Introduction to CPREVIEW.PRG CPREVIEW.PRG (chinese preview) is one program what can display chinese text with gb-format on ATARI ST with a mono-screen (Maybe it works with ATARI TT too. Because I used the compile and link what generate code that runs on TT too. But I haven't testet with one TT). To display HXWZ with CPREVIEW.PRG you must at first received HXWZ-file from the listserv (look the another help file to get more info). You can copy the HXWZ-file to ATARI with kermit program like UNITERM.PRG. Then you must start UUD.TTP to uue-decode the HXWZ-file. As a result you get one file with exten- sion gb. Now startet easy CPREVIEW.PRG from GEM-Desktop like another execute program. CPREVIEW uses pop-down menu and window technic. So it explanates self and if you have used one time ATARI you should have no problem with it. You can active every menu point with a key or key combination. The key command is displayed at the end of each menu item. CPREVIEW.PRG can display four chinese text at one time. Each text may have maximal 10,000 lines. You can change the space between two chars or two lines if you haven't open any text file. If you have a colormonito or if you have only 512 kBytes memory you may take contact with me. I should look what I can do for you. UNITERM.PRG and UUD.TTP you can found it at every public domain source. Use ftp you can get it for example from [] or []. Jin, Liwen e-mail : JIN@DMZNAT51.BITNET JIN@VIPMZA.PHYSIK.UNI-MAINZ.DE