FD-REPOv1 Build time: 1726124589 ../freedos/files/repositories/unstable/base 56 ambhelp 0.1d FreeDOS help files in AMB format F01FED9B append 5.0-0.7 Access files as if in the current dir 8F24E723 assign 1.4a Assign a new letter to a drive 221B5D32 attrib 2.1a Display and set file attributes 13B77CF4 chkdsk beta 0.9.2 (rev A) Check the disk for errors 534172E7 choice 4.4a Present a choice and wait 6D57F5E5 comp 1.04a Compare files and display differences 5E79E522 cpidos 3.0a DISPLAY-type DOS codepages ED4F5FCA ctmouse 2.1b4 The FreeDOS mouse driver F122094B debug 2.50 Program testing and editing tool CCAC2A34 defrag 1.3.2a Disk defragmentation utility 62476444 deltree 1.02g.mrlg (rev A) Delete files and directories 9E811DC1 devload 3.25a Load device drivers from the command line DB414139 diskcomp 06jun2003 (rev A) Disk comparing utility 529FAF17 diskcopy beta 0.95 (rev A) Copy one disk or image file to another D420694A display 0.13d Driver for codepage management 4A1008B2 edit 0.9b The FreeDOS text editor 8690F6D8 edlin 2.24 The FreeDOS standard line editor 6FEEA3DE exe2bin 1.5a Convert an exe file to bin format 8FD74952 fc 3.03a File compare utility 8569B433 fdapm 2009sep11 (rev A) Advanced power management utility 538F80FA fdhelper 1.3.5 Batch files to perform various tasks C7A8434D fdisk 1.3.9 Fixed disk partition tool 66AC5344 fdxms 0.94.Bananas (rev A) Replacement XMS driver for '386 systems or better E02CBD0E fdxms286 0.03.Temperaments (rev A) Replacement XMS driver for '286 systems or better. D48C5487 find 3.0b LFN (rev A) Search for files that contain a string 53E40DEB format 0.92 Disk formatting program 9DD378EA freecom 0.85a The FreeDOS Command Shell E6715774 graphics 2008-07-14a Allows PrtScr to print graphics screens 2C258AD4 himemx 3.38 HimemX is a XMS memory manager derived from FreeDOS Himem. DD27A84B htmlhelp 1.0.8b FreeDOS help files in HTML format 095E915A jemm 5.84 Jemm386 is an Expanded Memory Manager FDCD7903 kernel 2043 The FreeDOS Kernel BF155505 keyb 2.11 A BIOS level international keyboard driver 3DEE6759 label 1.5 Set or change the disk volume label AEE1C2F6 lbacache 2009feb06 Disk cache for drives and floppies 734527D2 mem 1.12 Display used and free memory in your system 0CF1A032 mirror 0.2a Records disk information for possible data recovery 723E3674 mkeyb 0.46 A very small keyboard driver 1B677711 mode 2015-11-25a Set the mode of your devices 87B5D7E2 more 4.3a Display a text file or program output one page at a time 3ECE873F move 3.3b Move files from one location to another 35B7D890 nansi 4.0d (2007may26) An ANSI driver for DOS 52BD937A nlsfunc 0.4a Add NLS for some supported programs 47CA6172 print 1.02.ea (rev A) Print files in the background 92B55847 recover 0.1 (BETA) (rev A) Recover disks or lost files 3C9FAEE5 replace 1.2a Replaces files in a destination directory 059B34A9 samcfg 20110719a Sample configuration files AAFFE666 share 08/2006a File sharing and locking capabilities F7ECC06B shsucdx 3.09 CD-ROM and DVD-ROM extender D8A243ED sort 1.5.1a Sort the contents of a text file 58331243 swsubst 3.2a SUBST and JOIN 0B93C430 tree 3.7.2a Displays the folder structure of a drive or path 3BFA6840 undelete 2008a Undelete erased files on FAT16/32 file systems BA426ECF unformat 0.8a Unformat an accidentally formatted disk A68A1456 xcopy 1.7 Copies files and directory trees B001A86D