Subject: Linux-Activists Digest #213 From: Digestifier To: Linux-Activists@senator-bedfellow.MIT.EDU Reply-To: Linux-Activists@senator-bedfellow.MIT.EDU Date: Thu, 9 Sep 93 04:13:11 EDT Linux-Activists Digest #213, Volume #6 Thu, 9 Sep 93 04:13:11 EDT Contents: Re: Shutdown doesnt unmount (Tall Cool One) Re: Traceroute (Frank Lofaro) Re: Traceroute (Frank Lofaro) Archive site via mail?? (Ken Fisler) Re: Refreshing Xwindows Automatically Re: What are the various PC bassed Unix box OS? (Jeff Stern) NFS & Linux (John Will) Re: delete before symlink (Eberhard Moenkeberg) Mouse Install Help (Brett Michaels) Multimedia (Brett Michaels) gcc is swapping to disk all the time! (manuel Toledo-Quinones) Xircom pocket adapter (Thomas J Bilan) Compiling a man page (Thomas J Bilan) Re: BBS package (Guru Aleph_Null) Re: What are the various PC bassed Unix box OS? (Michael L. VanLoon) Linux-Amiga (Paul Christensen X3073) Re: NeXTStep & Linux (Matt Richmond) Re: Xircom pocket adapter (Karl Paul Mueller) Re: Compiling a man page (Mike Elliott) Re: What are the various PC bassed Unix box OS? (Christoph Maethner) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Tall Cool One ) Subject: Re: Shutdown doesnt unmount Date: 9 Sep 1993 01:02:45 GMT You might want to try the shutdown from utile14.taz. I had the same problem. I had SLS1.01 with pl11. Bootutils works as stated with the shutdown mentioned above, e2fsck 0.3, and the stuff in the bootutils package. BTW, I don't remember where utile14.taz is. It IS in one of the archives,, or I'll look it up if you can't find it. _I_______________________________________________________________________I_ (_@_) (_@_) | | Raymond Yeung Internet: | | | | | | | | EE student at the | | | | University of Illinois CompuServe: 70700,1011 | | | | at Urbana-Champaign | | (___)-------------------------------------------------------------------(___) I I ------------------------------ From: (Frank Lofaro) Subject: Re: Traceroute Date: Thu, 9 Sep 93 00:51:06 GMT In article writes: >Enquired mind would like to know the meaning of the three number output >by the traceroute!!! Can any kind soul would care to enlighten me?? >Thanks!! > >Traceroute sunsite >XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 154 ms (tt1) 33 ms (tt1) 25 ms (tt1) It is the round trip time for the packet to make it to and back from the indicated host. It is helpful in showing how the delays add up over a transmission path. For a real fun try, try traceroute to You'll see just how much delay there can be in a net! (I just did a ping from my account here to, 7.726 seconds! I had to up the wait time for ping, Ugh!) ------------------------------ From: (Frank Lofaro) Subject: Re: Traceroute Date: Thu, 9 Sep 93 00:54:15 GMT In article writes: >Enquired mind would like to know the meaning of the three number output >by the traceroute!!! Can any kind soul would care to enlighten me?? >Thanks!! > >Traceroute sunsite >XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 154 ms (tt1) 33 ms (tt1) 25 ms (tt1) It is the round trip time for the packet to make it to and back from the indicated host. It is helpful in showing how the delays add up over a transmission path. For a real fun try, try traceroute to You'll see just how much delay there can be in a net! (I just did a ping from my account here to, 7.726 seconds! I had to up the wait time for ping, Ugh!) ------------------------------ From: bc151@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Ken Fisler) Subject: Archive site via mail?? Date: 9 Sep 1993 01:22:27 GMT Hi, I've been trying to track down FAQs and I think that I have them within the sights. But they're in FINLAND. I rather not burden the net. I know sunsite has them, but from my host I can't FTP or TELNET... just mail. So is there a US site for FAQs etc. which accepts email logins? If you know of one, for the sake of the bandwidth, please let me know. Additional details (like relevant subdirectories, key files, etc.) also greatly appreciated. ================================================================== Ken Fisler Internet: Bitnet: =================================================================== ------------------------------ From: () Subject: Re: Refreshing Xwindows Automatically Date: 9 Sep 1993 01:43:48 GMT In article <26i4pg$>, (Doctor What) writes: |> (Frank Lofaro) writes: |> |> >In article <26h00k$> (Thomas J Bilan) writes: |> >>I am using a Diamond Stealth 24 VLB (na na naa na na) and a CTX 17" monitor |> >>to run X in 1024 X 768 and I'm having problems with X refreshing the screen |> >>automatically. It's noticably bad when you try to look at the menu from |> >>on top another window. |> >> |> > Try putting the line NoSpeedUp in Xconfig. That might fix the problems |> >with the screen leaving bits of windows/not refreshing right, etc. I had |> >problems with at ET4000 card until I disabled the speed up code. I think the |> >speed up code might be buggy or doesn't work with certain buggy chipsets |> >(not just Diamond I'm afraid, any Xfree people know about this?).... |> |> > Adding NoSpeedUp to Xconfig might not help, but it might, so give it a |> >try. |> |> I had a similar problem...and I was told to remove the speedup code (via the |> NoSpeedUp in Xconfig.) However, it had NO effect (I'm using an S3 video board, |> tho). I also got another suggestion. "Try a different Windows-Manager" That |> worked very well. I'm using fvwm, and it works pretty well, thank you. |> |> -Doc I avoided this problem with my S3 based board by setting vendor "nolinear" in my Xconfig. There still exist some flicker when moving window, but all refreshes are OK. Paul. ------------------------------ From: (Jeff Stern) Subject: Re: What are the various PC bassed Unix box OS? Crossposted-To: comp.os.386bsd.misc,comp.unix.misc Date: 9 Sep 93 02:17:54 GMT In article <>, Dale Gass wrote: >iiitac@swan.pyr (Alan Cox) writes: >>In article (Christoph Maethner) writes: >>>I don't think I will ever need a 486 , I would perfer more RAM. >>I'd second this comment. With 8 users doing user like things you >>tend to hit the IDE disk performance limit and memory limits way before >>you hit CPU usage limits. Wouldn't this, however, be an argument *for* getting a 486? I am just wondering, as I have heard that UNIX on a 486 should conceivably run better because the 486's hardware, especially if it has a local bus, accesses peripherals, especially the hard drive, much more efficiently, so that users are not as affected by others using the drive... =========================================================================== Jeff Stern "Timex Sinclair UNIX.. coming soon to a dealer near you." =========================================================================== ------------------------------ From: (John Will) Subject: NFS & Linux Date: 9 Sep 93 01:22:00 GMT I'm interested in anyone's observations on NFS with Linux. I have Linux on a 486DX2-50 and a Sun IPX on the same network, a DOS machine running PC-NFS 4.0 is used to access both. Running Norton's SI 6.0, I get pretty decent read & write performance from Linux, 178kb read & 100kb write speeds. Accessing the Sun I get 300kb read and 14kb write! What is going on with the Sun? Why such good read performance and such lousy write performance? Is there any optimization that I can do to get Linux a bit closer to the read performance of the Sun? I'm not interested in getting Linux's write performance to match the sun, BTW. :-) Internet: ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 05 Sep 93 09:35:35 +0100 From: (Eberhard Moenkeberg) Subject: Re: delete before symlink Hello Dongsung and all others, on 05.09.93 Dongsung Kim wrote to All in USENET.COMP.OS.LINUX: DK> I tried to upgrade my SLS 1.02 to SLS 1.03 and after install the 1.03 DK> version. DK> I deleted before make symlink to DK> Therefore, I can not even login because init can not load library. You can boot the SLS installation disk and mount your harddisk partitions... Greetings ... Eberhard ------------------------------ From: (Brett Michaels) Subject: Mouse Install Help Date: 8 Sep 1993 23:20:41 -0400 Where is the best place to find info on Mouses and Linux. The FAQs I've seen don talk about it at all, and I have never even seen install info. ------------------------------ From: (Brett Michaels) Subject: Multimedia Date: 8 Sep 1993 23:23:23 -0400 I understand what can be done with CD Players and Sound Cards under DOS, Sun, MS Windows, etc. What can Linux do? Any FAQs or other sources? ------------------------------ From: (manuel Toledo-Quinones) Subject: gcc is swapping to disk all the time! Date: 9 Sep 1993 03:22:04 GMT Hi! I just sucessfully installed linux in my pc. Thinks seem to be working well. However, when I tried to compile a program using gcc, the compiler starts swaping to disk and takes forever (10min+; actaully I abort the compilation because it was taking too long). The source code for the program takes about 60kbytes of disk space, and my computer have 4Mbytes of memory. I compiled the same source using djgpp under dos without problems. Is this situation normal, or do you think something is wrong in the setup? Can I do something to improve the situation? Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks, manuel ------------------------------ From: (Thomas J Bilan) Subject: Xircom pocket adapter Date: 9 Sep 1993 03:41:41 GMT I am running .99p12 kernel and I see that it's looking for a d-link pocked adapter on the parallel port. I have a Xircom parallel port eth. adapter that I would like (love) to use. Does anyone know of a patch to get this little creature running? Thanks, -- /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ $ Department of Death by Engineering ^ Surgeon General's Warning: $ $ Michigan State University ^ Graduate School may cause brain $ $ ^ damage and sporadic loss of hair $ ------------------------------ From: (Thomas J Bilan) Subject: Compiling a man page Date: 9 Sep 1993 03:53:40 GMT I know this is a stupid question but how does one compile a man page? Is it the groff command or something like that. I can't seem to get it right... Tom Bilan -- /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ $ Department of Death by Engineering ^ Surgeon General's Warning: $ $ Michigan State University ^ Graduate School may cause brain $ $ ^ damage and sporadic loss of hair $ ------------------------------ From: (Guru Aleph_Null) Subject: Re: BBS package Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1993 03:22:18 GMT (DEATH TO THE CLIPPER PROJECT) writes: >In article <>, (Kristian Koehntopp) writes: >> IMHO a BBS setup for UNIX should consist mainly of two parts. >> >> The first is the BBS program in form of a users shell with >> integrated news and mail users agent. Such a program should >> utilize native UNIX news and mail transport agents and not try >> to implement a propietary data format. >The only problem I see with that is it defeats the purpose of the BBS. >If a person chooses to run a BBS for UNIX, it's usually because they don't >want the people to get a shell, and also for ease of use. Many people are >accustomed to a 'BBS' type interface, and not to a UNIX shell. Its not a Unix shell, its a "BBS-Shell".. (which is what I'm working on, user logins exec a perl script instead of a shell... by the way, work was slowed down since I upgraded to SLS 1.03, and a 1M TVGA8900CL card... :)) >A BBS allows the SysAdmin to give people an easy interface where they don't >have to be bothered with accounts, and other functions. This is a problem, I haven't figured out an easy way for the BBS to create new accounts on the fly. I guess it may have to do something like check for a specific login name or something. That's something to look into, in the future. >================================================================================ >Steven Henry | Linux - The internet operating system >Electrical Engineering | PowerPC - The future of computers > | > | Information is power. Power is information. >-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Good sig. :) > ******** DEATH TO THE CLIPPER PROJECT ******* What's the clipper project? Is that the thinly veilled "sekret" encryption chip? -- ========================================================================= Simon "Guru Aleph-Null" Janes |... don't crespt the weasal ... |... just think of the master ... |... feel the grass, softly ... ------------------------------ Crossposted-To: comp.os.386bsd.misc,comp.unix.misc From: (Michael L. VanLoon) Subject: Re: What are the various PC bassed Unix box OS? Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1993 03:59:39 GMT In <> (Jeff Stern) writes: >In article <>, >Dale Gass wrote: >>iiitac@swan.pyr (Alan Cox) writes: >>>In article (Christoph Maethner) writes: >>>>I don't think I will ever need a 486 , I would perfer more RAM. >>>I'd second this comment. With 8 users doing user like things you >>>tend to hit the IDE disk performance limit and memory limits way before >>>you hit CPU usage limits. >Wouldn't this, however, be an argument *for* getting a 486? I am just >wondering, as I have heard that UNIX on a 486 should conceivably run >better because the 486's hardware, especially if it has a local bus, >accesses peripherals, especially the hard drive, much more >efficiently, so that users are not as affected by others using the >drive... No matter how fast the drive and controller, RAM will always be faster. -- ============================================================================== Michael L. VanLoon Project Vincent Systems Staff Iowa State University Computation Center ============================================================================== ------------------------------ From: (Paul Christensen X3073) Subject: Linux-Amiga Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1993 01:07:24 GMT Can some kind amiga-type soul tell me if the Linux for amiga that I see on the nets is getting close to the level of completness that the PC Linux is at? Thanks ------------------------------ From: (Matt Richmond) Subject: Re: NeXTStep & Linux Date: Wed, 8 Sep 1993 17:49:28 GMT One can get the evaluation copy of NeXTStep/486 for $300. This is the user's AND developer's versions. Quite a bargain IMHO. (Tho not as big a bargain as Linux :-) The catch is that this eval version cannot ever be upgraded, but still for a $300 price tag, maybe it's worth a look. NeXT's phone # is 1-800-879-6398. I do not work for them nor am I in any way associated with them. Heck, I don't even own the software yet. Just thought others would like to know. --Matt Richmond -- The opinions expressed in this post are my own and do not reflect those of E-Systems, Melpar. ------------------------------ From: (Karl Paul Mueller) Subject: Re: Xircom pocket adapter Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1993 05:26:08 GMT (Thomas J Bilan) writes: >I am running .99p12 kernel and I see that it's looking for a >d-link pocked adapter on the parallel port. I have a Xircom >parallel port eth. adapter that I would like (love) to use. >Does anyone know of a patch to get this little creature >running? >Thanks, [SIG removed] We've just gotten Xircoms at our dorm (like 2 days ago) at UIUC. Unfortunatly, even after the ifconfig shows it all right the routering configuration just won't work. plip0 (or 1 on most other machines) just doesn't want to connect to our router. For example, on one of the machines we have isr0041 (domain, the boot will ifconfig plip0 netmask broadcast but for the life of me, we can't get the IP packets to work right. The gateway is and the net is Is it just that Xircom adaptors are too lame to work? We've had routing problems with pl12 with other cards too.. Any help would be appreciated. Karl Mueller ------------------------------ From: (Mike Elliott) Subject: Re: Compiling a man page Date: 9 Sep 1993 06:31:49 GMT In article <26m9c4$> (Thomas J Bilan) writes: I know this is a stupid question but how does one compile a man page? Is it the groff command or something like that. I can't seem to get it right... Try specifying -Tascii -man as command line options; e.g., to see the man page corresponding to doofus.1 type: groff -Tascii -man doofus.1 -- ====================================================================== Mike Elliott ====================================================================== ------------------------------ Crossposted-To: comp.os.386bsd.misc,comp.unix.misc From: (Christoph Maethner) Subject: Re: What are the various PC bassed Unix box OS? Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1993 06:55:20 GMT (Dale Gass) writes: >iiitac@swan.pyr (Alan Cox) writes: >>In article (Christoph Maethner) writes: >>>I don't think I will ever need a 486 , I would perfer more RAM. >>I'd second this comment. With 8 users doing user like things you >>tend to hit the IDE disk performance limit and memory limits way before >>you hit CPU usage limits. >The hardware floating point of a 486 (or 386/387 combo) makes a world of >difference for floating point apps, though... The only heavy fp app I use >is ghostscript, and it's pretty much useless on a 386 without a 387. right - I just forgot to mention the fpu - it makes the hell of a difference . Chris =============================================================================== Christoph Maethner voice +49 211 990 77 81 systems engineer fax +49 211 990 75 70 Rank Xerox Germany e-mail mae.sbd@rxg:Xerox:com =============================================================================== ------------------------------ ** FOR YOUR REFERENCE ** The service address, to which questions about the list itself and requests to be added to or deleted from it should be directed, is: Internet: Linux-Activists-Request@NEWS-DIGESTS.MIT.EDU You can send mail to the entire list (and comp.os.linux) via: Internet: Linux-Activists@NEWS-DIGESTS.MIT.EDU Linux may be obtained via one of these FTP sites: pub/OS/Linux pub/linux pub/msdos/replace The current version of Linux is 0.99pl9 released on April 23, 1993 End of Linux-Activists Digest ******************************