Begin3 Title: mhtml Version: 0.2 Entered-date: November 22, 1996 Description: mhtml is a mirror for html pages. Given an URL, it downloads that page and all associated inline images. Given a recursive depth N, it can also fetch any page linked to by the original page, following a maximum of N links. The depth can be set differently for local and remote links, allowing one to trim off-site link following (to prevent wandering into someone's hotlist and going wild for example). Localizes all links, should provide a completely working local copy (ie with inlines, etc.) Requires lynx, netcat or another program to get URL's via command line to use. Compilation requires flex and a C++ compiler (probably depends on GNUness of utils.) Fairly alpha, both featurewise and testing wise. Two scoops of bugs in every box, don't use near electricity, always ski in control. Source only for now. Keywords: html, www, http, mirror Author: (Kevin M. Bealer) Maintained-by: (Kevin M. Bealer) Primary-site: /pub/Linux/Incoming 17 kb mhtml-0.2.tgz 2 kb mhtml-0.2.lsm Platform: Linux, (probably any Un*x variant) Copying-policy: GNU Public License End