Date: Fri, 8 Dec 2000 12:43:24 -0500 Reply-To: Electronic Music Discussion List Sender: Electronic Music Discussion List From: "J. V." Subject: Re: And You Called This Electronic ?? In-Reply-To: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" >In this context (music landscaping) I'd also be interested in >hearing from anyone who has used either the DSM or OKM binaural >wear-em-on-your-head mics for street recording. > >A MUST listen for incorporating environmental sounds into music >is Luc Ferrari's "Presque Rien No. 1" (1970)--No drums or synths >but a great lesson in what can be done with a farily simple >idea. The physical design of the unique CROWN SASS rig actually allows it to be used as a very good binaural-like unit, you'll have ot try it to see how picky you are about strict binaural, and is more versatile than head-worn rigs, though head-worn does offer a very direct personal method of experience. ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 9 Dec 2000 16:05:51 -0800 Reply-To: Bill Pirkle Sender: Electronic Music Discussion List From: Bill Pirkle Organization: Pirkle & Associates, Inc. Subject: CD writers MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I am looking for a CD writer. I saw a Phillips at circuit city for $119.00 (8x). Why is this so much cheaper than the next lowest, about $159.00? Can anyone recommend a good one (internal, 8x) and where I can order it. Actually I don't need the re-write capability but can't find any plain writers anymore, everything seems to be RW. Thanks, Bill Pirkle ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 9 Dec 2000 20:05:39 -0500 Reply-To: Electronic Music Discussion List Sender: Electronic Music Discussion List From: marcos sawosky Subject: soft or hardware? Mime-version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit I am thiking about expanding my sampling capabilities and would be interested in any suggestions regarding if I should go with a hardware sampler or convert a power mac 7500 into a software sampler? hardware samplers in mind: a4000 or xv5080 software: Unity ds. I already have an Emagic exs-24 and an ex5 with 32mb of ram/rom. But I would like to have an extra 128mb at hand connected to a 20gig hd. I don't tend towards playing outside my home studio much but it can happen a couple of times a year. Thanks for any advise Marcos Sawosky ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 9 Dec 2000 19:30:26 -0500 Reply-To: Electronic Music Discussion List Sender: Electronic Music Discussion List From: Rich Gonzalez Subject: Re: CD writers Comments: To: Bill Pirkle In-Reply-To: <000a01c0623c$f5b1bd80$3a8cddd1@DESKTOP> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII I was just looking at CD-RW machines at and here are two: HP 9150i 8x4x32 $169.99 $30 HP rebate HP 9500i 12x8x32 $235.54 no rebate HPC4493A/9310i 10x4x32 $249.99 $50 HP rebate Also, there is a $50 coupon on purchases over $200 and free shipping up until Dec 10. Reviews look above average to good. You have to check that out yourself. Let me know which one you pick. I am mulling over the decision meself. Anyone have any experience with these or installation? Rich Gonzalez On Sat, 9 Dec 2000, Bill Pirkle wrote: > I am looking for a CD writer. I saw a Phillips at circuit city for $119.00 > (8x). Why is this so much cheaper than the next lowest, about $159.00? > > Can anyone recommend a good one (internal, 8x) and where I can order it. > Actually I don't need the re-write capability but can't find any plain > writers anymore, everything seems to be RW. > > Thanks, > > Bill Pirkle > ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 9 Dec 2000 20:41:11 -0500 Reply-To: Electronic Music Discussion List Sender: Electronic Music Discussion List From: rebecca263 Subject: Re: CD writers MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit to add to the information, i have a hewlett packard CD-writer plus, 8200 series, it's great, much better than the sony . and it was really inexpensive, as well. rebecca _______________________________________________ Why pay for something you could get for free? NetZero provides FREE Internet Access and Email ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 9 Dec 2000 22:28:01 -0800 Reply-To: Electronic Music Discussion List Sender: Electronic Music Discussion List From: Maer Israel Subject: Re: CD writers In-Reply-To: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit the HP 9150i is a filthy piece of machinery that is currently plaguing my system. I don't recommend it, and especially if you run Win2K Best, -Maer... dub beautiful collective -----Original Message----- From: Electronic Music Discussion List [mailto:EMUSIC-L@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU]On Behalf Of Rich Gonzalez Sent: Saturday, December 09, 2000 4:30 p To: EMUSIC-L@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU Subject: Re: CD writers I was just looking at CD-RW machines at and here are two: HP 9150i 8x4x32 $169.99 $30 HP rebate HP 9500i 12x8x32 $235.54 no rebate HPC4493A/9310i 10x4x32 $249.99 $50 HP rebate Also, there is a $50 coupon on purchases over $200 and free shipping up until Dec 10. Reviews look above average to good. You have to check that out yourself. Let me know which one you pick. I am mulling over the decision meself. Anyone have any experience with these or installation? Rich Gonzalez On Sat, 9 Dec 2000, Bill Pirkle wrote: > I am looking for a CD writer. I saw a Phillips at circuit city for $119.00 > (8x). Why is this so much cheaper than the next lowest, about $159.00? > > Can anyone recommend a good one (internal, 8x) and where I can order it. > Actually I don't need the re-write capability but can't find any plain > writers anymore, everything seems to be RW. > > Thanks, > > Bill Pirkle > ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 07:27:10 -0500 Reply-To: Electronic Music Discussion List Sender: Electronic Music Discussion List From: Steven Wartofsky Subject: unsubscribe MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary="----=_NextPart_000_0003_01C0627A.9BF17A40" This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0003_01C0627A.9BF17A40 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----=_NextPart_001_0004_01C0627A.9BFAA200" ------=_NextPart_001_0004_01C0627A.9BFAA200 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 R2xhY2llclVOU1VCU0NSSUJFDQoNCg0KDQo= 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2000 11:50:08 -0400 Reply-To: Electronic Music Discussion List Sender: Electronic Music Discussion List From: Howard Harawitz Subject: Re: CD writers In-Reply-To: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" I have had a Yamaha 4416, external SCSI CD-R/W, running on my Windows 95/98 PC for over a year, and it works flawlessly. But it was expensive -- well over US$500. The writing speed of new drives keeps improving. I think you can get 16X-write drives now that will write an entire CD in about five minutes! At 10:28 PM 12/9/00 -0800, you wrote: >the HP 9150i is a filthy piece of machinery that is currently plaguing my >system. I don't recommend it, and especially if you run Win2K > >Best, > >-Maer... >dub beautiful collective > > >-----Original Message----- >From: Electronic Music Discussion List >[mailto:EMUSIC-L@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU]On Behalf Of Rich Gonzalez >Sent: Saturday, December 09, 2000 4:30 p >To: EMUSIC-L@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU >Subject: Re: CD writers > > >I was just looking at CD-RW machines at and here are >two: > >HP 9150i >8x4x32 >$169.99 >$30 HP rebate > >HP 9500i >12x8x32 >$235.54 >no rebate > >HPC4493A/9310i >10x4x32 >$249.99 >$50 HP rebate > >Also, there is a $50 coupon on purchases over $200 and >free shipping up until Dec 10. > >Reviews look above average to good. You have to check that out >yourself. Let me know which one you pick. I am mulling over the >decision meself. Anyone have any experience with these or >installation? > >Rich Gonzalez > > >On Sat, 9 Dec 2000, Bill Pirkle wrote: > >> I am looking for a CD writer. I saw a Phillips at circuit city for $119.00 >> (8x). Why is this so much cheaper than the next lowest, about $159.00? >> >> Can anyone recommend a good one (internal, 8x) and where I can order it. >> Actually I don't need the re-write capability but can't find any plain >> writers anymore, everything seems to be RW. >> >> Thanks, >> >> Bill Pirkle >> > > ========================================================== Howard Harawitz Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada ========================================================== ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 11:51:32 -0800 Reply-To: Bill Pirkle Sender: Electronic Music Discussion List From: Bill Pirkle Organization: Pirkle & Associates, Inc. Subject: Re: CD writers MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Looking through the Sunday papers and having visited several office and stereo stores I have found the following: Digital Research 8x4x32 $139 Phillips 8x4x32 $119 HP9150i 8x4x32 $149 (after $50 rebate) Iomega zipcd 8x4x32 $149 (saw it at office depot for $129 after rebate) Several people have voiced complaints with the HP gear. What is the problem? I can understand that spin speeds beyond 8x cost more but the 1's and 0's have to be the same for all of them. Are the different prices because of the software you get or don't get? Is there a website where they are reviewed? Is there a website where they can be ordered wholesale? Bill Pirkle ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 16:51:44 -0800 Reply-To: Bill Pirkle Sender: Electronic Music Discussion List From: Bill Pirkle Organization: Pirkle & Associates, Inc. Subject: Re: CD writers MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Someone wrote my privately ... > Hiyall,,, long time I haven't said a word here and maybe I should keep my > fingers aseep. I just don't understand the latest mania with speed. > > I try to look for quality and to hell with the rest.. :-)) > I'm new at this but I think the issue is how long it takes to burn, say, an hours worth of music, which becomes important if you want to make a hundred CDs of your music to sell. The standard seems to be 8x, with some 10x and 12x now on the market. I think they go up to 32x and beyond for the pro stuff. 8x is fine with me but what I don't understand is the price fluctuation from $119 to $300+ to get the same 1's and 0's at 8x (that's a huge percentage difference). > I try to look for quality and to hell with the rest.. :-)) I agree but quality in what. If the speed is 8x and its the same 1's and 0's what else should I be looking for? Anybody? I have now found ads for Artec for $129 and Ricoh for $149 and Yamaha 8424 for $149, Samsung 8424 for $155. Everybody seems to be making this stuff. I have NO idea what to buy. I need IDE, 8x for around $150. Any ideas anyone? Bill Pirkle ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2000 10:15:01 -0000 Reply-To: Electronic Music Discussion List Sender: Electronic Music Discussion List From: Nick Rothwell Subject: Re: CD writers In-Reply-To: <> (message from Howard Harawitz on Sun, 10 Dec 2000 11:50:08 -0400) > I have had a Yamaha 4416, external SCSI CD-R/W, running on my Windows 95/98 > PC for over a year, and it works flawlessly. I have one of those - it's never ever worked properly. I bought a Plextor IDE writer a few weeks ago and this works fine. -- Nick Rothwell Limited systems - composition - installation - performance ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2000 07:46:22 -0700 Reply-To: Electronic Music Discussion List Sender: Electronic Music Discussion List From: Mike Metlay Subject: Re: And You Called This Electronic ?? In-Reply-To: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" >In this context (music landscaping) I'd also be interested in >hearing from anyone who has used either the DSM or OKM binaural >wear-em-on-your-head mics for street recording. We have a set of OKM mics in for review, and the reviewer has been trying them out in a variety of situations. We'll keep you posted. I didn't get to try them myself, but was pretty impressed by the overall build quality. My one gripe is that I don't know how secure the earbuds are under movement; I would prefer real earplugs to hold the mics stationary in the ear canals. mike -- "Jug-a-jung. Diddle-ick bop diddle-op. P-too. What /were/ they thinking ?" --g. middleton on tangerine dream's 'convention of the 24', ca. 1982 ========================================================================== Mike Metlay * ATOMIC CITY * P.O. Box 17083 * Boulder, CO * 80308-0083 * USA + * 800-924-ATOM * + ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2000 09:31:34 -0600 Reply-To: Electronic Music Discussion List Sender: Electronic Music Discussion List From: Jeremy Subject: Re: CD writers In-Reply-To: <000a01c0623c$f5b1bd80$3a8cddd1@DESKTOP> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed huge chart and reviews of tons of burners At 04:05 PM 12/9/2000 -0800, you wrote: >I am looking for a CD writer. I saw a Phillips at circuit city for $119.00 >(8x). Why is this so much cheaper than the next lowest, about $159.00? > >Can anyone recommend a good one (internal, 8x) and where I can order it. >Actually I don't need the re-write capability but can't find any plain >writers anymore, everything seems to be RW. > >Thanks, > >Bill Pirkle ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2000 13:25:00 -0600 Reply-To: Electronic Music Discussion List Sender: Electronic Music Discussion List From: Steve Chandler Subject: Re: CD writers In-Reply-To: <4150F18286D6D211A3430020482163600300B517@ECX> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I was going to mention Plextor, but have no direct experience with one so thanks for mentioning it Nick. Their reputation is impeccable and everything I've read on the 12/10/32 burner indicates an exceptional value, it has technology that they clain eliminates coasters (buffer underrun errors). As for not needing RW capability, sorry that's the only way they're made these days. The Plextor 12/10/32 is on my Christmas list, but I've a few $$ stashed in case Santa can't fit it on the sleigh. Steve Chandler > I have had a Yamaha 4416, external SCSI CD-R/W, running on my Windows 95/98 > PC for over a year, and it works flawlessly. I have one of those - it's never ever worked properly. I bought a Plextor IDE writer a few weeks ago and this works fine. -- Nick Rothwell Limited systems - composition - installation - performance ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2000 06:29:27 -0800 Reply-To: Electronic Music Discussion List Sender: Electronic Music Discussion List From: paolo Subject: And You Called...(#2) ?? MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii O.K. guys, thanx to everyone for your kindness and good suggestions, I'll try to keep in mind everything you wrote and to develop something good with it... Did any of you hear something interesting lately in the electronic contemporary scene (Lots of Djs, but few musicians, or not?)? And what do you think about the fact that electronic is becoming so easy-listened? My opinion is that even if the media are turning the formerly known dance music in to electronic, the other side of the coin is that now people is more open-minded, and becoming familiar with sounds, noises, filters that no more than -how much?- five years ago maybe, only a few could listen to... See you soon, MoZO --- ";-Peter ;-Prisekin aka ;-Dusty ;-Chalk" wrote: > Alright, I'll bite. > > I don't know of any that go up to 24/96, but choose > the highest fidelity > sampler you can afford. I know you can use software > based samplers and > notebooks for field recording that go up that high, > but I don't know of > actual samplers. I really wouldn't mind any input > in this realm -- all > __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Shopping - Thousands of Stores. Millions of Products. ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2000 12:00:12 -0500 Reply-To: Electronic Music Discussion List Sender: Electronic Music Discussion List From: Jon Crystal Subject: CD Writers In-Reply-To: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" ; format="flowed" I too have this Yamaha external unit (connected to a Mac), and have only lost one disk in about 3-4 dozen burned....There is a ROM update available, which may be worth pursuing for those experiencing problems. > I have had a Yamaha 4416, external SCSI CD-R/W, running on my Windows 95/98 > PC for over a year, and it works flawlessly. Jon Crystal ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2000 11:12:55 -0800 Reply-To: Electronic Music Discussion List Sender: Electronic Music Discussion List From: Ufoman Subject: Re: And You Called...(#2) ?? MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Doubt I even understand your post, but appealing music is appealing music and that fact does not change no matter who introduces it or what they call it. Now, can you define all the different "genres" that have popped up in the last few years for me, so I'll know what some of these poeple are talking about? dance trance house electphonic funkadelic I think I'll stick to musicians meaning someone with an actual instrument. Not someone with a buncha digital switches and knobs or sequencers. After all, who calls someone who plays a recording a musician? ----- Original Message ----- From: "paolo" To: Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2000 6:29 AM Subject: And You Called...(#2) ?? > O.K. guys, thanx to everyone for your kindness and > good suggestions, I'll try to keep in mind everything > you wrote and to develop something good with it... > Did any of you hear something interesting lately in > the electronic contemporary scene (Lots of Djs, but > few musicians, or not?)? And what do you think about > the fact that electronic is becoming so easy-listened? > My opinion is that even if the media are turning the > formerly known dance music in to electronic, the other > side of the coin is that now people is more > open-minded, and becoming familiar with sounds, > noises, filters that no more than -how much?- five > years ago maybe, only a few could listen to... > See you soon, > MoZO > > > --- ";-Peter ;-Prisekin aka ;-Dusty ;-Chalk" > wrote: > > Alright, I'll bite. > > > > I don't know of any that go up to 24/96, but choose > > the highest fidelity > > sampler you can afford. I know you can use software > > based samplers and > > notebooks for field recording that go up that high, > > but I don't know of > > actual samplers. I really wouldn't mind any input > > in this realm -- all > > > > __________________________________________________ > Do You Yahoo!? > Yahoo! Shopping - Thousands of Stores. Millions of Products. > > ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2000 20:29:59 -0700 Reply-To: Electronic Music Discussion List Sender: Electronic Music Discussion List From: Mike Metlay Subject: Re: And You Called...(#2) ?? In-Reply-To: <001601c0646f$99103ea0$2fd5efd1@ufoman> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Ufoman wrote: >I think I'll stick to musicians meaning someone with an actual instrument. >Not someone with a buncha digital switches and knobs or sequencers. >After all, who calls someone who plays a recording a musician? Ah, now we're into a discussion worthy of EMUSIC-L! One that has come and gone at least 50 times in the years that Joe and I have run this list, and probably even back when it was Gwyneth's list. Who is a real musician and who isn't, and what constitutes real emusic? Before I weigh in, I'd like to remind everyone that discussions of gear and specific boxes, topics like "what's the best CD burner", belong over on our sister list SYNTH-L. Where was I? Oh yeah. There is a long tradition of people who stand up and play recordings for audiences of people being considered musicians, because in the early days of electronic music there was no other way to realize complex compositions. It took weeks or months to assemble a single ten-minute piece, and without recording tape to capture the results a great number of the early masterpieces of the genre would simply have been impossible. It wasn't laziness, it was a demand of the technology. No one called Hugh LeCaine lazy for multitracking his Electronic Sackbut in 1956, because there was only one in the world. So playing a recording isn't the issue, it's the creative process that went into the recording. That takes us back to the making of the music. If someone isn't playing an instrument in the traditional sense ("actual"?), is there no artistry in what he or she does? Playing an instrument requires physical dexterity and a certain degree of ear training, but to compose music requires a mind and an artistic vision. I'm fortunate enough to have a modicum of both, but I know which I'd give up if I had to choose one or the other. I care about whether music moves me emotionally and/or intrigues me intellectually. Preferably both. I don't really care all that much about how it's made as long as the result is good and true and original and exciting. Recently I loaned copies of all the Atomic City records to the mother of one of my 5-year-old daughter's school friends. She is a smart, talented lady who once had artistic ambitions, and who has been languishing at a cashier's job in a floor-paving-supply store in a small town in Colorado for years now. When next I saw her, she handed me a large check and told me she was buying the whole pile; they'd broken something loose in her and she was writing fiction and poetry again. She listened to them in the car and on the stereo at home, and instead of watching TV she was sitting at her word processor getting to know characters she'd almost forgotten about and giving them new life. Think for a moment about how that made me feel, as a button pushing, digital switch flipping, knob turning and sequencer punching maybe-musician. I asked her about the various titles, and she said something interesting about the work Nick Rothwell had done on his album _Listen/Move_. She said that at first she couldn't make sense of it and was tempted to give it back. But then she found herself listening to it more and more, and finding it absorbing and powerful in a way that ran deeper than the more easily accessible other records had. Think for a moment about how that reaction resonates with someone like Nick, for whom process and goal meld into an artistic whole, and for whom thought and emotion must move hand in hand for musical expression to be effective. There are a lot of talentless and silly people with music software and synths who call themselves musicians just because they can push a button and make noise. There are also a lot of shallow and vapid people with extremely fast fingers who call themselves musicians just because they can play modal scales on their guitar or piano or saxophone really, really fast. The two are orthogonal. mike -- Maybe you should take her to go see Robert Rich... He used to put on "Sleep concerts" where the whole point was to sleep through it... Interesting idea, but what do you say to the guy the next day? "Hey Robert great show...... I think. I especially liked the part where I wake up naked in a mall...sorry about the drool." (p. ellis) ========================================================================== Mike Metlay * ATOMIC CITY * P.O. Box 17083 * Boulder, CO * 80308-0083 * USA + * 800-924-ATOM * + ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2000 23:11:36 -0500 Reply-To: Electronic Music Discussion List Sender: Electronic Music Discussion List From: Mike Conlen Subject: Re: And You Called...(#2) ?? In-Reply-To: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII On Wed, 13 Dec 2000, Mike Metlay wrote: > Ufoman wrote: > >I think I'll stick to musicians meaning someone with an actual instrument. > >Not someone with a buncha digital switches and knobs or sequencers. > >After all, who calls someone who plays a recording a musician? > > Ah, now we're into a discussion worthy of EMUSIC-L! One that has come and > gone at least 50 times in the years that Joe and I have run this list, and > probably even back when it was Gwyneth's list. If you really want to have a good conversation you could try inviting some people back to the list who haven't been here in a while, but someone might just say bzzzzt to that idea... least there would be *some* talk on the list... -- Groove on Dude Michael Conlen ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 00:01:08 -0500 Reply-To: Electronic Music Discussion List Sender: Electronic Music Discussion List From: Frank Subject: Re: And You Called...(#2) ?? In-Reply-To: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Mike Metlay said >There are a lot of talentless and silly people with music< you forgot "tasteless" :-)) frank ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2000 21:51:43 -0800 Reply-To: Electronic Music Discussion List Sender: Electronic Music Discussion List From: Ufoman Subject: Re: And You Called...(#2) ?? MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit > Mike Metlay said >There are a lot of talentless and silly people with music< > > you forgot "tasteless" :-)) > > frank there ya go my dog plays a mean washing machine with her tail sometimes ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2000 21:49:44 -0800 Reply-To: Electronic Music Discussion List Sender: Electronic Music Discussion List From: Ufoman Subject: Re: And You Called...(#2) ?? MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I'm on the wrong list? LOL Personally, I don't care who calls who a musician. I suppose anyone who makes music would be one technically. And if I don't agree, I can always walk away muttering... As a musician, I realize only a small part of society will want to hear my music. Not worth arguing about when it's just a matter of taste. Do singers call themselves musicians? I doubt I would if that was all I did. If you say you are a synthesist I'd be thinking chemist. > There is a long tradition of people who stand up and play recordings for > audiences of people being considered musicians, because in the early days > of electronic music there was no other way to realize complex compositions. > It took weeks or months to assemble a single ten-minute piece, and without > recording tape to capture the results a great number of the early > masterpieces of the genre would simply have been impossible. It wasn't > laziness, it was a demand of the technology. No one called Hugh LeCaine > lazy for multitracking his Electronic Sackbut in 1956, because there was > only one in the world. So playing a recording isn't the issue, it's the > creative process that went into the recording. I agree. > That takes us back to the making of the music. If someone isn't playing an > instrument in the traditional sense ("actual"?), is there no artistry in > what he or she does? Know who patti smith is? "some art we must destroy" or somesuch thing she said of course there was a very good reason she said that, but I'm not going into THAT ! Playing an instrument requires physical dexterity and > a certain degree of ear training, but to compose music requires a mind and > an artistic vision. I'm fortunate enough to have a modicum of both, but I > know which I'd give up if I had to choose one or the other. well, does all the times I've made cool rifts just running my fingers over the keys or strings fly in the face of what you just said? I'll trade you some composing ability for better dexterity. > I care about whether music moves me emotionally and/or intrigues me > intellectually. Preferably both. I don't really care all that much about > how it's made as long as the result is good and true and original and > exciting. gee, doesn't that leave out a lot of good tunes? LOL I settle for it appeals to me. There are good songs I don't like cuz the lyrics are too uhm, stupid. Are their any lyrics in electronica? > Think for a moment about how that made me feel, as a button pushing, > digital switch flipping, knob turning and sequencer punching maybe-musician. Hey, I'm new here, I give up. Proud, monstrous, what? > I asked her about the various titles, and she said something interesting > about the work Nick Rothwell had done on his album _Listen/Move_. She said > that at first she couldn't make sense of it and was tempted to give it > back. But then she found herself listening to it more and more, and finding > it absorbing and powerful in a way that ran deeper than the more easily > accessible other records had. funny how that works. like playing a rythym with only 2 notes, 4 of one, then 4 of the other. If you start it with the other note than what you're used to it's totally different, but only the first bar was removed, and it's actually the same after that. > Think for a moment about how that reaction resonates with someone like > Nick, for whom process and goal meld into an artistic whole, and for whom > thought and emotion must move hand in hand for musical expression to be > effective. I long for the day when I can pound out nice tunes I hear in my head instantly. Or just be able to play anything flawlessly. > There are a lot of talentless and silly people with music software and > synths who call themselves musicians just because they can push a button > and make noise. There are also a lot of shallow and vapid people with > extremely fast fingers who call themselves musicians just because they can > play modal scales on their guitar or piano or saxophone really, really fast. hmmn, who let eddie van halen in here? Tony Iommi when asked of him said, "oh, he's one of those tappers?" LOL > The two are orthogonal. or something more obtuse? 8 > always thot I'd be a rock person (at least since I took up music not that long ago) but then I saw the payout page at electronica looks quite popular my first synth purchase, a Proteus 2000 is looking good... now where can I find midi rifts I can ripoff and have some instant masterpieces? LOL I do believe it's a little too easy... who thinks will last? I just saw on the toob that their one big advertiser has committed 50 million $ for next year ! jeeeeeeeez I'm quite skeptical. pretty easy to be in business with a bankroll like that they expect to break even by the end of next year? that's what the analyst said bye bye free download... ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 07:06:57 +1100 Reply-To: Electronic Music Discussion List Sender: Electronic Music Discussion List From: David Rodger Subject: Re: And You Called...(#2) ?? In-Reply-To: <001c01c06591$ad001160$5bd5efd1@ufoman> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" >As a musician, I realize only a small part of society will want to hear my >music. Not worth arguing about when it's just a matter of taste. Do >singers call themselves musicians? I doubt I would if that was all I did. You would if that was _all_ you did. You'd have no other way of expressing yourself musically. David Rodger: Audio Engineer, Royal Life Saving Society Trainer, Writing & Research ======================================================================== Keep e-mail simple: just say NO to styled text, HTML, ms-tnef, .vcf, .url ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 15:51:33 -0500 Reply-To: Electronic Music Discussion List Sender: Electronic Music Discussion List From: Jen Masters Subject: Re: And You Called...(#2) ?? In-Reply-To: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII > >As a musician, I realize only a small part of society will want to hear my > >music. Not worth arguing about when it's just a matter of taste. Do > >singers call themselves musicians? I doubt I would if that was all I did. > > You would if that was _all_ you did. You'd have no other way of expressing > yourself musically. I agree... Is a voice not an instrument? I would consider it to be, although I don't hear much vocals in e-music...but I prefer it that way. Just my opinion. luv, Jen ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 13:10:00 -0700 Reply-To: Electronic Music Discussion List Sender: Electronic Music Discussion List From: Mary Lou Newmark Subject: Greetings from Green Angel Music MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Dear EMUSIC List, Happy Holidays from Green Angel Music! Mary Lou Newmark is now an artist. Listen FREE to selected tracks from her CD, “Green Angel” at Check out what's new at • “Green Angel” has a new review from Matt Borghi in “The Organization of Sound” - read it in the REVIEWS section. • Hear the Web premiere of “Spirit In” in the WHAT'S NEW section. • See the new poems and graphics in the POETRY section. • “Green Angel” is available at Dutton’s Bookstore in Brentwood, California - check out the CD section. For the latest from Mary Lou Newmark, go to The “Green Angel” CD is available at selected retail stores in Los Angeles, as well as through and Bring home a “Green Angel” for the Holidays! Musical Joy to you all! Mary Lou Newmark Green Angel Music ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 13:13:09 -0800 Reply-To: Electronic Music Discussion List Sender: Electronic Music Discussion List From: Ufoman Subject: Re: And You Called...(#2) ?? MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit curses, foiled again ! naw, I'd just call myself a singer and be done with it LOL ----- Original Message ----- From: "David Rodger" To: Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2000 12:06 PM Subject: Re: And You Called...(#2) ?? > >As a musician, I realize only a small part of society will want to hear my > >music. Not worth arguing about when it's just a matter of taste. Do > >singers call themselves musicians? I doubt I would if that was all I did. > > You would if that was _all_ you did. You'd have no other way of expressing > yourself musically. > > David Rodger: > Audio Engineer, Royal Life Saving Society Trainer, Writing & Research > > ========================================================================= > Keep e-mail simple: just say NO to styled text, HTML, ms-tnef, .vcf, .url > ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 18:25:01 -0800 Reply-To: Electronic Music Discussion List Sender: Electronic Music Discussion List From: "J. Belton McClure" Subject: Christmas song online... Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" ; format="flowed" Hi, I have an X-mas song online. The Little Drummer Boy after poppin' some tabs of X-mas. I'll prolly do another mix/mixdown (got sick of hearing it! :) but you're welcome to check it out. Starts off kind of trip-hop then goes into a breakbeat with a sort of drum n' bass interlude. With a boy's choir too. Hard to explain. It's pretty much an experiment on my part. I'm trying to learn all my equipment I got a few months ago. PARIS, Avalons 737sp, hearing with the Genelecs.. well you get the idea. :) Between the frustration and enlightenment it's pretty much with what I ended up with so far. So the frequency sweep at the beginning is a Juno-106 which plays the same sound throughout the whole piece as a sort of pulsating bass. You can hear most clearly in the interlude. The low dirty distorted sound is actually a patch that uses the vintage synth card on my JV-1080. The drum loops are from the same expansion card. The boy's choir is from my Emulator 4. Spectrosonic's "Symphony of Voices" to be precise. I think the Juno came out the coolest in the mix despite its simplicity. It cuts through very nicely. ESP. in the interlude. And the snare, which is heard most clearly at the beginning and the 909 bass drum are from the Rave-309. I'll let you know when I do a new mix. I really want to pull the vocals and the squealing boys further in and redo a couple of phrases. (sigh) In the interim I hope you enjoy! Cheers! :) b.