GNU patch 2.0.12u8 Binaries for Linux prepared by, Sat Nov 21 17:54:59 1992 Compiled with gcc 2.2.2d (-O6) Linked with jump-4.1 libraries (-s) To install from Linux binary distribution: 1) Get binary distribution (p2012u8A.taz) from or from 2) cd / 3) gtar zpxvf p2012u8A.taz Alternatively, the SLS sysinstall program can be used. To uninstall this binary distribution, do the following: cd /usr/src/patch-2.0.12u8 ./p2012u8.Unins To install from source: 1) Get source from: 2) Untar patch-2.0.12u8.tar.Z in /usr/src 3) cd patch-2.0.12u8 4) ./Configure I set up /bin/echo, so that Configure would think #! works, which it does. cpp was found in /usr/lib/cpp. Most of the utilities where found in /usr/bin, but these don't seem to get hardcoded into the patch code. For most everything else, I selected the defaults (-s for load flags, -O6 is done below). 5) make CFLAGS=-O6 6) make install