Begin2 Title = GNU Emacs 19 binaries for Linux Version = GNU version 19.22; Linux Binary Release Desc1 = Emacs is the extensible, customizable, self-documenting Desc2 = real-time display editor. Author = GNU Emacs written by Richard Stallman and maintained by the FSF AuthorEmail = (Richard Stallman) Maintainer = FSF Emacs maintainers. MaintEmail = Site1 = Path1 = pub/Linux/Incoming File1 = emacs-19.22.bin.tar.gz FileSize1 = 1115K File2 = emacs-19.22.el.1of2.tar.gz FileSize2 = 1097K File3 = emacs-19.22.el.2of2.tar.gz FileSize3 = 857K File4 = emacs-19.22.elc.tar.gz FileSize4 = 1301K File5 = emacs-19.22.misc.tar.gz FileSize5 = 813K Required1 = Linux 0.99pl14, libX11 DLL Jump 3.1, libc-4.5.10, Required2 = gcc-2.5.8 CopyPolicy1 = GNU General Public License Keywords = gnu emacs 19.22 Comment1 = This binary release will overwrite some things in your old Comment2 = emacs installation. RelFiles1 = /usr/src/emacs-19.22 contains the one small patch. Entered = 28JAN94 EnteredBy = Kayvan Sylvan CheckedEmail = kayvan@Sylvan.COM End