Begin3 Title: Linux conio.h Version: 1.01 Entered-date: Sun, Jun 30 1996 Description: This is a mostly complete implementation of the conio.h for Linux - it was developed to make porting text based DOS applications to Linux easier. It implements all port I/O commands defined in Watcom's conio.h and almost all other I/O commands defined in Borland's conio.h (including: keyboard input, formatted screen output, colors, windows...) using the curses library. This release has some little bug fixes. Keywords: conio.h, library, port DOS apps to Linux, curses based Required: Linux, gcc, ncurses 1.9.9e (or newer ? - but not older !) Author: Fractor / MXP ( Maintained-by: Mental EXPlosion (MXP) [Bug reports, etc to:] Platform: Linux Copying-policy: GLPL 2 End