Begin2 Title = GNU-gdbm Version = 1.7.3 Desc1 = GNU dbm is a library of routines that manages data files Desc2 = that contain key/data pairs. The access provided is that of Desc3 = storing, retrieval, and deletion by key and a non-sorted Desc4 = traversal of all keys. A process is allowed to use multiple Desc5 = data files at the same time. Author = Philip A. Nelson. AuthorEmail = Maintainer = MaintEmail = downsj@CSOS.ORST.EDU Site1 = Path1 = /pub/Linux/Incoming File1 = gdbm-1.7.3-bin.tar.gz FileSize1 = 25319 Site2 = Path2 = /incoming File2 = gdbm-1.7.3-bin.tar.gz FileSize2 = 25319 Required1 = Linux, GNU-gcc Required2 = Required3 = Required4 = CopyPolicy1 = GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE CopyPolicy2 = Version 2, June 1991 Keywords = database Comment1 = I just ftp down the source from and compile Comment2 = it under Linux 1.0. Comment3 = Comment4 = RelFiles1 = RelFiles2 = RelFiles3 = Entered = 01JUL94 EnteredBy = Johnny Chow CheckedEmail = End