2.diffs.gz - Sources for the 2nd patch of version 0.9. ext2fs0.5a.diffs.gz - Some minor source diffs to ext2fs0.5a.tar.gz (ext2 filesystem utilities such as fsck, mkfs etc). linux-0.9pl3.diffs.gz - Sources for the 3rd patch of version 0.9. linux-0.9pl4.diffs.gz - Sources for the 4th patch of version 0.9. linux-0.9pl5.tar.gz - Full sources for the 5th patch of version 0.9. linux-0.9pl5.diffs.gz - Sources for the 5th patch of version 0.9. linux-0.9pl6.diffs.gz - Sources for the 6th patch of version 0.9. Xincludes.tar.gz - Include files for X11R6 new-filesys.gz - A gzipped file system image. This is a 1024K image, which can only be loaded as a ramdisk. This is a root file system image, containing a "sh", "ls", "cp", "mkfs", "mount", "tar", new shared libraries and a number of other programs. If one of the supplied SCSI drivers works on your system, you should be able to "mkfs" a minix filesystem on a hard disk partition, mount the partition off this root filesystem and copy files to the partition.