utilb 1.3 Binaries for Linux prepared by faith@cs.unc.edu, Sat Mar 13 16:33:01 1993 Compiled with gcc 2.3.3 (-O6 -m486) Linked with DLL Jump 4.3.2 libraries (-s -N) To install from Linux binary distribution: 1) Get binary distribution (utilb13.taz) from ftp.cs.unc.edu:/pub/faith/linux/utils or from tsx-11.mit.edu:/pub/linux/binaries or from sunsite.unc.edu:/pub/Linux/utils/administration 2) cd / 3) gtar zpxvf utilb13.taz Alternatively, the SLS sysinstall program can be used. To uninstall this binary distribution, do the following: cd /usr/src/utilb-1.3 ./utilb13.Unins To install from source: 1) Get source from: ftp.cs.unc.edu:/pub/faith/linux/utils/source/utilb-1.3.src.tar.Z or from tsx-11:/pub/linux/sources or from sunsite.unc.edu:/pub/Linux/utils/administration 2) Untar utilb-1.3.src.tar.Z in /usr/src 3) cd utilb-1.3 5) make 7) make install Notes: 0) In general, these programs are ones that "belong" in /bin, although to some degree this designation is arbitary. They come from a variety of sources, as noted below. Please see the packages utile-1.4.src.tar.Z (utile14.taz) and utila-1.5.src.tar.Z (utila15.taz) for utilities which "belong" in /etc and /usr/bin, respectively. 1) Jim Winstead Jr. (jwinstea@fenris.claremont.edu) put together the system-0.98.tar.Z package. The following are from that collection: ed (by Brian Beattie, Kees Bot, and others; with changes by W. Metzenthen) -- For utilb, this was edited to provide larger constants (4096 characters per line, etc.) which are needed by X11R5 for make depend. more (BSD 5.19 6/28/88) by Eric Shienbrood, with modifications by Geoff Peck and John Foderaro) kill (by Peter MacDonald) 2) David Engel did ldd, version 1.1 3) Gordon Irlam (gordoni@cs.ua.oz.au) did setterm, which was adapted to Linux by Peter MacDonald and enhanced by Mika Liljeberg (liljeber@cs.Helsinki.FI). 4) Peter Orbaek (poe@daimi.aau.dk) also put together the poeigl-1.11.tar.Z package. The following are from that collection: hostname (by Peter Orbaek) login (BSD 5.40 5/9/89) Ported to HP-UX by Michael Glad, ported to Linux by Peter Orbaek) 5) Several utilities are from the BSD NET-2 (4.3bsd-reno) distribution: wall (BSD 5.14 3/2/91) write (BSD 4.22 6/1/90) Original NET-2 source is currently available at wuarchive.wustl.edu:/mirrors/4.3-reno/usr.bin. Minor changes were made to these programs for Linux. These changes can be found by grep'ing for "linux" in the source file. 6) I put together the most of the man pages, based on notes from the authors and examination of the source code.