CONTENTS - This file README - description of how to use the files in this directory amiboot-?.?.gz - bootstrap programs for Amiga ataboot-?.?.gz - bootstrap programs for Atari e2fsprogs-0.5b.diffs.gz - Patches for using e2fsprogs-0.5b with linux/68k 1.2.10 e2fsprogs-1.01-for-1.2.13pl4.bin.tar.gz - The name says it all: New e2fsprogs for use with pl4 or later filesys-1.2.gz - A ramdisk image for use with Linux/68k 1.2.x up to pl3 filesys-for-pl4.gz - A ramdisk image to change ext2 filesystem structure from pl3 to pl4+ format filesys-pl4-newer.ext2.gz - A ramdisk image to freshly install Linux/68k (ext2 version) filesys-pl4-newer.minix.gz - Minix version of the above linux-1.2.*.tar.gz - Complete source trees of Linux/68k linux-1.2.*.diff.gz - Patches against the last version modules-1.2.8.bin.tar.gz - Binaries of utilities for kernel modules modules-1.2.8.diffs.gz - Patches to PC-Linux modules package vmlinux-1.2.13pl*.gz - Generic kernel images (run on both, Amiga and Atari)