Readme for the ALPHA Postgres V. 4.1 port to Linux. Last modified: 17 Mar 94 Refer to the README of Version 4.0.1 for details on networking and IPC. However, the ID = 6 thing has gone, you can use any user ID for the main Postgres User. This is an ALPHA release. It has problems: - the KERBEROS authentification protocol has not been worked in. (So still all users can access any database). - More than one backend at the same time is likely to fail. - The Postgres File System Demo fails, because backends do not exit fast enough. If you place sleep 1 commands between the file accesses, everything goes ok -:) - Writing to nfs mounted Postgres File Systems is not yet possible. One major change to the original system was, that postgres and postmaster became the same executable, determing their action on the name, under which it was called. This saves a Megabyte of disk, and memory as well. Please refer to the original Postgres Documentation for compiling, too. You must be on any file system, which has long file names, to compile this package (I.e: Not Minix). Take a quick look into ~/src/, for your favourite compiler options. Unless you compile with a real old C library, comment out the -lipc option in the files src/bin/shmemdoc/Makefile and src/backend/Makefile. You also might want to comment out the BIGOBJS line in ~/src/backend/Makefile (Linux ld is very fast, even with three hundred files). To compile the package, you have to make your own make program first. Cd to: ~/src/tools/bmake and type make -f Makefile.boot This creates a programme called bootmake, which is almost the desired new bsd make programme. It should be called automatically to create itself once again, but this usually fails for reasons, I don't want to discover (probably Linux make exporting variable, which disturb bootmake). So type ./bootmake all and ./bootmake install on your own. You need to be superuser to do the last. After this has been done, throw away bootmake. Then move to ~/src/backend, and hope the bmake all bmake install runs all through. Then do the same in ~/src/libpq and ~/src/bin (in this order). Have Fun!