Begin Title: AMD AM53/79C974 PCI SCSI driver Version: 0.1 Entered-date: 10JAN95 Description: This is an alpha SCSI driver for the AM53C974 and AM79C974 PCI SCSI chips. It was tested with a Compaq XL machine which has the AM79C974 on the the mainboard. A Linux 1.1.75 kernel for the Compaq XL566 is included. Keywords: SCSI, driver, AM53C974, AM79C974, PCI, Compaq Author: (Dieter Frieauff) Maintained-by: (Dieter Frieauff) Primary-site: /pub/linux/ALPHA/scsi 265679 AM53C974-0.1.tar.gz 2748 AM53C974-0.1.README Alternate-site: Original-site: Platform: Linux 1.1.75 Copying-policy: Copyright (C) 1995 Dieter Frieauff GNU General Public License version End