Begin3 Title: Cephes Mathematical Library Version: 2.8 Entered-date: June 4, 2000 Description: Cephes provides special functions of mathematical physics and related items in C language of interest to scientists and engineers. The new C language standard, C99, has complex variable types that are supported here and by the GNU C compiler. Partial contents -- Elementary functions (log, exp, sin, cos, ...). Gamma, psi, dilograithm, Airy, Bessel, hypergeometric, Struve. Complete and incomplete elliptic functions. Planck radiation. Exponential, sine & cosine, hyperbolic, Fresnel integrals. Probability integrals and their inverses: Gaussian, Poisson, F, Chi-square, gamma, Student's, binomial, negative binomial, Kolmogorov-Smirnov Arithmetic on polynomials, rationals, extended precision floating point. Complex arithmetic and elementary functions. Precisions -- There are separate libraries for five different precisions: single, double, long double (80 or 96-bit), long double (128-bit), q-class (384-bit software arithmetic and check routines). There is a C++ class for the extended precision arithmetic. 1754 KB cephes-math-27.tar.gz includes precompiled binaries for ix86-linux Keywords: math, special functions, probability, floating-point, extended precision Author: Stephen L. Moshier Maintained-by: Primary-site: Alternate-site: Original-site: Platform: Any Copying-policy: Freely distributable End