¤@ yat yi1 one ¤A yuet yi3 2nd heavenly stem, 2nd in order ¤B ding ding1 (surname), 4th heavenly stem zheng1 ¤C chat qi1 seven ¤D naai nai3 thereupon ¤E gau jiu3 nine ¤F liu le5 (part. of completion) liao3 to finish ¤G yi er4 two ¤H yan ren2 man/person/people ¤J yap ru4 enter ¤K baat ba1 eight ¤L gei ji1 small table ji3 a few, how many ¤M do dao1 knife ¤N diu diao1 artful, wicked ¤O lik li4 strength ¤P bei bi3 dagger, ladle ¤Q sap shi2 ten ¤R baak buk bu3 to divine ¤S yau you4 again ¤T saam saam san1 three ¤U ha xia4 below, down, go down ¤V jeung zhang4 ten feet ¤W seung shang3 shang4 above, go to, up ¤X a ya1 slave girl ¤Y yuen wan2 pill ¤Z faan fan2 whatever, worldly ¤[ gau jiu3 long (time) ¤\ moh yao1 one on dice, small ¤] ya ye3 also ¤^ hat qi3 beg ¤_ yue yu2 (surname), at/in ¤` mong wang2 perish wu2 ¤a ngat wu4 (surname), cut off the feet ¤b yan ren4 edge of blade ¤c cheuk shao2 spoon ¤d chin qian1 thousand ¤e cha cha1 pitchfork ¤f hau kou3 mouth ¤g to tu3 earth/dust ¤h si shi4 scholar, warrior ¤j daai da4 big/great dai4 doctor ¤k nui nu:3 female, woman ru3 ¤l ji zi3 11 p.m.-1 a.m., 1st earthly branch, child, midnight, son ¤m kit jie2 alone, mosquito larvae, small ¤n kuet jue2 larvae of mosquito ¤o chuen cun4 Chinese inch ¤p siu xiao3 small, young ¤r si shi1 corpse ¤s saan shan1 mountain/hill ¤t chuen chuan1 river ¤u gung gong1 work/labor ¤v gei ji3 6th heavenly stem, self ¤w yi yi3 already ¤x ji si4 6th earthly branch, 9-11 a.m. ¤y gan jin1 towel ¤z gon gan1 dry, to concern ¤} gung gong1 a bow (weapon) ¤~ choi cai2 talent ¤¡ chau chou3 1-3 a.m., 2nd earthly branch, clown ¤¢ koi gai4 beg for alms, beggar ¤£ bat bu4 not ¤¤ jung zhong1 China, middle zhong4 hit (the mark) ¤¥ fung feng1 abundant, gracefulness ¤¦ daan dan1 cinnabar, red ¤§ ji zhi1 (subor. part.), him/her/it ¤¨ wan yin3 (surname), to rule ¤© yue yu2 I yu3 to give ¤ª wan yun2 say ¤« jeng jing3 warn, well ¤¬ woo hu4 mutually ¤­ ng wu3 five ¤® kong kang4 overbearing ¤¯ yan ren2 humane ¤° sam shi2 tenth ¤± ding ding1 alone ¤² buk puk pu1 fall prostrate ¤³ sau chou2 enmity, feud qiu2 (surname), match/mate ¤´ ying reng2 still ¤µ gam jin1 now ¤¶ gaai jie4 introduce, lie between ¤· jak ze4 oblique tone ¤¸ yuen yuan2 (dynasty), dollar, primary ¤¹ wan yun3 to permit ¤º noi nei4 interior ¤» luk liu4 six ¤¼ hai xi1 (part.) ¤½ gung gong1 just/honorable (designation), public ¤¾ yung rong3 extraneous ¤¿ hung xiong1 ominous ¤À fan fen1 divide fen4 part ¤Á chit qie1 to cut qie4 close to ¤Â ngaai yi4 mow ¤Ã wan yun2 uniform/even ¤Ä ngau gou1 hook ¤Å mat wu4 do not ¤Æ fa hua4 -ize, transform ¤Ç pat pi3 bolt (of fabric), ordinary person ¤È ng wu3 11 a.m.-1 p.m., 7th earthly branch, noon ¤É sing sheng1 pint, rise ¤Ê sa sa4 thirty ¤Ë bin bian4 (surname), hurried ¤Ì ak e4 distressed ¤Í yau you3 friend ¤Î kap ji2 and, reach ¤Ï faan fan3 wrong side out or up ¤Ð yam ren2 9th heavenly stem ¤Ñ tin tian1 day, sky/heaven ¤Ò foo fu1 husband, man fu2 ¤Ó taai tai4 too/excessively ¤Ô yiu yao1 die prematurely ¤Õ hung kong3 (surname), hole ¤Ö siu shao3 few, lack shao4 young ¤× yau you2 especially ¤Ø chek chi3 a Chinese foot (M), a ruler ¤Ù tuen tun2 to station (soldiers), to store up zhun1 difficult, stingy ¤Ú ba ba1 (suff. for certain nouns), to hope ¤Û waan huan4 fantasy ¤Þ yan yin3 to lead ¤ß sam xin1 heart, mind ¤à gwoh ge1 (surname), spear ¤á woo hu4 a household, door ¤â sau shou3 hand ¤ã jaat zha1 prick zha2 penetrating (as of cold), struggle ¤ä ji zhi1 branch, division, draw money ¤å man wen2 literary, writing wen4 ¤æ dau dou3 Chinese peck ¤ç gan jin1 catty ¤è fong fang1 direction, just, square ¤é yat ri4 Japan, day, sun ¤ê yeuk yue1 say ¤ë yuet yue4 month, moon ¤ì muk mu4 tree, wood ¤í him qian4 deficient, owe ¤î ji zhi3 to stop ¤ï daai dai3 evil ¤ð mo wu2 do not ¤ñ bei bi3 compare bi4 associate with, be near ¤ò mo mao2 fur/hair ¤ó si shi4 clan name, maiden name zhi1 ¤ô sui shui3 water ¤õ foh huo3 fire ¤ö jaau zhao3 claw zhua3 claw ¤÷ foo fu3 fu4 father ¤ø ngaau yao2 lines on a trigram ¤ù pin pian4 a slice/piece ¤ú nga ya2 tooth ¤û ngau niu2 ox/cow ¤ü huen quan3 dog ¤ý wong wang2 (surname), king wang4 ¤þ bing bing3 3rd heavenly stem ¥@ sai shi4 a lifetime, world ¥A pei pi1 grand ¥B che qie3 moreover ¥C yau qiu1 Confucius, given name, mound ¥D jue zhu3 master ¥E ja zha4 for the first time, suddenly ¥F fat fa2 short of, tired ¥G foo hu1 (interrog. part.) ¥H yi yi3 because, in order to, to use ¥I foo fu4 pay ¥J jai zai3 dimi. (Cantonese) zi3 minutely ¥K si shi4 an official ¥L ta ta1 he/she ¥M jeung zhang4 battle ¥N doi dai4 dynasty, generation, substitute ¥O ling ling4 command, honorable ¥P sin xian1 immortal ¥Q yan ren4 (measure) ¥R chung chong1 fill ¥S hing xiong1 elder brother ¥T yim ran3 (surname), passing (of time) ¥U chaak ce4 M for volume, booklet ¥V dung dong1 winter ¥W lap ao1 concave ¥X chut chu1 go out ¥Z hon kan1 to print/publish ¥[ ga jia1 add ¥\ gung gong1 accomplishment ¥] baau bao1 contract (to or for), wrap up ¥^ chung cong1 hurried ¥_ bak bei3 north ¥` saap za1 go round ¥a chin qian1 thousand ¥b boon ban4 half ¥c wai hui4 plants ¥d ka ka3 card qia3 customs station, to be choked ¥e jim zhan1 to divine zhan4 ¥f maau mao3 4th earthly branch, 5-7 a.m. ¥h hui qu4 go, remove ¥i hoh ke3 can/may ¥j goo gu3 ancient ¥k yau you4 right (-hand) ¥l jiu shao4 (surname), name of an ancient state zhao1 zhao4 summon ¥m ding ding1 sting (of mosquito), to ask ¥n kau kou4 knock ¥o to dao1 grumble/garrulous ¥p diu diao1 ¥q si si1 company, control ¥r poh po3 not, thereupon ¥s giu jiao4 to call ¥t ling ling4 separately ¥u jek ji zhi1 M for one of a pair zhi3 but, only ¥v si shi3 history ¥w chik chi4 hoot at ¥x toi tai2 your ¥y gui gou1 ju4 sentence ¥z ba ba1 (onomat.) ¥{ lek le4 ¥| sei si4 four ¥} chau qiu2 prisoner ¥~ ngoi wai4 outside ¥¡ yeung yang1 beg, center ¥¢ sat shi1 lose ¥£ no nu2 slave ¥¤ naai nai3 breast, lady, milk ¥¥ yan yun4 pregnant ¥¦ ta ta1 it ¥§ nei ni2 Buddhist nun ¥¨ gui ju4 huge ¥© haau qiao3 skillful, timely ¥ª joh zuo3 left ¥« si shi4 market ¥¬ bo bu4 cloth ¥­ ping ping2 level ¥® yau you4 young ¥° wang hong2 great, liberal ¥± fat fu2 not ¥² bit bi4 necessarily/must ¥³ mo wu4 5th heavenly stem ¥´ da da3 to strike ¥µ wing reng1 throw ¥¶ pa ba1 climb, pull (out), to strip pa2 climb, crawl, snatch ¥¸ chik chi4 reprimand ¥¹ daan dan4 morning ¥º sut zhu2 Atractylis lancea var. ovata ¥» boon ben3 copy (M for books), origin, own ¥¼ mei wei4 1-3 p.m., 8th earthly branch, not yet ¥½ moot mo4 end ¥¾ jaat zha2 short note ¥¿ jing zheng1 Chinese 1st month of year zheng4 just (right), main, upright ¥À mo mu3 female, mother ¥Á man min2 citizen, people ¥Â dai di1 name of an ancient tribe di3 foundation, on the whole ¥Ã wing yong3 perpetual (ly) ¥Ä jap zhi1 juice ¥Ç faan fan4 offend, violate ¥È yuen xuan2 black, mysterious ¥É yuk yu4 jade ¥Ê gwa gua1 melon ¥Ë nga wa3 tile ¥Ì gam gan1 (surname), sweet ¥Í saang sang sheng1 give birth, life ¥Î yung yong4 to use ¥Ï lat shuai3 fling ¥Ð tin tian2 (surname), field/farm ¥Ñ yau you2 follow, from, it is for...to ¥Ò gaap jia3 1st heavenly stem, 1st in order, armor ¥Ó san shen1 (surname), 3-5 p.m., 9th earthly branch, extend ¥Ô pat pi3 a bolt (of cloth) ya3 ¥Õ baak bai2 gratuitous, white/pure ¥Ö pei pi2 leather, skin ¥× ming min3 ¥Ø muk mu4 eye, item ¥Ù maau mao2 lance ¥Ú chi shi3 arrow, dart ¥Û sek dan4 10 pecks shi2 stone/rock ¥Ü si shi4 to show/reveal ¥Ý woh he2 cereal, grain ¥Þ yuet xue2 ¥ß lap li4 set up, to stand ¥à sing cheng2 deputy ¥á diu diu1 lose ¥â ping ping1 bing (onomat.) ¥ã bam pang1 bang (onomat.) ¥å woon gen4 extend across/through ¥æ gaau jiao1 deliver, join, pay ¥ç yik yi4 also ¥è hoi hai4 12th earthly branch, 9-11 p.m. ¥é fong fang3 imitate ¥ê kong kang4 husband/wife ¥ë foh huo3 assistant, furniture, partner ¥ì yi yi1 he/she ¥î ng wu3 associate with, five/company ¥ï fat fa2 ¥ð yau xiu1 to rest ¥ñ fuk fu2 conceal (ambush), prostrate, submit ¥ò jung zhong4 2nd in seniority ¥ó gin jian4 M for thing/clothes, item ¥ô yam ren2 ren4 responsibility ¥õ yeung yang3 look up ¥ö pei pi3 to part ¥÷ fan fen4 portion ¥ú gwong guang1 light ¥ü siu zhao4 omen, trillion ¥ý sin xian1 be first ¥þ chuen quan2 complete (ly) ¦@ gung gong1 gong4 together ¦A joi zai4 again ¦B bing bing1 ice ¦C lit lie4 a row/series ¦D ying xing2 corporeal punishment ¦E waak hua2 to row ¦F man wen3 cut across (throat) ¦H luet lie4 inferior ¦I hung xiong1 Hungary, thorax/chest ¦J hong kuang1 correct ¦K jeung jiang4 craftsman ¦L yan yin4 to print ¦N gat ji2 lucky ¦O lei li4 minor official ¦P tung tong2 together/same ¦Q diu diao4 condole with, hang ¦R to tu3 spit tu4 vomit ¦S yue xu1 sh/hush ¦U gok ge4 each ¦V heung xiang4 guide, opposite to ¦W ming ming2 name ¦X hap he2 Chinese musical note, fit ¦Y hek chi1 eat ji2 stammer ¦Z hau hou4 queen ¦[ yiu yao1 shout ¦\ ja zha4 upbraid ¦] yan yin1 because, reason ¦^ wooi hui2 a time, to return, to revolve ¦a dei di4 ground ¦b joi zai4 be at, exist ¦c gwai gui1 jade tablet ¦g suk su4 morning ¦h doh duo1 how (A of degree), much/many ¦i yi yi2 a barbarian ¦j kwa kua1 to boast ¦k mong wang4 absurd/fantastic ¦l gaan jian1 traitor ¦m fei fei1 imperial concubine ¦n ho hao3 good hao4 be fond of ¦o ta ta1 she ¦p yue ru2 as, if ¦q cheuk shuo4 (surname), matchmaker ¦r ji zi4 word ¦s chuen cun2 exist, to store ¦t yue yu3 room, universe ¦u sau shou3 to guard ¦v jaak zhai2 residence ¦w on an1 peace/quiet ¦x ji si4 Buddhist temple ¦y jim jian1 point (of needle), sharp, shrewd ¦z ngat yi4 high and steep ¦{ jau zhou1 sub-prefecture ¦| faan fan1 sail ¦} bing bing4 and/also, together with ¦~ nin nian2 year ¦¡ sik shi4 form/style ¦¢ chi chi2 relax ¦£ mong mang2 busy ¦¥ yung rong2 (surname), weapon ¦¦ sut xu1 11th earthly branch, 7-9 p.m. ¦§ sue shu4 garrison ¦¨ sing cheng2 to complete ¦© kau kou4 10 percent, button, detain ¦ª gong gang1 lift overhead with both hands kang2 carry on one's shoulder ¦« tok tuo1 support on palm ¦¬ sau shou1 collect, receive ¦­ jo zao3 early, morning ¦® ji zhi3 imperial decree, purport ¦¯ chun xun2 ten days ¦° yuk xu4 dawn/rising sun ¦± kuk qu1 bent/crooked qu3 tune/song ¦³ yau you3 have, there is you4 ¦´ nau xiu3 rotten ¦µ pok po4 Celtis sinensis var. japonica ¦¶ jue zhu1 (surname), vermilion ¦· deuh doh duo3 M for flowers ¦¸ chi ci4 inferior/second, times ¦¹ chi ci3 this ¦º sei si3 die ¦» naai nai3 neon ¦¼ yue ru3 thou ¦½ hon han2 han4 perspiration ¦¿ gong jiang1 large river ¦À chi chi2 pond ¦Â saan shan4 Swatow ¦Ã woo wu1 dirt/filth ¦Ä sun xun4 high water, sprinkle water ¦Ç fooi hui1 ashes, gray ¦È mau mou2 barley, to moo, usurp ¦Ê baak bai3 hundred ¦Ë juk zhu2 bamboo ¦Ì mai mi3 (surname), metre, uncooked rice ¦Î fau fou3 pottery ¦Ï yeung yang2 (surname), sheep ¦Ð yue yu3 feather ¦Ñ lo lao3 old (in age), tough ¦Ò haau kao3 examine ¦Ó yi er2 and/and yet ¦Ô loi lei3 plough ¦Õ yi er3 ear ¦Ö lut yu4 introductory part., pen ¦× yuk rou4 flesh/meat ¦Ù gei ji1 flesh, muscle ¦Ú san chen2 minister, official ¦Û ji zi4 from, self/oneself, since ¦Ü ji zhi4 arrive, most ¦Ý kau jiu4 mortar ¦Þ sit she2 tongue ¦à jau zhou1 boat ¦á gan gen3 gen4 a sign in trigram ¦â sik se4 color ¦ã ngaai ai4 (surname), Artemisia vulgaris yi4 ¦ä chung chong2 insect, worm ¦å huet xie3 blood xue4 blood ¦æ haang hang hong hang2 a row, profession/professional hang4 xing2 walk/go, will do xing4 behavior, conduct ¦ç yi yi1 clothes yi4 to dress/to wear ¦è sai xi1 west ¦é chin qian1 road leading north and south ¦ê chuen chuan4 string ¦ë hang heng1 prosperous ¦ì wai wei4 M for person, position, seat ¦í jue zhu4 reside, stop ¦î chue zhu4 ¦ï toh tuo2 carry on the back ¦ð ning ning4 eloquent, talent ¦ñ boon ban4 comrade ¦ò fat fo2 Buddha ¦ó hoh he2 carry, what/how/why/which ¦ô goo gu1 estimate gu4 old/second-hand (clothes) ¦õ joh zuo3 assist ¦ö yau you4 bless, protect ¦÷ ke qie2 (phonetic) ¦ø ji ci4 wait on si4 to examine/spy ¦ù san shen1 stretch out ¦ú tin dian4 farmer ¦ü chi si4 resemble ¦ý daan dan4 but ¦þ yung yong4 commission (for middleman) §@ jok zuo2 make, to do zuo4 do, make §A nei ni3 you §B baak bo2 father's elder brother, senior §C dai di1 beneath, low, lower the head §D ling ling2 clever §E yue yu2 I/me §H yat yi4 (surname), idle §I dui dui4 to cash §J hak ke4 gram, subdue §K min mian3 to avoid §L bing bing1 soldier, weapon §M ye ye3 smelt §N laang leng3 cold §O bit bie2 another, don't, separate §P poon pan4 to judge §Q lei li4 profit §R saan shan1 delete §S paau bao4 a plane, to plane pao2 eliminate, to dig, to question §T gip jie2 plunder §U joh zhu4 to help §V no nu3 exert §X hap xia2 box §Y jik ji2 namely, right away §Z lun luan3 ovum §[ lun lin4 stingy §\ hong hang2 throat keng1 §] tan tun1 to swallow §^ ng wu2 I/my §_ fau fou3 not pi3 clogged, evil §a ba ba1 (onomat.), dumb ba5 (final part.) §b daai ngoi dai1 stupid §c ngak e4 hiccough §d ng wu2 (surname), province of Jiangsu §e ching cheng2 petition §f lui lu:3 (surname) §g gwan jun1 ruler/gentleman §h fan fen1 leave instructions, to order §i go gao4 tell §j chui chui1 to blow §k man wen3 kiss, mouth §l kap xi1 absorb, inhale §m suen shun3 suck §n chaau chao3 to quarrel §o naap na4 battle cry §p fai fei4 to bark §q haau hou3 roar (of a lion) §r a ya1 §s ji zhi1 (phonetic) zi1 (phonetic) §t ham han2 contain §u yam yin2 moan, to hum §w chung cong1 chimney §x kwan kun4 distress, sleepy/doze off §y tuen dun4 bin for grain tun2 to store/hoard §{ fong fang1 subdivision of a city fang2 §| haang keng1 pit, to defraud §} ji zhi3 location §~ taap tan1 collapse §¡ gwan jun1 all, uniform §¢ ham kan3 pit, threshold §¤ joh zuo4 sit §§ jong zhuang4 strong/robust §¨ gaap jia1 clip, folder, hold between jia2 hold between, lined, narrow lane §© jong zhuang1 adornment/adorn §ª do du4 jealous §« fong fang2 hinder/harm §¬ nau niu1 little girl §­ bei bi3 deceased mother §® miu miao4 clever/wonderful §¯ yiu yao1 monster/phantom §° yin yan2 beautiful §± yue yu2 handsome/fair §² gei ji4 prostitute §³ yam ren4 be pregnant §´ toh tuo3 secure/sound §µ haau xiao4 filial §¶ ji zi1 unwearied effort §· foo fu2 trust §¸ boot bei4 comet §¹ yuen wan2 finished §º sung song4 (surname), name of a dynasty §» wang hong2 spacious §¼ gaai ga4 in an embarrassing situation §½ guk ju2 office §¾ pei pi4 to break wind §¿ niu niao4 urine §À mei wei3 tail §Á kei qi2 divergent, side road, steep §Â sam cen2 (surname), small high hill §Ã cha cha4 diverge §Å mo wu1 witch §Æ hei xi1 rare/infrequent §Ç jui xu4 order, preface §È bei bi4 protect, to cover §É chong chuang2 bed §Ê ting ting2 palace courtyard §Ë lung nong4 fix, toy with §Ì dai di4 younger brother §Í tung tong2 (surname), red §Î ying xing2 shape §Ï fong fang3 seemingly §Ð yik yi4 service §Ñ mong wang4 forget §Ò gei ji4 avoid as taboo, jealous §Ó ji zhi4 the will §Ô yan ren3 endure §Õ sam chen2 §Ö faai kuai4 §Ù gaai jie4 swear off, warn against §Ú ngoh wo3 I/me §Û chaau chao1 to copy §Ü kong kang4 resist §Ý dau dou3 shake out, tremble §Þ gei ji4 skill §ß foo fu2 to support §à kuet jue2 dig, pick §á nau niu3 wring §â ba ba3 (pre-transitive), take hold of §ã ak e4 hold (strategic position) §ä jaau zhao3 look for §å pai pi1 act on, criticize, pass on §æ paan ban1 pull up or out §ç sue shu1 to strain/pour out §è che che3 to tear/pull at §é jit zhe2 tenth (in price), to break, to fold §ê baan ban4 disguise, to dress §ë tau tou2 throw §ì jaau zhua1 snatch/grasp, to scratch §í yik yi4 (part.), or, repress §ï goi gai3 alter, to correct §ð gung gong1 attack §ñ yau you1 §ò hon han4 drought §ó gang geng1 to change geng4 still more §ô chuk shu4 bind, to control §õ lei li3 (surname), plum §ö hang xing4 apricot §÷ choi cai2 material §ø chuen cun1 village §ù do du4 (surname), fabricate, restrict §ú jeung zhang4 §û gei qi3 (willow), name of a feudal state §ü chaam sha1 (pine) shan1 (pine) §ý gon gan1 pole §þ gong gang1 footbridge ¨B bo bu4 step ¨C mooi mei3 each/every ¨D kau qiu2 beseech ¨E hung gong3 mercury ¨F sa sha1 granule, hoarse/raspy, sand ¨G cham qin4 name of a river ¨H sam shen3 (surname), place name ¨I cham chen2 sink ¨K pooi pei4 copious/abundant ¨L wong wang1 (surname), expanse of water, ooze ¨M kuet jue2 breach (a dyke), decide ¨N muk mu4 bathe/cleanse, receive favors ¨O taai tai4 eliminate, too ¨R chung chong1 dash against, wash out ¨S moot mei2 have not, not mo4 drowned, to end/to die ¨T hei qi4 steam ¨U yuk wo4 fertile, rich ¨V kap ji2 draw water from well ¨W fan fen2 name of a river ¨X bin bian4 ¨^ yi yi2 name of a river ¨_ jo zao4 kitchen stove ¨` cheuk zhuo2 brilliant, cauterize ¨a joi zai1 disaster/calamity ¨b gau jiu3 cauterize ¨c lo lao2 firm/fast ¨d maau mu3 male ¨f dik di2 (surname), barbarians, name of a tribe ¨g kong kuang2 conceited, mad ¨h gau jiu3 (black stone), nine (fraudproof) ¨i yung yong3 5 pecks (M), Ningpo ¨j foo fu3 just/just now ¨k naam nan2 male ¨l din dian4 imperial domain, suburb ¨m jo zao4 black ¨n deng ding1 stare/gaze ¨o yi yi3 final part. ¨p si si1 private, selfish ¨q sau xiu4 handsome/elegant ¨r tuk tu1 bald, blunt ¨s gau jiu4 after all, investigate ¨t hai xi4 be, system, to tie ¨u hon han3 rare ¨v chiu xiao4 similar/resembling ¨w fong huang1 region between heart and diaphragm ¨x gon gan1 liver ¨y jaau zhou3 elbow, pork shoulder ¨z gong gang1 anus ¨{ to du3 tripe du4 belly ¨| yuk yu4 nourish/to rear ¨} leung liang2 good ¨~ mong mang2 Miscanthus sinensis ¨¡ woo yu4 Colocasia antiquorum ¨¢ cheuk shao2 Paeonia albiflora ¨£ gin jian4 interview, see ¨¤ gok jiao3 angle, horn jue2 Chinese musical note, angle, horn ¨¥ yin yan2 speak, speech ¨¦ guk gu3 valley yu4 (surname) ¨§ dau dou4 sacrificial vessel ¨© booi bei4 cowry/shell ¨ª chik chi4 bare, scarlet ¨« jau zou3 go, walk ¨¬ juk zu2 foot, sufficient ¨­ san shen1 body ¨® che che1 vehicle on land ju1 vehicle on land ¨¯ san xin1 8th heavenly stem, tired ¨° san chen2 5th earthly branch, 7-9 a.m. ¨± yue yu1 literal-minded ¨³ sun xun4 rapid ¨´ ngat qi4 as yet, until ¨µ chun xun2 to patrol ¨¶ yap yi4 city ¨· ying xing2 (surname), place name ¨¸ che xie2 demonical, iniquitous/nefarious ¨¹ bong bang1 state/country ¨º na na3 how, which na4 that/those ¨» yau you3 10th earthly branch, 5-7 p.m. ¨½ lei lui li3 Chinese mile, neighborhood ¨¾ fong fang2 guard against ¨¿ yuen ruan3 (surname) ¨À jeng jing3 hole, pitfall ¨Á baan ban3 hillside ¨Ä gwaai guai1 clever ¨Å yue ru3 milk ¨Æ si shi4 work/affair ¨Ç se xie1 some ¨È a ya4 Asia, secondary ¨É heung xiang3 enjoy ¨Ê ging jing1 capital ¨Ë yeung yang2 pretend ¨Ì yi yi1 according to, depend on, near to ¨Í si shi4 attend on ¨Î gaai jia1 excellent ¨Ï si shi3 cause, employ, messenger ¨Ð lo lao3 male/man (Cantonese) ¨Ñ gung gong1 offer (information etc.), supply gong4 offer, sacrificial offering ¨Ò lai li4 example ¨Ó loi lai2 to come ¨Ô hon kan3 bold ¨Õ baak bai3 hundred (fraudproof) ¨× chi chi3 extravagant ¨Ø pooi pei4 to respect, wear (belt/etc.) ¨Ú lun lun2 arrange ¨Û yat yi4 row of dancers at sacrifices ¨Ü jue zhu1 dwarf ¨Ý yau you4 urge to eat ¨ß to tu4 rabbit ¨à yi er2 son ¨â leung liang3 tael, two ¨ã gui ju4 instrument ¨ä kei ji1 qi2 his/her/its/theirs ¨å din dian3 canon/dictionary ¨æ lit lie4 cold and raw ¨ç haam han2 letter ¨è hak ke4 oppressive, quarter of an hour ¨é guen quan4 deed/bond/contract, ticket ¨ê chaat shua1 brush ¨ë chi ci4 thorn ¨ì do dao4 arrive ¨í gwaat gua1 scrape ¨î jai zhi4 regulate, system ¨ï doh duo4 chop (meat) ¨ð hat he2 impeach ¨ò jut cu4 abruptly/hurriedly zu2 die, soldier ¨ó hip xie2 cooperate, harmonize ¨ô cheuk zhuo2 (surname), outstanding ¨õ bei bei1 base/humble ¨ö gwa gua4 divinatory trigram ¨÷ guen juan3 to roll juan4 chapter, examination paper ¨ø se xie4 unload/take off ¨ú chui qu3 take/fetch ¨ü sau shou4 receive ¨ý mei wei4 taste ¨þ hoh he1 expel breath, my goodness ©@ ka ka1 coffee ©A pei pei1 to spit (in contempt) ©B goo gu1 mutter ©C jui ju3 chew ©D san shen1 groan ©G jau zhou4 put a curse on ©H paau pao2 to roar ©I foo hu1 call/exhale ©J foo fu4 to order ©K gwa gu1 crying sound of child ©L naau nao2 clamor ©M woh he2 harmonious he4 cap (a poem), respond in singing huo4 mix together ©N dung dong1 boom (of a drum) ©O ne ne ne5 (final part.) ni2 woolen material ©P jau zhou1 (surname), complete, encircle ©Q ja ze2 gnaw zha4 loud noise, shout, suddenly ©R ming ming4 life/fate ©S gau jiu4 blame ©T goo gu4 be sure, solid ©V hoh ke3 uneven (path), unfortunate (in life) ©W ping ping2 a plain ©Y boh po1 slope ©Z taan tan3 flat, open-hearted ©[ kwan kun1 the earth-/female-principle ©] ye ye4 night ©^ fung feng4 receive (from superior), to offer ©_ kei ji1 odd (Num) qi2 strange, wonderful ©` noi nai4 how can one help ©a yim yan1 castrate, to delay ©b ban ben1 elope, hurry ©c chip qie4 concubine ©d chai qi1 wife qi4 to marry off (a daughter) ©e wai wei3 give up, indeed, to commission ©f mooi mei4 younger sister ©h goo gu1 paternal aunt ©i mo mu3 governess ©j je jie3 older sister ©k saan shan1 deprecate, lithe (of woman's walk) ©l chi shi3 begin ©m sing xing4 surname/family name ©o juk zhou2 wives of brothers ©q chi si4 (surname), wife of older brother ©s maang meng4 (surname), first ©t goo gu1 lone/lonely ©u gwai ji4 season ©v jung zong1 ancestor, family ©w ding ding4 definite, to order ©x goon guan1 an official ©y yi yi2 proper, should, suitable ©z jau zhou4 universe ©{ yuen wan3 (surname), similar, winding ©| seung shang4 still ©} wat qu1 bent, feel wronged ©~ gui ju1 reside ©¡ gaai jie4 arrive at (place or time), period ©£ gong gang1 mound ©¤ ngon an4 beach/bank ©¥ ngaam yan2 cliff ©§ doi dai4 name of a mountain in Shandong ©¨ ngok yue4 (surname), mountain, wife's father ©© lim lian2 wine shop sign ©ª jau zhou3 broom ©« tip tie1 fit snugly tie3 invitation card, notice tie4 rubbing from incised inscription ©¬ paak pa4 handkerchief ©­ baak bo2 silk ©¯ hang xing4 fortunate ©° gang geng1 7th heavenly stem, age ©± dim dian4 inn/shop ©² foo fu3 prefecture/mansion ©³ dai di3 background, bottom ©µ yin yan2 to delay ©¶ yin xian2 bow string, string of mus. instr. ©¸ no nu3 cross-bow ©¹ wong wang3 go to/towards ©º jing zheng1 attack, levy (troops or taxes) ©¼ bei bi3 he, that ©¾ jung zhong1 loyal ©¿ fat hu1 suddenly ©À nim nian4 ©Á fan fen4 vehement ©Ã jing zheng1 be startled ©Ä hip qie4 afraid, rustic ©Æ bo bu4 terror/terrified ©Ç gwaai guai4 queer, to blame ©È pa pa4 fear/be afraid ©É yi yi2 harmony, pleased ©Ê sing xing4 nature, sex ©Î waak huo4 or ©Ð fong fang2 house ©Ñ lui li4 do violence, go against ©Ò soh suo3 actually, place ©Ó sing cheng2 receive ©Ô laai la1 pull ©Õ poon ban4 mix (salad) ©Ö jue zhu3 post, prop ©× man min3 purse up (lips), to smooth ©Ø fat fu2 brush away ©Ù moot mo3 play, to smear ©Ú kui ju4 refuse ©Û jiu zhao1 provoke, to recruit ©Ü pei pi1 scatter, separate ©Ý tok tuo4 expand, support on palm ©Þ bat ba2 pull out or up ©ß paau pao1 abandon, throw ©á ping peng1 attack, impeach ©â chau chou1 draw out ©ã aat ya1 detain in custody ©ä gwaai guai3 kidnap, to turn ©æ mo mu3 thumb ©ç paak pai1 beat ©è dai di3 hold up, on the whole, push against ©ê po bao4 carry in the arms, cherish ©ë kui ju1 adhere, capture, restrain ©ì toh tuo1 drag along ©í aau niu4 stubborn/contrary ©î chaak chai1 take apart/to open ©ï toi tai2 lift or carry (something heavy) ©ð ling ling1 ©ñ fong fang4 let go, let out, to place ©ò foo fu3 hatchet ©ó yue wu1 yu2 at/in, in regard to ©ô wong wang4 prosperous ©ö yi yik yi4 (surname), change, easy ©÷ cheung chang1 prosperous ©ø kwan kun1 descendant, elder brother ©ù ngong ang2 high, raise (head) ©ú ming ming2 clear/bright ©ü fan hun1 muddle-headed, twilight ©þ ho hao4 clear summer sky, vast ªA fuk fu2 garment, submit, take (medicine) ªB pang peng2 friend ªC hong hang2 (surname), Hangzhou ªD fong fang1 Santalum album ªE jam zhen3 pillow ªF dung dong1 east ªG gwoh guo3 fruit, result ªH miu yao3 dark and quiet, disappear ªI pa pa2 loquat ªJ pei pi2 loquat ªK ji zhi1 branch ªL lam lin2 woods ªM booi bei1 cup ªN git jie2 hero, heroic ªO baan ban3 board/plank, boss ªP wong wang3 in the wrong, in vain ªQ chung sung song1 loose, pine ªR sik xi1 analyze/analysis ªT mooi mei2 M for small objects ªY yan xin1 happy ªZ mo wu3 martial/military ª[ kei qi2 divergent, side road ª\ moot mo4 to end/to die ª] man mang2 vagrant/ruffian ª^ fan fen1 miasma, vapor ª_ yap qi4 to sob ª` jue zhu4 annotate, pour into, to notice ªa wing yong3 swimming ªb toh tuo2 tearful, to branch (of river) ªc bei bi4 secrete/pour off mi4 secrete ªd nai ni2 mud ni4 restrained ªe hoh he2 river ªf goo gu1 buy/sell ªg jim zhan1 infected by, moisten, receive favors ªh jiu zhao3 pond/pool ªj moot mo4 foam, suds ªk faat fa3 law, method/way ªm fai fei4 boil ªn sit xie4 divulge, leak out ªo yau you2 oil, sly ªp fong kuang4 moreover, situation ªq jui ju3 destroy, to stop ªs chau qiu2 submerge, swim under water ªu yuen yan2 along yan4 riverside (with -r) ªv ji zhi4 heal, manage ªw ning paau pao4 to steep/soak ªx faan fan4 float, general/vague ªy bok bo2 moor ª{ man min3 obliterate, submerge ª¡ kong kang4 heated brick bed ª¢ yim yan2 flame/inflammation/-itis ª£ chaau chao3 saute/pan-fry ª¤ chui chui1 dress food, to steam ª¥ jek zhi4 broil ª¦ pa pa2 crawl/climb ª§ jaang zheng1 fight over ª¨ ba ba4 pa/papa ª© baan ban3 edition, printing block ªª muk mu4 shepherd ª« mat wu4 thing/object/matter ª¬ jong zhuang4 accusation/suit, state/condition ª® jui ju1 (ape), to spy/lie in ambush ª¯ gau gou3 dog ª° woo hu2 fox ª± waan woon wan2 curios/antiques, to play wan4 curios/antiques ª² gok jue2 gems mounted together ª´ mooi mei2 rose ª¸ gat ge1 pimple, wart ª¹ gau jiu4 chronic disease ªº dik de5 -er (nom.), -ic, -ly, subor. part.-'s di2 really and truly di4 aim, clear ª» yue yu2 container, cup ª¼ maang mang2 blind ª½ jik zhi2 straight ª¾ ji zhi1 know zhi4 ªÀ se she4 society ªÁ ji si4 offer sacrifice to ªÂ kei qi2 (surname) ªÃ bing bing3 (surname), to grasp/hold ªÅ hung kong1 empty, in vain kong4 emptied, leisure ªÆ kung qiong2 arched, lofty/vast ªÇ juk zhu2 (surname) ªÈ dau jiu1 gather together, to investigate ªÉ mong wang3 deceive, there is none ªÊ geung qiang1 educated, name of a tribe, strong ªÌ je zhe3 -er/-or, he who ªÍ fai fei4 lung ªÎ fei fei2 fat, fertile ªÏ ji zhi1 limb ªÑ goo gu3 share/portion, thigh, whiff ªÓ gin jian1 shoulder ªÔ ngaau yao2 meat dishes ªÕ fong fang2 animal fat ªÖ hang ken3 willing ª× ngoh wo4 lying down ªØ yue yu2 (surname), a moment/little while ªÙ se she3 give up she4 residence ªÚ fong fang1 fragrant ªÛ ji zhi1 Zoysia pungens ªÜ foo fu2 lotus ªÝ ba ba1 banana ªÞ nga ya2 sprout ªà kan qin2 Chinese celery ªá fa hua1 fancy pattern, flower, spend ªâ fan fen1 fragrant ªã gaai jie4 mustard ªä yui xin1 lamp pith xin4 ªå wan yun2 Ruta graveolens ªé ji zhi3 (plant root used for medicine) ªê foo hu3 tiger ªë sat shi1 louse ªì choh chu1 at the beginning ªí biu biao3 chart, external, watch ªî jaat ga2 ya4 crush, in the first place ªï ying ying2 to welcome ªð faan fan3 return to ªñ gan jin4 near ªò siu shao4 (surname), place name ªô yau qiu1 (surname), mound ªö choi cai3 affairs, gather cai4 allotment to a feudal noble ª÷ gam jin1 metal, money/gold ªø cheung jeung chang2 long zhang3 chief/head, elder, grow ªù moon men2 door, field of endeavor ªú fau fu4 abundant, mound ªû toh tuo2 (phonetic), declivity, steep bank ªü a a1 e1 flatter ªý joh zu3 obstruct (ion) ªþ foo fu4 to be attached «B yue yu3 rain «C ching qing1 9th of month (tele.), blue-green «D fei fei1 is not, non- in- «E gik ji2 urgent qi4 repeatedly/frequently «F ting ting2 pavilion «G leung liang4 bright «H sun shen1 xin4 a letter, believe «I cham qin1 invade «J hau hou2 marquis «K bin bian4 convenient, ease nature, then pian2 advantageous, cheap «L hap xia2 heroic «M yung yong3 wooden figures buried with the dead «N chiu qiao4 smart «O bo bao3 guarantee, protect «P chuk cu4 hurry «Q lui lu:3 companion «R foo fu2 prisoner of war «S ji si4 until, wait for «U juk su2 vulgar «V mo wu3 insult «W lei li4 clever «X ngoh e2 Russia, suddenly «Z lei li3 rustic «[ joh zu3 a stand for food at sacrifice «\ yue yu2 (surname), accede «^ yin yan3 place name «_ mo mao4 brave danger, to cover «` jau zhou4 helmet «a goon guan1 cap guan4 to head «b saat cha4 Buddhist monastery, a brief moment «c tai ti4 shave «e chin qian2 before, formerly, front «f la la2 to slash la4 cruel/obstinate «h jak ze2 principle, then «i yung yong3 brave «j min mian3 exhort «k boot bo2 suddenly «l ging jin4 strength jing4 stalwart/sturdy «m po pu2 crawl/lie prostrate «n naam nan2 south «o keuk que4 decline, nevertheless «p hau hou4 generous, thick «q boon pan4 revolt «r ngaau yao3 to bite «s oi ai1 lament «t ji zi1 consult «u aai ai1 (interj. of regret), hullo «v joi zai1 (exclamatory or interrog. part.) «w haam xian2 all, in all cases, salty «x yi yi2 «y kat hai1 sound of sighing ke2 cough «z wa wa1 sound of child's crying «{ chan shen3 smile «| yin yan1 narrow pass, throat yan4 to swallow ye4 to choke (in crying) «} mai mi mi1 sound to call cat «~ ban pin3 conduct, grade, thing «¡ hung hong1 resound with laughter hong3 deceive/coax «¢ ha ha1 laughter, yawn ha3 a Pekinese, a pug «£ loh luo4 cough (blood), to argue/debate «¤ chi zhi3 8 in. length unit of Zhou dynasty «¥ ja za2 we (incl.) zan2 we (incl.) «¦ jip yau xiu1 call out, jeer «§ me mie1 «¨ le lie1 child's cry «© yi yi1 (onomat.) «« sui chui2 hang down «¬ ying xing2 model «® woon yuan2 wall «¯ gau gou4 dirt, disgrace «° sing cheng2 city, city wall «± kwa kua3 collapse «³ yik yi4 abundant, graceful «´ kai qi4 contract xie4 «µ jau zou4 present a memorial «¶ fooi kui2 name of constellation, stride «¸ geung jiang1 (surname) «¹ ping pin1 be a mistress or lover «º ji zi1 beauty, disposition «» haau jiao1 (surname), cunning, pretty «¼ yi yi2 aunt (maternal) «½ wa wa2 baby, doll «¾ lo lao3 grandma (maternal) mu3 governess, old woman «À yiu yao2 (surname) «Â wai wei1 prestige «Ã yan yin1 marriage connections «Ä haai hai2 child «Å suen xuan1 declare publicly «Æ waan huan4 an official «Ç sat shi4 room «È haak ke4 guest «Ê fung feng1 M for letters, to seal «Ë si shi3 stool/feces «Ì ping bing3 put aside, reject ping2 standing screen «Î uk wu1 house, room «Ï si zhi4 peak, to store «Ñ hong xiang4 lane/alley «Ò dai di4 emperor «Ó sui shuai4 commander-in-chief, to command «Õ yau you1 quiet/secluded «× do du4 capacity, degree, standard «Ø gin jian4 build «Ù yik yi4 Chinese chess game «Ú mei mi3 to stop/repress «Û yin yan4 accomplished, elegant «Ü han hen3 very «Ý doi dai4 treat, wait «Þ wooi huai2 irresolute, move back and forth «ß lut lu:4 law «à sun xun4 follow, quick «á hau hou4 after, later «â yeung yang2 walk back and forth «ã no nu4 indignant «ä si si1 think «æ gap ji2 hurried, worried «ç jam zen3 how «è yuen yuan4 blame, complain «é fong huang3 disappointed, flurried, indistinct «ë han hen4 hate «ì fooi hui1 recover «í hang heng2 permanent «î chi shi4 rely upon «ï tim tian2 «ð dung dong4 frighten «ò sut xu4 give relief, sympathy «ó bin bian3 flat pian1 (surname), small boat «ô baai bai4 to salute/worship «õ waat wa1 dig, scoop out «ö on an4 according to, press down «÷ ping pin1 piece together, stake (all) «ø sik shi4 wipe «ù chi chi2 support, to hold «û yai ye4 drag zhuai1 throw zhuai4 drag «ü ji zhi3 finger, to point «ý gung gong3 fold hands in salute, to arch «þ haau kao3 examine by torture ¬@ ching zheng3 raise, to aid/support ¬A gwaat koot gua1 enclose, include kuo4 enclose, include ¬B sap shi2 pick up, ten (fraudproof) ¬C chuen shuan1 tie up ¬D tiu tiao1 carry on a pole, choose tiao3 incite ¬F jing zheng4 ¬G goo gu4 cause, deceased, old ¬I si shi1 (surname), distribute (alms) ¬J gei ji4 already, since ¬K chun chun1 spring ¬L chiu zhao1 illustrious, manifest ¬M ying ying4 reflect, shine ¬N mooi mei4 conceal, dark ¬O si shi4 this, to be ¬P sing xing1 a star ¬Q jok zuo2 yesterday ¬R yuk yu4 bright light ¬U chi shi4 persimmon ¬V yim ran3 to dye ¬W chue zhu4 pillar ¬X yau rou2 soft ¬Y mau mou3 a certain ¬Z gaan jian3 card, letter ¬[ ga jia4 framework ¬\ foo jun ku1 dried up ¬] saan zha4 fence ¬_ oh ke1 (surname), handle of axe, stem ¬` beng bing3 authority, handle ¬a gam gan1 large tangerine ¬d cha cha2 investigate zha1 (surname) ¬f paak bo2 cedar/cypress ¬g jok zuo4 oak/Quercus serrata ¬h lau liu3 (surname), willow ¬m chat qi1 seven (fraudproof) ¬n waai wai1 askew ¬o yeung yang1 calamity ¬p toi dai4 almost, perilous ¬q duen duan4 (surname), paragraph, section ¬r duk du2 poison ¬s bei pi2 adjoin/border ¬t fat fu2 fluorine ¬u chuen quan2 fountain, spring ¬v yeung yang2 foreign, ocean ¬w jau zhou1 continent, island ¬x hung hong2 flood ¬y lau liu2 flow ¬z jun jin1 Tianjin, ferry ¬| nei er3 name of a river ¬} dung dong4 cave, hole ¬~ sai xi3 wash ¬¡ woot huo2 to live, work/workmanship ¬¢ hap qia4 accord, make contact ¬£ paai pai4 clique/school, to dispatch ¬¤ hung xiong1 torrential rush, tumultuous ¬¥ lok luo4 (surname), name of a river ¬° wai wei2 act as, take...to be, to be wei4 because of, for ¬± bing bing3 bright/luminous ¬² gui ju4 torch ¬³ gwing jiong3 bright/clear ¬´ taan tan4 carbon, charcoal ¬µ ja zha2 fry zha4 explode ¬¶ paau pao2 pao4 cannon/gun, firecracker ¬¸ yuen yuan2 therefore, to lead on to ¬¹ sang sheng1 domestic animal ¬¼ sau shou4 hunting-dog, imperial tour ¬½ han hen3 fierce, very ¬¾ gaau jiao3 sly ¬À saan shan1 coral ¬Á boh bo1 glass ¬Â ling ling2 tinkling of gem-pendants ¬Ã jan zhen1 treasure ¬Ä paak po4 amber ¬Æ sam shen2 shen4 very ¬Ç bung beng2 need not ¬È wai wei4 to fear ¬É gaai jie4 boundary ¬Ê huen quan3 field drains ¬Ë tin tian2 cultivate (land), to hunt ¬Ì yik yi4 epidemic ¬Í ba ba1 scar ¬Î gaai jie4 scabies ¬Ñ kwai gui3 10th heavenly stem ¬Ò gaai jie1 in all cases ¬Ó wong huang2 (surname), emperor ¬Ô gwai gui1 comply with, follow ¬Õ ying ying2 full/filled ¬Ö poon pen2 basin ¬Ø jung zhong1 cup ¬Ù saang sheng3 frugal, province, save xing3 comprehend, introspect, visit ¬Û seung xiang1 mutually xiang4 appearance, portrait ¬Ü mei mei2 eyebrows ¬Ý hon kan1 to watch/to guard kan4 it depends, look at, think ¬Þ tun dun4 a shield ¬ß paan pan4 to hope ¬á ging guan1 jin1 boast, esteem, sympathize ¬â sa sha1 sand/gravel/granule ¬ã yin yan2 grind fine, study/research yan4 ¬ä chai qi4 build (by laying bricks) ¬å ham kan3 to chop ¬æ hin xian1 ¬ç ji zhi3 felicity ¬è kei qi2 implore/pray, please ¬ê yue yu3 name of an emperor ¬ë yue yu2 (place), district ¬ì foh ke1 branch of medicine, subject ¬í miu miao3 a second ¬î chau qiu1 a swing, autumn ¬ï chuen chuan1 pierce, to thread, wear ¬ñ gon gan1 pole ¬ò yue yu2 (mus. instr.) ¬ó ji zi3 seeds ¬ô jau zhou4 name of an emperor, saddle crupper ¬õ hung gong1 hong2 bonus, popular, red ¬ö gei ji4 order/discipline, record ¬÷ yan ren4 to string, to thread (needle) ¬ù yeuk yue1 approximately, make appointment ¬û gong gang1 vat ¬ü mei mei3 America, beautiful ¬ý ngai yi4 name of a famous archer ­@ noi nai4 endure, patient ­A sa shua3 play with, to juggle ­C ye ye1 (final part.), (phonetic) ye2 (phonetic) ­D boon pan2 pang4 fat ­E sui xu1 all, assist, to store ­F pooi pei1 foetus ­G wai wei4 stomach ­I booi bei1 carry on one's back bei4 learn by heart, the back ­J woo hu2 (surname), beard, what why how ­K gaap jia3 shoulder blade ­L toi tai1 foetus, litter ­M baau bao1 womb ­N yan yin4 heir, inherit ­P ji zhi4 convey, to cause ­Q saan shan1 sampan ­S faan fan4 (surname), model ­T maau mao2 (surname), thatch ­V oh ke1 severe/exacting ­W foo ku3 bitter, intensely, miserable ­X ke jia1 qie2 eggplant ­Y yeuk re3 ruo4 as, if ­Z mau mao4 luxuriant ­[ moot mo4 jasmine ­] miu miao2 (surname), Miao tribe, sprout ­^ ying ying1 (surname), English, brave ­_ chuet zhuo2 increase, sprout ­` muk mu4 clover ­a toi tai1 coating (of tongue) tai2 moss ­b yuen yuan4 (surname), park ­c baau bao1 flower calyx ­e gau gou3 (surname), if indeed, thoughtless ­f boon ben3 benzene ­h yeuk nu:e4 oppressive/tyrannical ­i hung hong2 rainbow ­l hin yan3 gloss, to spread out/amplify ­m saam shan1 Chinese gown (unlined) ­n yiu yao1 coerce, demand yao4 important, to want, will ­p gai ji4 reckon, ruse, to plan ­q ding ding4 conclude, subscribe, to order ­r foo fu4 obituary notice ­s jing zhen1 chaste ­t foo fu4 lose, negative (math. etc.), to bear ­u foo fu4 attend, go ­w pa pa1 to lie on one's stomach ­x gwan jun1 army ­y gwai gui3 track ­z sut shu4 narrate/relate ­| chiu tiao2 remote ­} dik di2 direct, follow ­¡ dit die2 alternately, repeatedly ­¢ baak po4 compel ­¥ gaau jiao1 suburb ­¦ long lang2 (surname), a youth ­§ yuk yu4 (surname), elegant ­© yau qiu2 tribal chief ­ª ding ding1 ding3 intoxicated ­« chung chong2 double, to repeat zhong4 heavy, serious ­¬ saan shuan1 to bolt ­­ haan xian4 limit ­® lau lou4 low/humble ­¯ mak mo4 raised path, street ­° gong jiang4 descend xiang2 surrender ­± min mian4 face/surface ­² gaak ge2 leather, remove ­³ wai wei2 (surname), soft leather ­´ gau jiu3 leek ­µ yam yin1 sound ­¶ yip ye4 page ­· fung feng1 custom, wind ­¸ fei fei1 to fly ­¹ sik shi2 animal feed, eat ­º sau shou3 M for poems, head ­» heung xiang1 fragrant, incense ­¼ sing cheng2 avail of, multiply, ride sheng4 ­¾ goon guan1 a groom ­¿ pooi bei4 times (multiplied instances) ­Á foo fu3 look down, stoop ­Â guen juan4 tired ­Ã hung kong1 ignorant/blank-minded kong3 urgent/pressed ­Ä fung feng4 salary ­Å sin qian4 niece, plagiarize, winsome ­Ç leung lia3 two (people) liang3 craft/cunning ­È jik zhi2 be worth ­É je jie4 borrow, by means of, lend ­Ê yi yi3 lean on ­Ë do dao3 topple/collapse dao4 inverted, pour ­Í aan an3 I (northern dialects) ­Î jeung chang1 groping, rash/reckless ­Ï wat jue2 crabby/tough jue4 ­Ð gui ju4 stubborn ­Ñ kui ju1 entirely/without exception ju4 a social club ­Ò cheung chang4 initiate/instigate ­Ó goh ge4 general classifier ge5 general classifier ­Ô hau hou4 wait ­Õ tong tang3 if ­Ö paai pai2 irresolute, not serious, variety show ­× sau xiu1 cultivate, repair ­Ø woh wo1 Japanese, dwarf ­Ù ngai ni2 (surname) ­Û lun lun2 human relationship ­Ü chong cang1 cabin/hold (in ship), granary ­Ý gim jian1 take two (jobs) simultaneously ­Þ yuen yuan1 injustice, to wrong ­ß ming ming2 dark, deep ­á dung dong4 freeze ­â ling ling2 encroach, soar, thick ice ­ã jun zhun3 accurate, standard, to permit ­ä diu diao1 withered ­å fau pou1 to cut ­æ woon wan1 scoop out ­ç tik ti1 pick (as teeth) ­è gong gang1 hard, just/exactly ­é mok bo1 peel ­ê fei fei3 bandit ­ë hing qing1 minister, thou (poet.) ­ì yuen yuan2 cause, source ­î sau sou3 old gentleman ­ï saau shao4 a whistle, sentry ­ð tong tang2 (surname), Tang dynasty ­ñ yin yan4 condole with ­ò yoh yo1 (exclamatory part.) ­ó hang heng1 hum ­ô goh ge1 elder brother ­õ jit zhe2 philosophy, wise ­ö soh suo1 incite, suck ­÷ bo bu3 feed ­ù lei li1 (onomat.) li3 mile ­ú huk ku1 cry/weep ­û yuen yuan2 member yun4 ­ü aai ai1 (interj. of regret) ­ý haau xiao1 pant/roar/bark (of animals) ­þ na na3 how, which nei3 which (followed by M or Num) ®@ ngoh e2 to chant o2 oh is that so ®A jek ji1 (onomat.), to pump (water) ®B sun chun2 lip ®C gang geng3 choking ®D hei xi1 sound of sobbing ®E po pu3 garden/orchard ®H bo pu3 port ®I maai mai2 bury ®J aai ai1 dust ®L ha xia4 summer ®M to tao4 covering/sheath ®O hai xi1 what why ®P soh suo1 (phonetic), loose ®Q neung niang2 mother, young lady ®R na na4 nuo2 elegant/graceful ®S guen juan1 beautiful/graceful ®T yue yu2 amuse ®U mei wei3 active, comply with ®V gei ji1 (surname), women ®W san shen1 pregnant ®X tai di4 wife of a younger brother ®Y min mian3 give birth to a child wan3 complaisant/agreeable ®Z ngoh e2 good/beautiful ®[ lei li3 husband's brother's wife ®\ ping ping1 graceful ®] suen sun1 grandson ®_ joi zai3 official, slaughter ®` hoi hai4 suffer from, to harm ®a ga jia1 -ist/-er/-ian, home/family ®b yin yan4 feast, repose ®c gung gong1 palace ®d siu xiao1 night ®e yung rong2 contain, countenance ®g se she4 radio- (chem.), shoot ®h sit xie4 crumbs, filings, worth while ®i jin zhan3 postpone, unfold ®k chiu qiao4 steep hill ®l haap xia2 gorge ®m jun jun4 steep ®n yue yu4 valley ®o ngoh e2 lofty, name of a mountain ®p fung feng1 peak ®q do dao3 island ®t cha cha1 differ by, to lack cha4 differ by, to lack chai1 send/to commission ci1 uneven ®u jik xi2 banquet, woven mat ®v si shi1 a division (milit.), teacher ®w foo ku4 warehouse ®x ting ting2 courtyard ®y joh zuo4 seat ®z yeuk ruo4 weak ®{ to tu2 apprentice, disciple ®| ging jing4 path ®} chui xu2 (surname), slow ®~ yeung yang4 sickness ®¡ si zi4 throw off restraint ®¢ chi chi3 shame ®£ hung kong3 afraid/frightened ®¥ gung gong1 respectful ®¦ yan en1 kind act (from above) ®¨ chiu qiao3 quiet, sad ®© ng wu4 comprehend ®« hon han4 violent ®¬ fooi hui3 regret ®® yuet yue4 pleased ®¯ boot bei4 perverse, to rebel ®° sin shan1 to fan shan4 fan ®± kuen quan2 fist ®³ na na2 apprehend, take ®´ saau shao1 bring or take (along) ®µ hip xie2 clasp under the arm, coerce ®¶ jan zhen4 rouse ®· bo bu3 seize/catch ®¸ ng wu3 ®¹ kwan kun3 a bunch, tie together ®º nip nie1 pinch with fingers ®» juk zhuo1 to catch ®¼ ting ting3 be straight and stiff, rather (good) ®½ guen juan1 contribute ®¾ waan wan3 draw, pull, send funeral ode ®¿ na nuo2 move, to shift ®À choh cuo4 bend back, dampen ®Á aai ai1 next to, suffer (hunger) ®Â hon han4 ward off (a blow) ®Ã baat ba1 eight (fraudproof), split ®Ä haau xiao4 effect, efficacy, imitate ®Å mei mi3 peaceful ®Æ liu liao4 guess, material ®Ç pong bang4 pang2 beside, one side, other ®È lui lu:3 travel ®É si shi2 O'clock, time, when ®Ê jun jin4 name of a dynasty ®Ë aan yan4 (surname), late, quiet ®Ì fong huang3 dazzle huang4 sway, to shade ®Í saai shai4 to sun ®Î heung shang3 around noon ®Ñ sue shu1 book/letter ®Ò sok shuo4 beginning, first day of lunar month ®Ô long lang3 clear/bright ®Õ haau jiao4 proofread, to check xiao4 school ®Ö hat he2 stone (of fruit) ®× on an4 law case, table ®Ø kwaang kuang1 kuang4 frame/door frame ®Ù woon huan2 (surname), Sapindus mukurosi ®Ú gan gen1 radical (chem.), root ®Û gwai gui4 Cinnamonum cassia ®Ü gat jie2 Platycodon grandiflorus ju2 tangerine ®Ý hui xu3 Quercus serrata ®Þ soh shu1 comb ®ß lut li4 (surname), chestnut ®à cheuk zhuo1 table ®á song sang1 mulberry tree ®â choi zai1 to plant ®ã chaai chai2 (surname), firewood ®ä tung tong2 Aleurites cordata ®å git jie2 (emperor of Xia dynasty), cruel ®æ gaak ge2 frame, rule ®ç to tao2 peach ®è jue zhu1 M for trees, trunk of tree ®é wai wei2 mast ®ê chuen shuan1 bottle stopper, wooden pin ®í sue shu1 unique ®î sun xun4 buried with dead, die for a cause ®ï yan yan1 dark red yin1 (surname), dynasty, flourishing ®ð hei qi4 air, anger, gas ®ñ yeung yang3 oxygen ®ò on an1 ammonia ®ó hoi hai4 helium ®ô yan yin1 generative forces, magic emanation ®õ taai tai4 grand ®ö long lang4 dissipated, wave ®÷ tai ti4 nasal mucus, tears ®ø siu xiao1 consume, news, subside ®ú po pu3 beach ®û jam jin4 immerse, soak ®ü hoi hai3 sea ®ý jit zhe4 Zhejiang ®þ guen juan1 (surname), brook, to select ¯A sip she4 involve/concern, wade ¯B fau fu2 float ¯C jun jun4 deepen, enlighten, profound ¯D yuk yu4 bath ¯E ho hao4 grand, vast (water) ¯F yung yong3 bubble up/rush forth ¯I nip nie4 blacken ¯M hung hong1 bake, heat by fire ¯N haau kao3 to roast/bake ¯O lok lao4 bake, flat iron, large cake luo4 ¯P lit lie4 ardent/intense ¯Q woo wu1 a crow, black ¯R de die1 dad ¯S dak te4 male animal, special (-ly) ¯T long lang2 wolf ¯U haap xia2 narrow, narrow-minded ¯V booi bei4 distressed/wretched ¯W lei li2 (dog), wild cat ¯Z baan ban1 (surname), class/rank ¯[ lau liu2 precious stone ¯] jue zhu1 bead, pearl ¯` boon pan4 bank, field-path ¯a mau mu3 about 1/6 acre (M) ¯b chuk chu4 livestock xu4 to raise (animals) ¯d lau liu2 leave (message), retain/keep ¯e jat ji2 disease ¯f beng bing4 defect, disease ¯g jing zheng4 disease ¯h pei pi2 weary ¯j jui ju1 gangrene ¯k tung teng2 (it) hurts, love fondly ¯l chan zhen3 measles, rash ¯o go gao1 bank, marsh ¯q yik yi4 benefit, increase ¯s ong ang4 abundant, bowl/dish ¯t yuen xuan4 dizzy/dazzled ¯u jan zhen1 real, true ¯v min mian2 sleep ¯w jaap zha3 wink ¯x gui ju3 carpenter's square, rule ¯y ping peng1 sound of crashing/thunder ¯z jim zhen1 anvil ¯{ saap za2 smash/smashed ¯} poh po4 break/broken ¯~ san shen1 arsenic ¯¨ chi ci2 ancestral hall ¯© sui sui4 evil spirit ¯ª jo zu3 ancestor, grand- (as in grandfather) ¯« san shen2 god, lively, spiritual being ¯¬ juk zhu4 invoke, pray to ¯­ ji zhi1 respectful (ly) ¯® jo zuo4 blessing, the throne ¯¯ ching cheng4 steelyard ¯± yeung yang1 shoots/sprouts ¯² jo zu1 rent, taxes ¯³ chun qin2 (surname), name of a dynasty ¯´ dit zhi4 order (liness) ¯µ bei mi4 secret ¯¶ jaak zhai3 narrow ¯· miu yao3 deep, quiet and elegant ¯¸ jaam zhan4 station, to stand ¯¹ ba ba1 fence ¯º siu xiao4 laugh/smile ¯» fan fen3 powder ¯¼ fong fang3 spin ¯½ sa sha1 cotton yarn, muslin ¯¾ man wen2 line/trace/mark ¯¿ man wen4 involved, tangled ¯À so su4 plain ¯Á sok suo3 isolated, search into, to exact ¯Â sun chun2 genuine, pure ¯Ã nau niu3 button ¯Å kap ji2 a step/a grade ¯Ç naap na4 to accept, to pay (tax etc.) ¯È ji zhi3 paper ¯É fan fen1 confused ¯Ê kuet que1 lack, scarce, vacant post ¯Ë goo gu3 implicate, net for birds or fish ¯Ì go gao1 lamb ¯Í chi chi4 wing ¯Î yung weng1 (surname), elderly person ¯Ð wan yun2 to weed ¯Ñ gaang geng1 to plough/till ¯Ò pa ba4 pa2 a rake ¯Ó ho hao4 mouse, new, to waste ¯Ô daam dan1 indulge, procrastinate ¯Õ gang geng3 (surname), bright ¯× ji zhi1 fat ¯Ø yi yi2 soap ¯Ù hip xie2 side of body, threaten ¯Ú yin yan1 rouge ¯Û tung dong4 large intestine, torso ¯Ü chui cui4 crisp/brittle ¯Ý hung xiong1 thorax/chest ¯Þ gaak ge1 armpit ¯ß mak mai4 mountain range, pulse mo4 mountain range, pulse ¯à nang neng2 able/can, energy ¯á jek ji2 spine ridge ji3 ridge, spine ¯ã kwa kua4 thigh/leg ¯ä chau chou4 smell bad xiu4 sense of smell, smell bad ¯å yit nie4 provincial judge ¯æ yiu yao3 to scoop ¯ç saai shi4 to lick/lap ¯è hong hang2 to sail ¯é fong fang3 2 boats lashed together, large boat ¯ê baan ban3 sampan ¯ë boon ban1 manner, sort pan2 ¯ì choh chu2 (surname), cut grass, hay ¯í mong mang2 vague, vast ¯î fong huang1 out of practice, uncultivated ¯ï lai li4 litchi ¯ð ging jing1 (surname), thorns/brambles ¯ñ yung rong2 confused, fluffy, luxuriant growth ¯ò jin jian4 recommend (a person) ¯ó cho cao3 grass, hasty ¯ô yan yin1 Skimmia japonica, cushion ¯÷ ji zi1 herewith ¯ø yue ru2 eat, rubicene (chem.) ¯ù cha cha2 tea ¯ú ming ming2 Thea sinensis/young leaves of tea ¯û sun xun2 (surname) ¯ü jue zhu1 cornelian cherry ¯ý chi ci2 Tribulus terrestris, thatched hut ¯þ chuen quan2 (fragrant plant) °@ kin qian2 devout °A man wen2 mosquito °B dau dou3 tadpole °C yan yin3 earthworm °D jo zao3 flea °E chi chi1 (surname), ignorant, worm °F pong bang4 oyster °G gung gong1 scolopendra centipede °H nga ya2 aphis °I sui cui1 mourning garments shuai1 decay, decline °J chung zhong1 inner feelings °K yuen yuan2 (surname) °O gei ji4 remember, to record °Q to tao3 ask for, send punitive expedition °T sun xun4 news/information °V fan xun4 instruction °W kai qi4 finished °Z hei kai3 qi3 how can it be that °[ chaai chai2 wolves (collect.) °\ paau bao4 leopard °] choi cai2 wealth °^ gung gong4 tribute/gifts °_ hei qi3 raise, rise °` gung gong1 body, oneself, personally °a hin xuan1 covered carriage, pavilion °d yuk ru3 disgrace, insult °e sung song4 present with, see off, send °f yik ni4 go against/rebel °g mai mi2 bewilder, crazy about °h tui tui4 retreat/withdraw °k to tao2 to escape °l jui zhui1 pursue (a problem), to chase °m hau hou4 meet unexpectedly °n bing beng4 to crack/split °o yung yong1 harmonious °p gwan jun4 region °q kok hao3 (surname), ancient place name °s jau jiu3 wine/liquor °t pooi pei4 fit to, to mate °u jeuk zhuo2 consider, pour wine °v deng ding1 nail ding4 °w jam zhen1 °x chiu zhao1 encourage, to cut, to strain °y foo fu3 kettle/caldron °{ sim shan3 flash, lightning °| yuen yuan4 courtyard, institution °} jan zhen4 disposition of troops, short period °~ dau dou3 steep °¡ bai bok bi4 steps (to the throne) °£ chui chu2 divide, except °§ gei ji1 hungry °¨ ma ma3 21st of month (tele.), horse °© gwat gu2 bone gu3 bone °ª go gao1 high/tall °¬ gaak ge2 (surname), earthen pot, iron caldron li4 °­ gwai gui3 ghost, sly/crafty °® gon gan1 dry qian2 (surname), male, strong °± ting ting2 to stop °² ga jia3 false jia4 vacation °´ ye ruo4 to such a degree/such °µ jo zuo4 do, make °¶ wai wei3 great °· gin jian4 healthy °¸ ngau ou3 accidental, image, pair/mate °¹ wai wei1 to cuddle °º gaai jie1 in company with xie2 in company with °» jing zhen1 to scout, to spy °¼ jak ce4 inclined, lateral, side ze4 °½ tau tou1 to steal °¾ pin pian1 one-sided °Â dau dou1 pocket °Ã min mian3 royal crown °Ä wong huang2 phoenix °Å jin jian3 cut with scissors, scissors °Æ foo fu4 M for a pair, assistant °Ç lak le4 rein in lei1 strangle °È mo wu4 business/affair °É ham kan1 collate, investigate °Ê dung dong4 move °Ë fuk fu2 fall prostrate °Í chi si chi2 spoon shi5 °Î nik ni4 to hide °Ï kui ou1 (ancient volume measure), (surname) qu1 distinguish, district, small °Ð bin bian3 tablet °Ñ chaam can1 participate, to counsel cen1 uneven/not uniform shen1 ginseng °Ò maan man4 handsome, large, long °Ó seung shang1 commerce, consult °Ô paak pa1 °Õ la la1 (onomat.), (phonetic) la5 fusion of le + a °Ö deuk zhuo2 to peck °× a e4 ya3 dumb/mute °Ø fe fei1 coffee °Ù hang ken3 gnaw/bite °Ú a a2 °Û cheung chang4 sing/chant °Ü daam dan4 eat, entice °Ý man wen4 ask °Þ to tao2 °ß wai wei2 -ism, only °à be pi2 beer °â sau shou4 sell °ã chuet juet chuo4 sip, suck °ä foo hu3 intimidate, tiger's roar, to fool °æ lui li4 cry of a crane or wild goose °ç jau zhou1 twittering of birds °é huen juan1 to confine/enclose juan4 pen (pig)/a fold quan1 circle/ring/loop °ê gwok guo2 country/state °ì wik yu4 region °í gin jian1 solid/firm °î ok e4 to whitewash/to plaster °ï dui dui1 a pile/a mass °ð fau bu4 port, quai °ò gei ji1 foundation, radical (chem.) °ó tong tang2 hall °ô do du3 stop up °õ jap zhi2 execute (a plan), grasp °ö pooi pei2 cultivate °÷ gau gou4 enough °ø che saan she1 extravagant °ù chui qu3 take a wife °ú lau lou2 (star), (surname) °û yuen wan3 graceful, tactful °ü foo fu4 woman °ý laam lan2 avaricious °þ oh e1 graceful/willowy, unstable ±@ cheung chang1 prostitute ±A pei bi4 maid-servant ±B fan hun1 marriage, take a wife ±C poh po2 grandmother, matron, mother-in-law ±D biu biao3 prostitute ±E suk shu2 who/which/what ±F kau kou4 bandit ±G yan yin2 3-5 a.m., 3rd earthly branch ±H gei ji4 lodge at, to mail ±J suk su4 lodge for the night, old/former xiu3 (a) night xiu4 constellation ±K mat mi4 dense ±L wai wei4 (surname), milit. official, to quiet yu4 (surname) ±M juen zhuan1 concentrated, specialized ±N jeung jiang1 (pre-transitive), take jiang4 a general qiang1 ±O to tu2 slaughter, slaughter man ±P tai ti4 drawer, tier, tray ±R sung chong2 lofty, to honor ±T kei qi2 mountainous ±W jang zheng1 excel, lofty ±Y bang beng1 collapse ±Z chui cui1 (surname), high mountain, precipitous ±^ gong gang1 mound gang3 mound, policeman's beat ±_ chaau chao2 nest ±` seung chang2 constant/often ±a daai dai4 belt, carry ±b jeung zhang4 account, mosquito net, tent ±d hong kang1 peaceful, spongy (of radishes) ±e yung yong1 ordinary, to use ±f sue shu4 ordinary ±g ngam an1 small Buddhist temple ±i jeung zhang1 (surname), open up ±j keung jiang4 qiang2 qiang3 ±k sui hui4 comet ±l ban bin1 ornamental, refined ±m choi cai3 bright colors, prize ±o dak de2 get de5 -able dei3 must ±p saai xi3 change one's residence ±q chung cong1 unhurried cong2 follow, from zong4 second cousin ±r pooi pai2 irresolute ±s yue yu4 defend, imperial, to drive ±t loi lai2 to come ±u seung chang2 walk back and forth ±v yung yong3 urge/incite ±w waan huan4 misfortune, suffer (from illness) ±x sik xi1 in all cases, know ±y yau you1 at ease, long (in time), sad ±z nei nin2 you (hon.) ±} tim dian4 ±¡ ching qing2 emotion ±£ jeung chang4 regretful ±¥ do dao4 mourn ±§ tik ti4 fearful, respectful ±© wai wei2 -ism, only ±ª gwai ji4 afraid ±­ chik qi1 (surname), relative ±¯ woo hu4 retinue ±° leuk lu:e4 plunder ±± hung kong4 sue, to control ±´ taam tan4 search ±µ jip jie1 join, receive ±¶ gin jit jie2 rapid, victory ±· pung peng3 hold or offer with both hands ±¸ gwat jue2 dig ±¹ cho cuo4 take action on ±º ngaai ai2 dawdle, suffer ±» yim yan3 cover up, to surprise ±¼ diu diao4 to drop, to fall ±½ so sao3 sweep sao4 broom ±¾ gwa gua4 hang/suspend ±À tui tui1 push, refuse (responsibility) ±Á lun lun1 whirl (one's arm) lun2 select ±Â sau shou4 give ±Ã jaang zheng1 struggle zheng4 earn (money) ±Æ paai pai2 a platoon, line up ±Ç to tao1 fish out (from pocket) ±È hin xian1 lift (cover) ±É nip nian3 twirl (in the fingers) ±Í bai bi4 my (polite), poor, ruined ±Î ngo ao2 ramble ±Ï gau jiu4 to rescue ±Ð gaau jiao1 teach jiao4 religion, teaching ±Ñ baai bai4 be defeated, to defeat ±Ò kai qi3 to open ±Ó man min3 keen ±Ô jui xu4 narrate ±Õ chik chi4 imperial orders ±× che xie2 slanting ±Ù jaam zhan3 behead, chop ±Ú juk zu2 clan/race ±Û suen xuan2 revolve xuan4 lathe, specially for an occasion ±Ý nei ni3 fluttering of flags ±Þ jau zhou4 daytime ±ß maan wan3 evening, late ±à ng wu4 meet (socially) ±á san chen2 morning ±â fooi hui4 dark, night, unlucky ±ä cho cao2 (surname) ±æ mong wang4 hope, look towards, towards ±ç leung liang2 (surname), beam of roof, bridge ±è tai ti1 ladder ±é saau shao1 tip of branch ±ë faan fan4 Brahma, Sanskrit ±í tung tong3 pail ±ï ng wu2 Sterculia platanifolia ±ð gang geng3 stem ±ñ haai xie4 tools ±ó hei qi4 abandon, relinquish ±ô soh suo1 shuttle ±õ bong bang1 watchman's rattle ±ö mooi mei2 plum flower ±ø tiu tiao2 M for ribbon/river/etc., a strip ±ù lei li2 pear ±ý yuk yu4 desire/wish ±þ saat sha1 kill ²@ ho hao2 000 (M), 1/10, fine hair ²B hing qing1 hydrogen ²C yin xian2 saliva, shamelessly ²D leung liang2 cool liang4 ²E sun chun2 genuine, pure ²H daam dan4 insipid, light, nitrogen ²I tong tang3 drip, to shed (tears) ²J yue yu1 silt ²K tim tian1 add, replenish ²L chin qian3 shallow ²M ching qing1 clear/pure ²O lam lin2 disease of the bladder, drip ²P ngaai ya2 border, horizon, shore ²T yim yan1 drown, submerge ²U kok he2 to dry, to dry up ²V wan hun2 confused, dirty hun4 confused, mix ²W yuen yuan1 abyss ²Y chai qi1 intense cold, mournful ²[ haam han2 contain ²\ lui lei4 tears ²] yam yin2 obscene ²^ to tao2 cleanse, eliminate ²_ lun lun2 perish ²` sam shen1 deep ²a waai huai2 name of a river ²b jeng jing4 clean ²d ji zi1 black, name of a river ²e fau fu2 name of a river ²f sui cui4 dip (in water), to temper ²i paang peng1 cuisine/cooking ²j yin yan1 where/how ²k hon han4 welding ²l fung feng1 beacon fire ²m hei xi1 alkene ²n song shuang3 invigorating, straightforward ²o hin qian1 lead along ²p lai li2 plough ²q chaai cai1 to guess ²r maang meng3 ferocious, suddenly ²s cheung chang1 mad/wild ²u jaang zheng1 hideous/fierce-looking ²v lut lu:4 rate/frequency shuai4 to lead/command ²w long lang2 (gem), tinkling of pendants ²y kau qiu2 ball, sphere ²z lei li3 reason/principle ²{ yin xian4 appear, present/now ²} woo hu4 gourd ²~ ping ping2 vase/bottle/pitcher ²¡ chi ci2 chinaware ²¢ tim tian2 sweet ²£ chaan chan3 produce, reproduce ²¤ leuk lu:e4 plunder, slightly, strategy ²¥ wa qi2 small plot of farm land ²¦ bat bi4 the whole of, to finish ²§ yi yi4 different/strange ²¨ soh shu1 negligent, sparse ²© ji zhi4 piles/hemorrhoid ²ª han hen2 scar, traces ²« chi ci1 blemish/flaw ²¬ chuen quan2 recover (from illness) ²® gaau jiao3 bright, white ²¯ kwai kui1 helmet ²° hap he2 small box ²± sing cheng2 to hold/contain sheng4 (surname), flourishing ²² guen juan4 concern, wife and children ²³ jung zhong4 multitude ²´ ngaan yan3 eye ²µ hong kuang4 eye socket ²¶ mau mou2 pupil of the eye ²· tiu tiao4 gaze afar ²¸ lau liu2 sulfur ²» cheung xiang2 auspicious/propitious ²¼ piu piao4 bank note, ticket ²½ jai ji4 offer sacrifice zhai4 (surname) ²¾ yi yi2 change position, remove ²¿ jat zhi4 obstruct/stop up ²À tiu tiao3 quiet and elegant ²Á lap li4 bamboo rain hat ²Â ban ben4 stupid/clumsy ²Ã dek di2 flute ²Ä dai di4 prefix for ordinal numbers ²Å foo fu2 coincide, symbol, written charm ²É lap li4 a grain/a granule ²Ê cho cu1 coarse, rough, rude ²Ë paak po4 grains in distilled liquor ²Ì boon ban4 trip up or over ²Î tung tong3 to unify, whole ²Ð siu shao4 connect, to introduce ²Ó sai xi4 fine, minutely ²Ô san shen1 member of gentry ²Õ jo zu3 cord, organize ²Ö lui lei3 accumulate lei4 implicate, tired ²× jung zhong1 finish ²Ú boot bo1 alms bowl ²Û sau xiu1 bashful, to shame ²Ü ling ling2 antelope ²Ý yik yi4 bright, tomorrow ²ß jaap xi2 to practice ²à ji si4 plough, ploughshare ²á liu liao2 kill time, to chat ²â ling ling2 apprehend, hear, listen ²ã po fu3 candied fruit pu2 chest (thorax) ²ä boot bo2 neck ²æ tuet tuo1 get away from, take off ²ê jung chong1 to pound (grain) ²ë toh duo4 helm, rudder ²ì yin xian2 sides of boat ²í bok bo2 ocean-going ship ²î suen chuan2 ship/boat ²ï sa sha1 (insect), (phonetic) suo1 (grass)/Cyperus rotundus ²ð goon guan1 Skimmia japonica guan3 (district) wan3 smile ²ó gaap jia2 pod ²ô ging jing1 stem ²õ mong mang3 Illicium anisatum, rude ²ö mok mo4 do not, there is none who ²ø jong zhuang1 farm/village ²ú lei li4 jasmine ²û sau you3 Setaria viridis, vicious ²ü hoh he2 lotus he4 peppermint, to carry burden ²þ to tu2 Sonchus oleraceus ³@ po pu2 place name ³B chue chu3 deal with, get along with chu4 a place, respect ³C biu biao1 tiger-cat ³D se she2 snake ³E jue zhu4 termite, to bore (of insects) ³I jui qu1 maggot ³J daan dan4 egg ³K ja zha4 grasshopper ³L yau qiu1 earthworm ³O gwan gun3 imperial robe ³P ga jia1 Buddhist monk's robe ³Q bei bei4 (expre. passive), quilt pi1 ³R taan tan3 to bare ³S jau xiu4 sleeve ³T po pao2 gown (lined) ³U doi dai4 bag/sack ³V mik mi4 seek ³W kwai gui1 compass, rule ³X fong fang3 inquire, seek, visit ³Y nga ya4 astounded ³Z kuet jue2 farewell, secrets (of an art) ³\ hui xu3 (surname), to permit ³] chit she4 display, establish ³^ jung song4 litigation ³_ ngoh e2 error, exhort, false ³c faan fan4 deal in/trade in ³d jaak ze2 duty/responsibility zhai4 ³e goon guan4 pierce, to string ³f foh huo4 goods/commodity ³g taam tan1 greedy ³h pan pin2 poor ³j se she4 to pardon (a convict) ³k ji zhi3 toe ³n yuen ruan3 soft ³o je zhe4 this/these ³q tung tong1 go through, know well ³r dau dou4 linger ³s lin lian2 (surname), even/as, join ³t chuk su4 rapid ³u sai shi4 depart, die ³v juk zhu2 chase away ³x ching cheng3 please oneself, presume on ³y jo zao4 build/manufacture ³z tau tou4 pierce, thorough, through ³{ fung feng2 every time, meet by chance ³} gwaang guang4 to stroll, to visit ³~ to tu2 road ³¡ bo bu4 ministry, section/class ³¢ gwok guo1 (surname), outer city wall ³£ do dou1 all, already du1 (surname), metropolis ³¤ hung xu4 drunk ³¥ ye ye3 wild ³¦ chaai chai1 hairpin ³¨ diu diao4 to fish ³© chuen chuan4 bracelet ³« faan fan2 vanadium ³¬ bai bi4 to close/stop up ³­ pooi pei2 keep one company ³® ling ling2 mound, tomb ³¯ chan chen2 (surname), display, stale ³° luk liu4 six (fraudproof) lu4 (surname), land ³± yam yin1 cloudy, negative (electric.), shady ³³ to tao2 (surname), pleased, pottery ³´ ham hei xian4 to fall, trap ³¶ jeuk qiao3 bird que4 bird ³· suet xue3 snow ³¸ yue yu2 summer sacrifice for rain ³¹ jeung zhang1 (surname), chapter, seal ³º ging jing4 indeed/actually ³» ding ding3 go against, most, top ³¼ king qing1 qing3 100 mu, a short while ago ³½ yue yu2 fish ³¾ niu niao3 bird ³¿ lo lu3 crass, halogen, salt/brine ³À luk lu4 deer ³Á mak mai4 (surname), wheat ³Â ma ma2 hemp, numb, to bother ³Ä pong bang1 near (approaching) bang4 near, nestle ³Å foo fu4 (surname), tutor ³Æ bei bei4 prepare/ready ³È faai gui1 grand, strange/exotic kui3 puppet ³É chong cang1 low fellow/rustic ³Ì jui zui4 most ³Í hoi kai3 triumphant/victorious ³Î got ge1 cut off ³Ï hoi kai3 carefully/moderately ³Ð chong chuang1 to wound/a wound chuang4 create ³Ñ sing sheng4 have as remainder ³Ò lo lao2 toil ³Ó sing sheng1 able to bear sheng4 victorious ³Ô guen xun1 medal, merit ³Õ bok bo2 extensive, to gamble ³Ö kuet jue2 his/its ³× chi chi4 (not) just/ (not) only ³Ø hak ka1 (onomat.) ³Ù huen xuan1 clamor/noise ³Ú tai ti2 mourn, to cry ³Û haam han3 cry/call ³Ü hot he1 my goodness, to drink he4 shout applause ³Ý chuen chuan3 to pant ³Þ wai wei4 to feed ³ß hei xi3 glad, like ³à song sang1 mourning/funeral sang4 lose (by death) ³á oh o1 I see, oh ³â la la1 (onomat.) la3 (phonetic) ³ã dip die2 flowing flood, to chatter ³ä naam nan2 mumble in repetition ³å cha cha1 twitter/chirp zha1 ³æ daan chan2 chieftain dan1 a bill, single shan4 (surname) ³ç wai kui4 to sigh ³è toh tuo4 saliva, spit at ³ê woon huan4 to call ³ë yue yu4 allegory ³ì kiu qiao2 tall ³í lei li2 grain weight ³î jau jiu1 ³ï hau hou2 ³ñ fooi hui4 beak, to pant ³ò wai wei2 surround ³ó yiu yao2 (surname), emperor Yao ³ô ham kan1 endure ³õ cheung chang2 M for phenomena/affairs/etc. chang3 field, place ³÷ yin yan4 weir ³ø bo bao4 newspaper, to gain revenge, to report ³ù bo bao3 stronghold ³ü yat yi1 one (fraudproof) ³ý woo hu2 pot ³þ din dian4 libation ´@ ting ting2 graceful ´A mei mei4 flatter/charm ´B sai xu4 son-in-law ´C mooi mei2 medium/go-between ´E woh wa1 (surname), sister of Fu2 Xi1 ´H hon han2 cold ´I foo fu4 rich ´J yue yu4 reside, residence ´K mei mei4 sleep soundly ´L juen zun1 to honor ´M cham xin2 xun2 seek ´N jau jiu4 at once, then ´P naam lan2 mist, name of a mountain ´T fuk fu2 M for textile or picture ´U mo mao4 cap/hat ´V jing zheng4 one of a pair (scrolls), picture ´Y long lang2 porch ´Z chi ce4 rest-room ´[ seung xiang1 box (in theater), side room ´\ gau jiu4 a stable ´] bat bi4 assist ´^ paang peng2 (surname) ´` chun xun2 follow (a rule) ´a wong huang2 irresolute ´b waak huo4 confuse ´c ok e4 evil wu1 wu4 loathe ´d bei bei1 sad ´e moon men1 stuffy men4 melancholy ´f wai woo hui4 favor, kind act (from above) ´i sing xing1 tranquil, understand ´j ok e4 startled ´k doh duo4 lazy ´l chaak ce4 sorrowful ´n koi kai3 generous, sad ´o no nao3 get mad ´q wong huang2 frightened ´r yue yu2 pleased ´u gik ji3 a lance with two points ´v fei fei1 door with only one leaf ´w jai che4 hinder, to draw ´x jeung zhang3 in charge of, palm of hand ´y miu miao2 depict, to trace (a drawing) ´z gaan jian3 choose, pick up ´{ haai kai1 wipe ´| yau rou2 knead, massage ´~ jau zou4 beat up, break to pieces ´¡ chaap cha1 insert, stick in ´¢ chuen chuai3 surmise ´£ tai ti2 lift (from above), mention ´¤ ak wo4 shake hands ´¥ yap yi1 greet (by raising the joined hands) ´¦ kit jie1 lift off (a cover) ´§ fai hui1 scatter, wield, wipe away ´¨ chui chui2 beat with the fist, to hammer ´© woon yuan2 aid ´ª jau jiu1 to clutch ´« woon huan4 to exchange ´­ yeung yang2 hurl, to raise ´¯ chong chang3 spacious, uncovered ´° dun dun1 kind-hearted, place name ´± gam gan3 dare ´² saan san3 leisurely, loosen, powdered medicine san4 adjourn, scatter ´³ baan ban1 variegated ´´ fei fei3 (phonetic), (surname), elegant ´µ si si1 (phonetic), this ´¶ po pu3 universal ´· sik xi1 understanding ´¸ ching qing2 clear (of weather) ´¹ jing jing1 crystal ´º ging jing3 bright, circumstance, scenery ying3 ´» sue shu3 summer heat ´¼ ji zhi4 wise/wisdom ´½ long liang4 to dry in the air ´¿ chang jang ceng2 before, once zeng1 (surname), great-grand (father) ´À tai ti4 to substitute for ´Á kei ji1 ´Â chiu jiu chao2 dynasty, to face zhao1 morning ´Ã goon guan1 coffin ´Ä jung zong1 palm ´Å tong tang2 cherry-apple ´Æ gik ji2 thorns ´Ç jo zao3 jujube ´È yi yi3 chair ´É dung dong4 roof beam ´Ê gwoh ke1 M for plants ´Ë sam sen1 forest ´Ì jaan zhan4 warehouse ´Î paang bang4 club (weapon) ´Ï chai qi1 to roost xi1 to roost ´Ñ kei qi2 chess ´Ò gwan gun4 stick ´Ó jik zhi2 to plant ´Ô jiu jiao1 pepper ´Õ jui chui2 a hammer zhui1 spine ´Ö min mian2 cotton ´× paang peng2 shed ´Ú foon kuan3 funds ´Û hei qi1 take unfair advantage of ´Ü yam qin1 royal ´Ý chaan can2 crippled, remnant ´Þ jik zhi2 grow, reproduce ´ß hok ke2 shell qiao4 shell ´à jin tan3 blanket, rug ´á daam dan4 nitrogen ´ã a ya4 ´ä gong gang3 harbor ´å yau you2 to roam/travel, to swim ´ç do du4 cross (river) ´ê chau cou4 come together ´ë kui qu2 big, stream or canal ´ì uk wo4 enrich, moisten ´í ja zha1 dregs ´î gaam jian3 diminish, subtract ´ï jaam zhan4 deep/clear (water) ´ð seung xiang1 name of a river ´ñ boot bo2 Gulf of Chili ´ò woo hu2 lake ´ó yin yan1 obscured, submerged ´ô wai wei4 name of a river ´õ woh wo1 eddy/whirlpool ´ö tong shang1 tang1 (surname), soup ´÷ hot ke3 thirsty ´ø chuen tuan1 to rush (of water) ´ù miu miao3 vague/remote ´ú chaak ce4 to measure ´û baai pai4 sound of waves ´ü yue yu2 Chongqing ´ý wan hun2 muddy ´þ ji zi1 excite, nourish µ@ koi gai4 irrigate µA woon huan4 disperse expansive (of river) µH booi bei4 dry over fire µI fan fen2 burn µJ jiu jiao1 scorched µK yim yan4 flame µL mo wu2 -less, not to have µM yin ran2 -ly, so/thus µN jue zhu3 to boil µP paai pai2 cards, game pieces, signboard µR sai xi1 rhinoceros µS yau you2 Jew, as if/still, to scheme µU hau hou2 monkey µV sing xing1 ape µW faat fa4 enamel ware/cloisonne ware µX kei qi2 (white gem), angel µY lam lin2 gem µZ deuk zhuo2 to cut (gems) µ\ pei pi2 (mus. instr.) µ] pa pa2 (mus. instr.) µ^ kam qin2 (mus. instr.) µc sang sheng1 nephew µe wa waak hua4 draw, picture/painting µf faan fan1 M for acts/deeds, foreign µh tung tong4 pain, thoroughly µj ging jing4 spasm µk dau dou4 small pox µl pei pi3 swelling of the liver µn dang deng1 ascent, publish (in newspaper) µo faat fa1 develop, send out µp woon wan3 Anhui µq ho hao4 bright, d (19th), white µs do dao4 rob/a robber µu duen duan3 lack, short µv siu xiao1 saltpeter, to tan (leather) µw ngaang ying4 hard µx yin yan4 ink-stone µy saau shao1 somewhat/a little µz gon gan3 stalks of grain µ{ ching cheng2 (surname), extent, journey µ| sui shui4 taxes/duties µ~ kwan jiong3 distressed, embarrassed µ¡ cheung chuang1 shutter, window µ¢ gaau jiao4 cellar µ£ tung tong2 (surname), boy, child µ¤ jun jun4 complete/finish µ¥ dang deng3 etc., grade, wait µ¦ chaak ce4 policy, scheme µ§ bat bi3 brush/pen µ¨ hong kuang1 basket µ© tung tong3 tube/cylinder µª daap da1 to answer/agree da2 answer µ« sun sun3 bamboo shoot µ¬ gan jin1 muscle µ­ fat fa2 raft of logs µ® juk zhu2 build, five-string lute µ¯ suk su4 grain, millet µ° juk zhou1 congee µ± gaau jiao3 hang (a criminal), to turn/twist µ² git jie1 knot, sturdy, to bear (fruit) jie2 a bond, to bear, to knot µ³ yung rong2 velvet, woolen µ´ juet jue2 absolutely, cut short, extinct µµ ji zi3 purple µ¶ sui xu4 line with cotton wadding µ· si si1 silk µ¸ lok lao4 small net luo4 µ¹ kap gei3 for, give, passive part., to ji3 to supply/provide µº huen xuan4 adorned, swift µ½ sin shan4 good µ¾ cheung xiang2 soar µÂ suk su4 Gansu, respectful µÃ woon wan4 wrist µÄ hong qiang1 cavity of body, tune µÆ foo fu3 internal organs µÇ san shen4 kidneys µÈ jeung zhang4 dropsical, swollen µÉ tin tian3 make strong (as liquors), virtuous µÊ bei pi2 spleen µÌ fei fei2 calf of leg, decay, protect µÎ sue shu1 (surname), relax µÏ sun shun4 name of an emperor µÐ pooi pu2 Bodhisattva µÑ sui cui4 collect, collection, dense µÓ ping ping2 duckweed µÔ boh bo1 spinach µÖ chai qi1 Celosia argentea, luxuriant µØ wa hua1 flower hua2 China, flowery hua4 (surname), name of a mountain µÙ ling ling2 Trapa natans, water caltrop µÛ jeuk jue zhao1 catch/receive, suffer zhao2 (resultat. compl.), ignited, to touch zhe5 part. indicates accompanying action zhu4 make known, write zhuo2 plan, settlement, to wear µÜ loi lai2 Chenopodium album µÞ mang meng2 people, sprout µß kwan jun4 bacteria, mold, mushroom µá fei fei1 Philippine, phenanthrene fei3 µâ guk ju2 chrysanthemum µä wai wei3 wither µå to tao2 grapes µæ choi cai4 vegetable µê hui xu1 devoid of content, void µë gaau jiao1 scaly dragon µì wa wa1 frog µî wooi hui2 roundworm/Ascaris lumbricoides µï jue zhu1 spider µð gap ge2 clam ha2 frog, toad µó gaai jie1 street µô choi cai2 cut out (as a dress) µõ lit lie4 split µö fuk fu2 bundle wrapped in cloth µ÷ taam tan2 (surname), deep µø si shi4 look at µú wing yong3 sing µû ping ping2 comment on, to judge µü chi ci2 diction, phrase, word µý jing zheng4 certificate, proof ¶@ jiu zhao4 imperial order ¶A jui zu3 curse, swear (oath) ¶B ja zha4 crafty, dishonest ¶D so su4 complain, sue, tell ¶E chan zhen3 examine or treat medically ¶H jeung xiang4 elephant ¶I diu diao1 sable/marten ¶K tip tie1 fit snugly, to paste/stick ¶O fai fei4 (surname), expenses, to waste ¶P hoh he4 congratulate ¶Q gwai gui4 expensive, noble, your (name) ¶R maai mai3 buy ¶S bin bian3 diminish, disparage ¶T mau mao4 commerce ¶U taai dai4 lend/loan ¶V yuet yue4 exceed, the more...the more ¶W chiu chao1 super-, surpass ¶X chan chen4 avail oneself of ¶Z kui ju4 at a distance of ¶[ bat ba2 postface ¶\ saan shan1 limp ¶] paau pao3 to run ¶_ poh bo3 lame ¶a oh ke1 given name of mencius ¶b juk zhou2 axis/axle zhu2 axis/axle ¶c dit yi4 disperse, put in order, surpass ¶d goo gu1 (surname), crime/sin ¶e dai dai3 catch/seize, until dai4 catch/seize, until ¶f kwai kui2 crossroads, thoroughfare ¶h yat yi4 escape, leisurely, outstanding ¶i jun jin4 advance, enter ¶k ngok e4 hupeh ¶l yau you2 to post/mail ¶m heung xiang1 country/village ¶o ham han1 intoxicated ¶p so su1 flaky ¶q leung liang2 to measure liang4 capacity, quantity, to estimate ¶r chaau chao1 paper money ¶s nau niu3 (surname), button ¶t koi gai4 calcium ¶u naap na4 sodium ¶v gwan jun1 30 catties, great, your (hon.) ¶w dun dun4 blunt, stupid ¶| yun run4 intercalary ¶} hoi kai1 open, operate (vehicle), start ¶~ haan xian2 enclosure ¶¡ gaan jian1 interstice jian4 interstice, separate ¶¤ dui dui4 squadron ¶¥ gaai jie1 rank or step, stairs ¶¦ chui sui2 name of a dynasty ¶§ yeung yang2 positive (electric.), sun ¶¨ yue yu2 corner ¶© lung long2 prosperous, start (a fire) ¶­ ngaan yan4 wild goose ¶® nga ya3 elegant ¶¯ hung xiong2 heroic, male ¶° jaap ji2 collect/collected works ¶² man wen2 multicolored clouds ¶´ ngan ren4 annealed, pliable but strong ¶µ hong xiang4 (surname), back of neck, item ¶¶ sun shun4 along, favorable ¶· so sui xu1 beard, necessary/must ¶º faan fan4 cooked rice, meal ¶¼ yam yin3 drink yin4 ¶¾ fung feng2 ping2 ¶¿ yue yu4 manage, to drive ¶À wong huang2 (surname), sulfur, yellow ¶Á sue shu3 glutinous millet ¶Â hak hei1 black, dark ¶Ã luen luan4 disordered ¶Å jaai zhai4 debt ¶Æ ngo ao4 proud/arrogant ¶Ç chuen juen chuan2 pass on zhuan4 biography ¶È gan jin3 merely jin4 ¶É king qing1 incline, overthrow, pour out ¶Ê chui cui1 urge/prompt/hurry (v.t.) ¶Ë seung shang1 injure/injury ¶Ì soh sha3 foolish ¶Í jung zong3 busy/hurried, despondent ¶Ï jiu chao1 destroy (bandits) jiao3 destroy (bandits) ¶Ò mo mu4 canvass for contributions ¶Ô kan qin2 diligent ¶Õ sai shi4 conditions, influence, tendency ¶× wooi hui4 remit, to converge (of rivers) ¶Ø je jie1 sigh jue1 sigh ¶Ù hoi hai1 oh alas ¶Ú song sang3 throat, voice ¶Û soh suo1 ¶Ü ma ma3 morphine ma5 (interrog. part.) ¶Ý si shi4 addicted to, fond of ¶ß haap ke4 to crack (seeds) with front teeth ¶à ji si4 ¶á chi chi1 scoff at/sneer at ¶ã woo wu1 (onomat. for humming) ¶ä yung weng1 -oin (chem.) as in anisoin ¶å chau xiu4 sense of smell ¶æ cheung qiang1 against wind qiang4 choke, pungent ¶ç ho hao2 howl/bawl, to bark/roar ¶è so su4 crop (of bird) ¶é yuen yuan2 garden ¶ê yuen yuan2 circle/round, dollar ¶ë choi sak sai4 strategic pass se4 piston, unenlightened ¶ì so su4 to model (a figure) in clay ¶í tong tang2 pond ¶ï chung zhong3 mound ¶ð taap ta3 pagoda ¶ñ tin tian2 fill in ¶ò taap ta1 collapse ¶ô faai kuai4 lump/piece ¶õ o wu4 dock, low wall ¶ø o ao4 obscure/mysterious ¶ù ga jia4 marry (a husband) ¶ú jat ji2 ¶û yim xian2 dislike ¶ü kau gou4 copulate, marriage ¶ý ma ma1 ma/mamma ·@ sik xi2 daughter-in-law ·A so sao3 elder brother's wife ·C sung song1 lofty, name of a mountain in Henan ·E fong huang3 advertising sign ·G lim lian2 incorrupt, inexpensive ·H ha sha4 tall building xia4 tall building ·I si shi4 murder a superior ·M yue yu2 stupid ·N yi yi4 idea/meaning ·O chi ci2 compassionate/gentle ·P gam gan3 affected, feel ·Q seung xiang3 think ·R oi ai4 love/like ·S ye re3 annoy ·T sau chou2 worry about ·U yue yu4 heal, the more...the more ·V san shen4 cautious ·W fong huang1 nervous ·\ kwai kui4 ashamed ·b choh cuo1 rub, twist ·d gaau gao3 do, take care of ·e tong tang2 keep out ·f daap da1 build (scaffolding), take (boat/train) ·g cha cha2 apply (ointment/powder) ·h boon ban1 to shift, transport ·i bok bo2 seize ·j sau sou1 to search ·k so sao1 disturb, to scratch ·l suen sun3 to damage/injure ·m cheung qiang1 against wind qiang3 fight over ·n yiu yao2 shake, to rock ·o do dao3 stir, to pound ·q ging jing4 respectful, to offer ·r jam zhen1 pour, to deliberate ·s san xin1 meso- (chem.), new, newly ·t am an4 dark, secret ·u fai hui1 bright/radiant ·v ha xia2 leisure ·w wan yun1 confused, faint away yun4 dizzy, ring around moon or sun ·x nuen nuan3 warm ·| wooi hui4 association, can (be able), meeting kuai4 accounting ·} long lang2 (tree) ·~ yip ye4 business/occupation ·¡ choh chu3 (surname), ancient place name ·¢ kaai kai3 norm/model/ (writing) ·¥ gik ji2 extremely, pole (geog./physics) ·§ koi gai4 in general ·¨ yeung yang2 (surname), poplar ·« ling leng2 corner, square beam ·¬ fung feng1 maple ·® yue yu2 elm ·² hit xie1 to rest ·³ sui sui4 year/years old ·´ wai hui3 destroy/ruin ·µ din dian4 palace hall ·¶ yuk yu4 nourish/rear ·¸ yat yi4 overflow ·¹ so sue su4 go upstream, trace the source ·º joi zi3 dregs, sediment ·» yung rong2 dissolve ·¼ pong pang1 rushing (water) ·½ yuen yuan2 source/origin ·¾ kau gou1 ditch/gutter ·¿ tin dian1 Yunnan ·À mit mie4 extinguish ·Á po pu3 extensive/pervading ·Ä nik ni4 drown ·Å wan wen1 lukewarm, to review ·Æ waat gu3 comical hua2 comical, cunning, slippery ·È lau liu1 slip away, to skate liu4 ·É chong cang1 cold, vast (of water) ·Ê to tao1 overflow, torrent-dash ·Ë kai qi1 creek xi1 creek ·Î jin jian1 pan-fry ·Ï yin yan1 cigarette/tobacco, smoke ·Ð faan fan2 feel vexed, to bother ·Ñ mooi mei2 coal ·Ò lin lian4 refine, smelt ·Ó jiu zhao4 according to, shine on ·× wong huang2 brilliant ·Ø woon huan4 brilliant/lustrous ·Ù saat sha1 decrease, tighten sha4 baleful, bring to a stop, very ·Ý ye ye2 grandpa/etc., old gentleman ·Þ dip die2 document/dispatch ·ß yau you2 consult with, to scheme ·à si shi1 lion ·á yuen yuan2 ape ·â waat hua2 sly ·ä woo hu2 coral ·å ha xia2 blemish, flaw in jade ·æ sat se4 (mus. instr.) ·ç sui rui4 propitious, rayl (acoustical unit) ·í dong dang1 ought/should, right at/just at dang4 at or in the very same..., to pawn ·î kei ji1 fractional remains, odd ·ï yue yu1 ·ð taam tan2 phlegm, spittle ·ñ sui cui4 sick, weary ·ô bei bi4 paralysis ·ö chi chi1 imbecile, sentimental ·ø jaan zhan3 M for lamp ·ù mang meng2 oath, to ally ·ú jing jing1 eye ·û jit jie2 eyelashes ·ü muk mu4 friendly ·ý loi lai4 gaze/stare ·þ duk du1 supervise ¸@ do du3 observe/see ¸A go gao1 ¸B choi cai3 pay attention/take notice of ¸C jaang zheng1 to open (eye) ¸G ngai ai3 short (stature) ¸H sui sui4 break/broken/fragmentary ¸I pung peng4 meet with, to bump ¸J woon wan3 bowl/cup ¸K din dian3 iodine ¸L luk lu4 laborious, small stone ¸M diu diao1 Tibetan stone house ¸N paang peng2 boron ¸O bei bei1 stone tablet ¸R kei qi2 felicity ¸S luk lu4 good fortune, official salary ¸T gam jin1 endure jin4 prohibit ¸U maan wan4 (surname), 000, 10 ¸V hap kam qin2 birds ¸X ji zhi4 infantile, young ¸Y chau chou2 many, thick (of soup) ¸[ ban bing3 report to (a superior) ¸] gwat ku1 cave/hole ¸^ woh ke1 nest ¸_ faai kuai4 chopstick ¸` jit jie2 festival, section, temperate ¸a gwan yun2 skin of bamboo ¸d leung liang2 sorghum ¸e gang jing1 ¸f yuet yue4 Cantonese, Guangdong ¸g ging jing1 classics/sacred book, pass through ¸h guen juan4 thick but loosely woven silk ¸j bong bang3 bind/to tie ¸l to tao1 braid, cord, sash ¸m ji zhi4 ¸n jaau zhao4 cover, fish trap (basket), shade ¸o jui zui4 crime, sin ¸p chue shu3 office/bureau ¸q yi yi4 meaning, public, righteousness ¸r sin xian4 to envy ¸s kwan qun2 crowd, flock ¸t sing sheng4 holy, sage ¸u ping pin4 betrothed, engage (teacher) ¸v si si4 four (fraudproof), market ¸w yi yi4 descendants, distress, practice ¸x gin jian4 gristle ¸y yiu yao1 waist ¸z cheung chang2 intestines ¸{ seng sing xing1 fishy (smell) ¸| soi sai1 gills, lower part of cheeks ¸} geuk jiao3 a kick, foot, role jue2 role ¸~ jung zhong3 swollen ¸¡ fuk fu4 abdomen ¸¢ sin xian4 gland ¸£ no nao3 brain ¸¤ kau jiu4 maternal uncle ¸¥ teng ting3 small boat ¸¦ tai di4 stem (of fruit) ¸§ fan hun1 meat dish ¸¨ lok la4 leave behind luo4 alight, to fall/drop ¸© huen xuan1 Hemerocallis flava ¸ª kwai kui2 sunflower ¸« wai wei3 reed/rush/Phragmites communis ¸¬ woo hu2 Allium scorodoprasum, bottle gourd ¸­ yip ye4 (surname), leaf, page ¸® jong zang4 bury (the dead) ¸¯ got ge2 coarse grass linen ge3 (surname) ¸² po pu2 grapes ¸³ dung dong3 (surname), supervise ¸´ ba pa1 corolla of flower ¸· yan yue yu2 forewarned, peace, worry ¸¸ lo lu3 take captive ¸¹ ho hao2 roar/cry hao4 (ordinal) number ¸º yung yong3 chrysalis/pupa ¸» ting ting2 dragonfly ¸¼ ng wu2 centipede ¸¾ suk shu3 Sichuan ¸¿ ngoh e2 moth ¸À tui tui4 exuviae of insects or reptiles ¸Á fung feng1 bee, wasp ¸Ã hin xian3 Cyclina orientalis ¸Å nga ya2 (surname), office, yamen ¸Æ sa sha1 Buddhist monk's robe ¸Ç yui yi4 descendents, frontier ¸È kwan qun2 skirt ¸É bo bu3 supplement, to patch ¸Ê kau qiu2 (surname), fur/fur coat ¸Ë jong zhuang1 adornment/adorn, costume ¸Í niu niao3 delicate, graceful ¸Î yue yu4 abundant ¸Ñ gaai jie3 emancipate, explain, untie jie4 transport under guard xie4 (surname) ¸Ò cha cha4 surprised ¸Ó goi gai1 ought to, owe ¸Ô cheung xiang2 detailed ¸Õ si shi4 try/to test ¸Ö si shi1 poem ¸Ù fooi hui1 whimsical/humorous ¸Ú ngai yi4 go ¸Û sing cheng2 honest/sincere ¸Ü wa hua4 dialect/language, spoken words ¸Ý jue zhu1 execute, punish ¸Þ gwai gui3 sly/crafty ¸ß sun xun2 inquire ¸â jim zhan1 (surname), excellent, verbose ¸æ kuen huan4 feed pigs and dogs, to rear ¸è lok hao2 badger-like animal he2 badger-like animal ¸é chaak zei2 thief ¸ê ji zi1 resources/capital ¸ë ga gu3 merchant, to buy jia3 (surname) ¸ì kooi hui4 bribe (ry) ¸î yam lin4 to rent ¸ï lo lu4 bribe (ry) ¸ñ jik ji1 footprint, trace ¸ò gan gen1 and, follow, with ¸ó kwa kua4 step across, step astride ¸ô lo lu4 (surname), road ¸õ tiu tiao4 jump/hop, skip (a grade) ¸ö doh duo4 ¸÷ gwai gui4 kneel ¸ø gaau jiao1 bones of leg, wrestle ¸ú doh duo3 avoid, get out of way, hide ¸û gaau jiao4 clear/distinct, compare ¸ü joi zai3 year zai4 carry, convey/loaded with ¸ý sik shi4 crossbar in carriage front ¹@ pik bi4 monarch, royal pi4 dispel, open up ¹A nung nong2 agriculture ¹B wan yun4 luck, move about, transport ¹D do dao4 principle, road, say ¹E sui sui4 forthwith ¹F daat da2 attain/reach ¹G bik bi1 close to, compel ¹H wai wei2 disobey, go against ¹I ha xia2 abandon, distant ¹J yue yu4 meet with ¹L gwoh guo4 (surname), did once, to pass ¹M pin bian4 a time, everywhere, turn ¹O yue yu2 exceed, jump over ¹P dun dun4 disappear, to escape ¹Q jau zou1 (surname), name of district in Shandong ¹S chau chou2 reward/compensate ¹T lok lao4 Chinese cream/cheese ¹V yau you4 glaze (of porcelain) ¹W goo gu3 cobalt ¹X kim qian2 pliers/pincers, to clamp ¹Y poot bo2 cymbals ¹[ gaap jia3 potassium ¹\ yau you2 uranium ¹] yuen qian1 lead (metal) ¹_ ngau gou1 entice, hook ¹` bok bo2 platinum ¹a ling ling2 bell ¹b yuen xuan4 ¹c bit bi4 bismuth ¹e pei pi2 beryllium ¹f din dian4 gold inlaid work ¹h jaap zha2 gear, watergate ¹i aai ai4 defile/pass, in distress ¹j gaak ge2 partition, separated by ¹k wan yun3 fall, meteor, perish ¹l yung yong1 (surname), harmonious ¹n chi zhi4 ringed pheasant ¹p lui lei2 (surname), thunder ¹q din dian4 electricity/electric ¹r bok bao2 hail ¹s ling ling2 remnant, zero ¹t jing jing4 pacify, quiet ¹u heuh xue1 boots ¹v ba ba3 target ¹w yue yu4 beforehand, prepare ¹x waan wan2 mischievous, obstinate, to play ¹y dun dun4 a time, jerk, stop ¹{ baan ban1 promulgate ¹| jung song4 to praise ¹} ji si4 to feed ¹¡ baau bao3 satiated ¹¢ sik shi4 adorn, ornaments ¹£ chi chi2 gallop ¹¤ toh duo4 carry on back tuo2 carry on back ¹¥ sun xun2 attain gradually, tame ¹§ kau jiu1 turtle-dove/Turtur orientalis ¹¨ gei ji3 Moschus chinensis ¹© ding ding3 tripod ¹ª goo gu3 convex, drum, to rouse ¹« sue shu3 rat/mouse ¹¬ jang seng1 monk ¹­ tung tong2 boy ¹® hiu jiao3 by mere luck yao2 ¹¯ hei xi1 (surname), cautious, merry/joyful ¹° chim jian4 usurp ¹± liu liao2 bureaucrat ¹³ jeung xiang4 image/portrait, resemble, seem ¹´ kiu qiao2 emigrant, reside abroad ¹µ goo gu4 hire ¹¸ ging jing1 to be fearful/apprehensive ¹¹ dang deng4 stool ¹» kuet jue2 chisel, engrave ¹¼ gwai kui4 (surname), lacking/empty/exhausted ¹½ yim yan4 loathe ¹¾ juk sou3 to urge on/incite ¹¿ dik di2 ¹À ma ma5 (phonetic) ¹Á seung chang2 indicator of past tense, to taste ¹Â sau sou4 cough ¹Ã au ou3 vomit ou4 ¹Ä taan tan4 to sigh ¹Å ga jia1 excellent ¹Æ lau lou2 subordinates in gang of bandits ¹Ç ga ga1 (onomat.) ¹È sok ao2 loud clamor ¹É jaak ze2 (interj. of admiration, of disgust) ¹Ê do du1 ¹Ë cho cao2 noisy/bustling ¹Í bat bi4 (phonetic) ¹Î tuen tuan2 regiment, round ¹Ï to tu2 diagram, to plan ¹Ð chan chen2 dust ¹Ñ suk shu2 private tutorage ¹Ò ging jing4 boundary, circumstances, territory ¹Ó mo mu4 tomb ¹Ô din dian4 cushion ¹Õ chim qian4 moat around a city ¹Ö sui shu4 villa ¹Ø sau shou4 long life ¹Ú mung meng4 dream ¹Ü duet duo2 rob/snatch ¹Þ dik di2 first wife, son of first wife ¹ß seung chang2 the lady in the moon ¹à nuen nen4 tender ¹á gui yu4 brood over, old woman, protect ¹â piu piao2 visit a prostitute ¹ä yin yan1 captivating ¹å foo fu1 hatch ¹æ mok mo4 lonesome ¹ç ning ning2 peaceful, rather ¹è gwa gua3 few, widowed ¹é liu liao2 empty, lonesome, very few ¹ê sat shi2 really, solid ¹ë jaai zhai4 stronghold/stockade ¹ì cham qin3 lie down ¹î chaat cha2 observe/examine ¹ï dui dui4 correct, opposite ¹ð lui lu:3 time and again ¹ñ jaam zhan3 precipitous peak ¹ò kui qu1 rugged ¹ô bai bi4 ¹õ mok mu4 stage curtain, tent ¹ø gwok kuo4 big, empty, open ¹ù liu liao4 (surname) ¹ú bai bi4 detriment, fraud ¹ü jeung zhang1 manifest ¹ý chit che4 thorough º@ yuen yuan4 sincere, willing ºA taai tai4 attitude ºB hong kang1 generous/magnanimous ºC maan man4 slow ºD gwaan guan4 accustomed ºF chaam can2 ashamed ºG chaam can3 tragic ºI jit jie2 a section, cut off (a length) ºJ pit pie1 cast away pie3 throw ºK jaak zhai1 borrow, pick (flowers/fruit) ºL sut shuai1 throw on ground, to fall ºM chit che4 remove, take away ºN moh mo1 feel with the hand ºO lau lou1 graft (money), solicit lou3 to embrace ºR chui cui1 destroy, repress ºV haau qiao1 extort, knock/to strike ºW goon wo4 to turn ºX kei qi2 flag ºY yi yi3 fluttering of flag ºZ cheung chang4 happy º] bong bang3 public roll of successful examinees º^ ja zha4 salted vegetable, to extract º_ yung rong2 banyon tree/Ficus wightiana ºa wing rong2 glory, honored ºc kau gou4 Broussonetia papyrifera, construct ºe kok que4 ºh lau liu2 pomegranate ºi wai huai2 Sophora japonica ºj cheung qiang1 rifle, spear ºk je xie4 pavilion ºp hip qian4 apologize, deficient, to regret ºq goh ge1 song ºr wan yun1 heavy atmosphere ºs jeung zhang1 name of a river ºt yin yan3 perform ºu gwan gun3 to boil, to roll ºv lei li2 pattering (of rain), seep through ºw dik di1 a drop, to drip ºy yeung yang4 d (23rd), ripples ºz mok mo4 desert, unconcerned º{ jik zi4 saturate, soak º| lau lou4 funnel, to leak º} piu piao1 drift about piao3 to bleach piao4 elegant, polished º~ hon han4 Chinese, name of a dynasty º¡ moon man3 Manchurian, full º¢ jai zhi4 sluggish º£ chat qi1 paint/lacquer º¤ sau shu4 to rinse (mouth) º¥ jim jian1 imbue jian4 gradual (ly) º¦ jeung zhang3 to rise (of prices/rivers) zhang4 to swell/distend º§ lin lian2 ripple, tearful º© maan man4 free/unrestrained, inundate º« chit che4 clear water, thorough º¬ yi yi1 ripple º­ woo hu4 Shanghai º® yue yu2 fisherman, to fish º¯ sam shen4 seep through º° dik di2 wash/cleanse º² yung rong2 to smelt/fuse º³ hei xi1 prosperous, splendid º´ sin shan1 fan into a flame, incite ºµ hung xiong2 a bear º· ying ying2 Polyeonatum officinale, glimmer º¸ yi er3 thou º» yuk yu4 prison º½ yiu yao2 (jade), Yao, mother-of-pearl º¾ soh suo3 fragmentary/trifling º¿ ma ma3 ºÀ gwai gui1 (semi-precious stone), extraordinary ºÂ yan zhen1 (surname), to mold ºÃ yi yi2 doubt/suspect ºÄ yeuk nu:e4 malaria ºÅ yeung yang2 ulcers/sores ºÆ fung feng1 insane, mad/wild ºÈ woon huan4 illness, numbness of the limbs ºÉ jun jin4 exhaust ºÊ gaam jian1 prison, supervise jian4 supervisor ºË miu miao2 to aim ºÍ yui rui4 astute/perspicacious ºÎ sui shui4 to sleep ºÏ chi ci2 magnetism, porcelain ºÐ dip die2 plate/dish ºÑ bik bi4 blue-green, jade ºÒ taan tan4 carbon ºÓ sek shuo4 large/big ºÕ jing zhen1 auspicious, lucky ºÖ fuk fu2 good fortune º× woh huo4 disaster ºØ jung zhong3 kind, race (of people), seed zhong4 to plant ºÙ ching chen4 balanced, to fit, well-off cheng1 to call, weigh cheng4 steelyard ºÚ ding wa wa1 depression, sunken, swamp ºÛ woh wo1 nest ºÜ kit jie2 exhaust ºÝ duen duan1 carry, one end, regular ºÞ goon guan3 take care, to control, tube/pipe ºß gei ji1 winnow basket ºà jin jian1 letter, note-paper ºá yin yan2 bamboo mat for sitting ºâ suen suan4 regard as, to figure ºä bok bo2 leaf, sheet, tinsel ºå jang zheng1 (mus. instr.) ºé sui cui4 essence, pure ºê jung zong4 rice dumplings wrapped in leaves ºë jing jing1 essence, fine, proficient ºì jaan zhan4 ripped seam ºî jung zong1 ºï cheuk chuo4 spacious, well-off ºñ luk lu:4 chlorine, green ºò gan jin3 strict, tight ºó chuet juet zhui4 ºô mong wang3 a net ºõ gong gang1 main headings ºö yi qi3 beautiful, open-work silk º÷ chau chou2 silk ºø min mian2 cotton, incessant, soft/downy ºú lun guan1 lun2 classify, silk thread, twist silk ºû wai wei2 maintain ºü sui xu4 beginnings, clues »@ fat fa2 punish (ment) »A chui cui4 green jade »B fei fei3 green jade, kingfisher »C jaak di2 long-tail pheasant zhai2 (surname) »D man wen2 (surname), hear, sniff at »E jui ju4 form gathering, gather »F siu zhao4 at first, devise, originate »G foo fu3 decay, rotten »H pong bang3 upper arm, wing pang2 bladder »I go gao1 ointment »J gaak ge2 diaphragm »K bok bo2 shoulder, upper arm »L tui tui3 leg »N jong zang1 (surname), good/lucky »P yue yu3 and, give, with yu4 take part in »Q tim tian3 lick/lap »R mo wu3 dance »S maang meng3 small boat »T yung rong2 lotus »W chuk xu4 to store »X mung meng2 Mongolia, cover »Y yap li4 attend (official functions) »Z po pu2 calamus »[ suen suan4 garlic »\ koi gai4 build, cover »] jing zheng1 to steam »a chong cang1 dark blue, fly/musca »b soh suo1 raincape made of grass »e mat mi4 honey »f ching qing1 dragonfly »g maang meng3 grasshopper »h sik xi1 chameleon/Eumeces latiscutatus »i yik yi4 chameleon/Eumeces latiscutatus »j ji zhi1 spider »k sik shi2 eat up slowly, eclipse »n seung chang2 lower garment shang5 »o kwa gua4 coat »p pooi pei2 (surname) »q gwoh guo3 wrap around »r loh luo3 naked »w jung song4 read aloud »y yue yu3 dialect/language, speech yu4 tell to »z mo wu1 accuse falsely »{ ying ren4 admit, recognize »| gaai jie4 commandment, prohibit »} sai shi4 oath/vow »~ ng wu4 to delay, to neglect »¡ suet shui4 persuade (politically) shuo1 say yue4 »¢ go gao4 enjoin, grant (a title) »£ fooi hui4 admonish, instruct »¤ yau you4 entice, tempt »¨ ho hao2 grand/heroic »ª maau mao4 appearance »« ban bin1 visitor/guest »¬ jan zhen4 to relieve (the distressed) »­ se she1 buy on credit »® hak he4 (surname), awe-inspiring »¯ jiu zhao4 (surname) »° gon gan3 catch up, drive away, hurry »² foo fu3 assist, auxiliary »´ hing qing1 hydrogen, light »¶ laat la4 hot, pungent »· yuen yuan3 far »¹ sun xun4 to yield »º hin qian3 dispatch »» yiu yao2 far/far away »¼ dai toi di4 hand over/to pass »À pei bi3 low/mean »Ã haau xiao4 »Ä suen suan1 acid, sore, sour »Å huk ku4 ruthless, strong (as of wine) »Ç gaau jiao3 scissors, to cut (with scissors) »È ngan yin2 silver »É tung tong2 copper »Ê ming ming2 inscribed motto »Ë jue zhu1 forty-eighth part of a tael »Ì lok ge4 chromium »Í chuen quan2 estimate, select »Î haam xian2 hold in mouth, nominal office »Ñ sin xian3 shining metal »Ò ngoi he2 obstruct »Ó gwai gui1 women's apartment »Ô man min3 »Õ gok ge2 council-chamber, shelf »Ö fat fa2 clique, valve »Ø kwik xi4 crack, occasion for dislike »Ù jeung zhang4 obstacle »Ú jai ji4 boundary, interval, while »Û chi ci1 female ci2 female »Ý sui xu1 to need »Þ daan da2 (phonetic), dressed leather »ß yeung yang1 yang3 martingale »à siu shao2 (music), excellent, harmonious »â ling ling3 collar, receive, to lead »ã jaap sa4 declining, sound of wind »å gaau jiao3 dumplings with meat filling »æ beng bing3 cake/cookies »ç nei er3 bait, cakes »è heung xiang3 soldier's pay »é bok bo2 argue, parti-colored, tranship »ê ong ang1 filthy »í fooi kui2 chief/head »î wan hun2 soul »ï ming ming2 to cry (of birds) »ð yuen yuan1 kite »ñ fung feng4 phoenix »ó bei bi2 nose »ô chai qi2 (surname), even, to make even zhai1 »õ yik yi4 a hundred million, calculate »ö yi yi2 apparatus, rites »÷ pik pi4 low, rustic, secluded »ø geung jiang1 rigid/deadlock, stiff (corpse) »ù ga jia4 price »ú nung nong2 you (Shanghai dial.) »û kooi kuai4 broker »ü gim jian3 frugal, to be in need »þ lam lei lin3 shiver with cold or fear ¼@ kek ju4 drama, severe ¼A pek pi1 split open ¼B lau liu2 (surname), to kill ¼C gim jian4 double-edged sword ¼F lai li4 severe ¼G lo lao2 to chatter ¼H hei xi1 laugh/giggle ¼I liu liao2 clear sound, cry (of cranes etc.) ¼J jaau chao2 ridicule zhao1 to ridicule ¼K hei hei1 hey ¼L jui zui3 mouth ¼M wa hua1 crashing sound hua2 cat-calling sound, clamor/noise ¼N hui shi1 xu1 exhale, hiss ¼O yit ye1 choke ¼P pok pu1 sound of escaping laughter/water ¼Q pan pen1 to puff, to spout ¼R si si1 hiss, neigh ¼S siu xiao4 to hiss, to whistle ¼T gei ji1 grumble ¼V hui xu1 old burial grounds ¼W jang zeng1 add/increase ¼X fan fen2 a grave ¼Y jui zhui4 fall ¼Z doh duo4 degenerate, fall hui1 destroy, overthrow ¼[ dun dun1 block, gate pillar, pier ¼^ hei xi1 amusement ¼_ haan xian2 elegant/refined ¼` sim chan2 beautiful/graceful ¼a mo wu3 flatter, to please ¼b giu jiao1 lovable, pampered ¼c yiu rao2 graceful ¼e foon kuan1 lenient, wide ¼f sam shen3 investigate, try (in court) ¼g se xie3 write ¼h chang ceng2 layer, story ¼i lei lu:3 shoe, to tread on ¼l dung chuang2 M for houses/tents ¼m chi zhi4 flag ¼o fai fei4 abolish, crippled ¼p chue chu2 kitchen ¼q miu miao4 temple/monastery ¼s gwong guang3 wide ¼t chong chang3 factory ¼u daan dan4 bullet tan2 impeach, pluck a string ¼v ying ying3 image, shadow ¼w dak de2 Germany, virtue ¼x jing zheng1 levy (troops or taxes) zhi3 note in Chinese musical scale ¼y hing qing4 celebrate ¼z wai hui4 intelligent ¼{ lui lu:4 anxiety ¼} mo mu4 admire ¼~ yau you1 worried ¼¢ wai wei4 reassure ¼£ sung song3 arouse ¼¦ lin lian2 to pity ¼§ man min3 sympathize/to pity ¼¨ jang zeng1 detest ¼ª daan dan4 to dread ¼« fan fen4 indignant ¼® luk lu4 kill ¼¯ moh mo2 rub ¼° ji zhi4 (surname), sincere ¼± mo mo2 imitate/copy ¼² jong zhuang4 bump into ¼³ pok pu1 rush on ¼´ lo lao1 fish up ¼µ chaang cheng1 prop up ¼¶ jaan zhuan4 compose/compile ¼· boot bo1 push aside, to appropriate (money) ¼¸ naau nao2 to scratch ¼¹ si si1 to tear ¼º liu liao1 lift up (skirt), pull up (sleeve) liao2 stitch, take, tease ¼» saat sa1 let go sa3 to scatter ¼¼ chuet cuo1 bring together, little bit, shovel ¼¾ foo fu3 to comfort, touch gently with hand ¼À kiu qiao4 to lift ¼Ä dik di2 enemy, match ¼Å foo fu1 announce, apply ¼Æ so shu3 to count shu4 number, several shuo4 frequently/repeatedly ¼Ç mo mu4 evening, sunset ¼È jaam zan4 temporarily ¼É bo bao4 cruel/violent pu4 ¼Ë yeung yang4 manner, shape ¼Ì jeung zhang1 camphor/Cinnamonum camphara ¼Î jong zhuang1 item, stump ¼Ï sue shu1 hinge ¼Ð biu biao1 mark/sign ¼Ñ cho cao2 trough ¼Ò mo mo2 imitate, model/norm mu2 mold/form ¼Ó lau lou2 house with more than 1 story ¼Ô faan fan2 (surname), cage, fence ¼Õ jeung jiang3 oar ¼Ö lok lok ngok le4 (surname), happy, laugh yue4 (surname), music ¼Ú au ou1 Europe ¼Ü seung shang1 die prematurely ¼Ý ngai yi4 perseverence ¼Þ au ou1 brawl ¼ß jeung jiang1 broth, serum, to starch ¼á ching cheng2 clear/limpid, settle (liquid) ¼â poot po1 splash, to spill ¼ä git jie2 clean ¼å hiu jiao1 to water ¼æ taam tan2 (surname), deep ¼ç chim qian2 hide, submerge ¼é chiu chao2 tide ¼ê paang peng1 peng2 sound of waves ¼ë saan chan2 flow/trickle (of water) ¼ì kooi hui4 be dispersed, break down kui4 be dispersed, break down ¼í yun run4 moist ¼î gaan jian4 mountain stream ¼ï poon pan1 (surname) ¼ð tang teng2 (surname), place name ¼ñ cham xun2 name of a river, steep bank ¼ô suk shou2 cooked, ripe shu2 cooked, ripe ¼õ ngo ao2 endure, to boil ¼ö yit re4 hot (of weather), warm up ¼÷ tong yu4 reconciled, smooth yun4 an iron, to iron ¼ø yau you3 enlighten, lattice window ¼ú jeung jiang3 a prize, encourage ¼ü ying ying2 luster of gems ¼þ lei li2 colored glaze, glass ½B gei ji1 territory around the capital ½D daap da2 sore/boil/scab ½E wan wen1 epidemic/pestilence ½F lau liu2 tumor ½G sau shou4 thin/lean ½H chong chuang1 sore/skin ulcer ½J oi ai2 white (of snow/etc.) ½K jau zhou4 to wrinkle/wrinkled ½L poon pan2 plate, to coil ½M hat xia1 blind ½N mai mi1 to squint ½O koi ke1 ½R choh cuo1 deliberate, to polish ½S bong bang4 pound (weight), scale, weigh ½T kok que4 authenticated, solid/firm ½U lui lei3 lumpy, rock pile, uneven ½V jin nian3 stone roller ½W koi ke1 to tap/knock ½X ma ma3 a weight, number, yard ½Y poon pan2 firm/stable, rock ½Z go gao3 manuscript/draft, stalk of grain ½[ ga jia4 sow grain ½] kai ji1 inspect/check qi3 bow to the ground ½_ do dao4 rice (plant) ½` go yao2 kiln ½a kung qiong2 exhausted, poor ½b jin jian4 arrow ½c seung xiang1 box/trunk/chest ½f suen zhuan4 seal characters ½g pin pian1 chapter/article ½k woo hu2 muddled, paste, scorched ½l tai di4 closely joined, connection, knot ½m lin lian4 to drill/to train ½n wai wei3 latitude ½p gam jian1 letters, to close/seal ½q min mian3 Burma, distant ½s pin bian1 compile, to plait ½t yuen yuan2 along, predestined affinity ½u sin xian4 line, thread, wire ½v duen duan4 satin ½w woon huan3 go slow, slow ½| ma ma4 scold/abuse ½} ba ba4 quit, to finish ba5 (final part.) pi2 ½~ kit jie2 castrate a ram, deer's skin ½¢ ngau ou3 pair/mate, ploughshare ½£ tong tang2 chest (of body), hollow space ½¤ mok mo2 ½¥ sat xi1 knee ½¦ gaau jiao1 glue ½§ foo fu1 skin ½¨ piu biao1 fat ½© je zhe4 sugar cane ½ª bai bi4 to screen/conceal ½« wai wei4 Artemisia japonica, luxuriant ½¬ lin lian2 lotus ½­ soh shu1 vegetables ½® yam yin4 shade ½¯ maan man4 creeper, to spread ½° mit mie4 belittle, nothing ½± jeung jiang3 (surname) ½² choi cai4 (surname) ½´ pung peng2 (grass), disheveled ½µ chung cong1 scallion ½¸ long lang2 dragonfly, mantis ½¹ woo hu2 butterfly ½º dip die2 butterfly ½» fuk fu2 bat ½¼ ha xia1 shrimp/prawn ½¿ pin bian1 bat ½À wong huang2 locust ½Á foh ke1 tadpole ½Ã wai wei4 (surname), protect ½Æ fuk fu4 ½Ç bo bao1 to praise ½Ì leung liang4 forgive ½Í taam tan2 (surname), to chat/discuss ½Î sun zhun1 repeatedly (in giving advice) ½Ï daan dan4 birthday, brag, to increase ½Ð cheng ching qing3 ask/invite, please ½Ñ jue zhu1 (surname), all/many ½Ò foh ke4 lesson ½Õ diu tiu diao4 mode (music), to move (troops), tune tiao2 harmonize, reconcile ½Ö sui shei2 who shui2 who ½× lun lun2 (Confucian) analects lun4 by the/per, discuss, theory ½Ú fei fei3 slander ½Ü woon wan1 peas ½Ý sue shu4 to erect, vertical ½Þ jue zhu1 pig/hog ½ß pooi pei2 lose in trade, pay damage ½à seung shang3 enjoy the beauty of, give ½á foo fu4 poetic essay, taxation ½â jin jian4 inexpensive, lowly ½ã jeung zhang4 account ½ä do du3 bet, gamble ½å yin xian2 worthy (person) ½æ maai mai4 sell ½ç chi ci4 give/bestow ½è jat zhi4 hostage ½ë tong tang4 a time, a trip ½ì chui cu4 qu4 interest ½î jin jian4 fulfill (a promise), tread, walk ½ð tek ti1 to kick ½ñ daap ta4 step on ½ò chaai cai3 step on ½ó chi chi2 hesitating ½õ gui ju4 be based upon, squat ½ö tong tang3 lie down ½÷ fai hui1 bright/glorious ½ø leung liang4 M for vehicles ½ú booi bei4 contemporaries, generation ½ü lun lun2 rotate, wheel ¾@ kwan gun3 revolve, stone roller ¾A sik shi4 fit/suitable ¾B je zhe1 cover up (a shortcoming), screen off ¾D jo zao1 a time, incident, meet by chance ¾E chin qian1 to move/to shift ¾F lun lin2 neighbor, neighboring ¾G jeng zheng4 (surname) ¾H dang deng4 (surname) ¾I boh po2 name of a lake ¾J sun chun2 sterols ¾K jui zui4 intoxicated ¾L cho cu4 vinegar ¾N san xin1 zinc ¾P siu xiao1 melt metal, sell ¾Q po pu1 to spread pu4 a bed, a store ¾R kaau kao4 ¾S choh chu2 hoe ¾T lui lu:3 aluminum ¾U yui rui4 acute ¾V choh cuo4 to file ¾W fung feng1 point or edge of a tool ¾X booi bei4 barium ¾Y lei li3 lithium ¾\ yuet yue4 peruse/review ¾] siu xiao1 firmament/heaven ¾^ ting ting2 clap of thunder ¾_ jan zhen4 shake, sign in trigram ¾` mooi mei2 bacteria, fungi, moldy ¾a kaau kao4 depend upon, lean on ¾b on an1 saddle ¾c haai xie2 shoes ¾d gung gong3 secure/solid ¾e kit jie2 xie2 (surname), fly upwards, neck ¾i yeung yang3 give birth, keep (pets), to support ¾j ngoh e4 hungry ¾k noi nei3 hungry ¾m toh tuo2 humpback ¾n jue zhu4 be stationed ¾p si shi3 hasten, proceed to, sail a vessel ¾r ga jia4 drive (vehicle), to mount ¾s kui ju1 colt ¾t foo fu4 prince consort ¾u foo ku1 skeleton ¾x naau nao4 make noise or disturbance ¾y mooi mei4 demon, magic, to charm ¾z paak po4 soul ¾{ yau you2 cuttlefish ¾| lo lu3 crass, place name ¾} jam zhen4 poisonous, to poison ¾~ a ya1 crow ¾£ moh hui1 signal flag, to signal ¾¤ lai li2 (surname), black ¾¥ mak mo4 ink ¾¦ chi chi3 tooth ¾§ yue ru2 scholar/Confucian ¾© chau chou2 comrade/companion ¾ª ban bin1 best man, entertain ¾« chaai chai2 companion ¾¬ kei ji4 Hebei, to hope ¾­ maan mok mi4 power (math.term) ¾® ying ning2 congeal ¾¯ jai ji4 dose ¾° yi yi4 cut off the nose ¾² kam qin2 hold in the mouth ¾³ yi yi1 (interj. of approval), belch ¾µ ok e4 startling ¾¶ gam jin4 unable to speak/silent ¾¸ cho zao4 chirping/buzzing, clamor ¾¹ hei qi4 tool ¾º nung nong2 garrulous ¾» keuk jue2 loud laughter ¾¼ aai ai4 (interj. of regret) ¾½ sai shi4 devour, to bite ¾¿ ga ga2 (phonetic) ¾À bik bi4 wall ¾Á han ken3 reclaim (land) ¾Â taan tan2 altar ¾Ä fan fen4 exert oneself ¾Æ ying ying2 full/overplus, profit, win ¾Ç hok xue2 learn/study, science ¾É do dao3 to lead ¾Ë hin xian4 constitution ¾Ì pang ping2 lean against, proof ¾Í tim qi4 to rest ¾Î bei bei4 exhausted ¾Ð yik yi4 remember ¾Ñ ham han4 regret ¾Ò o ao4 to regret ¾Ó haai xie4 lax/negligent ¾Ô jin zhan4 war ¾Õ sin shan4 usurp, without authority ¾Ö yung yong1 crowded, to support ¾× dong dang3 hinder, resist dang4 ¾Ø daat ta4 flog, rapid ¾Ù ham han4 shake, to incite ¾Ú gui ju4 act in accordance with, seize ¾Û lo lu3 take captive ¾Ü jaak ze2 select ¾Ý lui lei2 beat, to grind lei4 beat (a drum) ¾Þ cho cao1 integrity, to drill ¾ß gaan jian3 ¾à kam qin2 capture ¾á daam dan1 carry, take responsibility dan4 a picul (133.33 lbs.), load ¾â cha zhua1 beat ¾ã jing zheng3 exactly, in good order, whole ¾å hiu xiao3 dawn, know ¾æ chim xian1 Siam ¾ê jun zun1 goblet/bottle/wine-jar ¾í chaang cheng2 an orange ¾î waang heng2 horizontal heng4 unruly ¾ð sue shu4 tree ¾ò toh tuo3 ellipse ¾ó jeung xiang4 oak/Quercus serrata ¾ô kiu qiao2 bridge ¾õ hiu qiao1 ¾÷ gei ji1 machine, opportunity, secret ¾ú lik li4 calendar, to pass through ¾ý din dian4 sediment/precipitate ¾þ cho zao3 bath ¿@ nung nong2 concentrated, dense ¿A jaak ze2 beneficence, marsh ¿B juk zhuo2 impure, muddy ¿D o ao4 Australia, deep bay/cove ¿E gik ji1 incite/stimulate, violent ¿K chi chi4 ¿N siu shao1 fever, to burn/roast ¿O dang deng1 lamp ¿P yin yan1 (surname), place name yan4 swallow (bird) ¿Q hei xi1 bright, warm ¿S tong tang4 hot, scald, to iron ¿U yin ran2 burn, combustion ¿W duk du2 alone, independent ¿] piu piao2 dipper/ladle ¿` jeung zhang4 malaria, miasma ¿a ke que2 lame ¿c lo lu2 (surname) ¿f moon man2 conceal from ¿h pit pie1 blink, glance ¿i moh mo2 grind, rub mo4 grindstone ¿j juen zhuan1 brick ¿n jik ji1 accumulate ¿o wing ying3 clever/gifted ¿p muk mu4 (surname), solemn ¿q so su1 revive ¿s kwai kui1 peep, pry into ¿t go gao1 pole for punting boats ¿w duk du3 serious (illness), sincere/true ¿y saan cuan4 usurp (the throne) ¿z sai shai1 sieve ¿| go gao1 cake ¿} tong tang2 sugar/candy ¿¤ yuen xian4 a district/county xuan2 ¿© lei li2 happen to, sorrow, suffer from ¿ª hei xi1 (surname), name of an emperor ¿« hon han4 pen ¿¬ ngo ao2 soar ¿® nau nou4 hoe ¿¯ sin shan4 meals ¿° nei ni4 greasy, tired of ¿± paang peng2 swollen ¿² jun zhen1 to reach, utmost ¿³ hing xing1 flourish, it is the fashion to xing4 interest ¿´ sau sao1 M for warships ¿µ chong cang1 cabin, hold (in ship) ¿¶ yui rui3 stamen or pistil of a flower ¿º dong dang4 dissolute ¿» faan fan1 fan2 flourishing, to reproduce ¿¼ jiu jiao1 banana ¿½ siu xiao1 mournful ¿¾ mo wu2 overgrown with weeds ¿À pong pang2 crab ¿Á ming ming2 Heliothus armigera ¿Â ma ma3 ant ¿Ã ying ying2 firefly ¿Ä yung rong2 harmonious, melt, mild ¿Å hang heng2 weights ¿Æ tui tun4 fade, take off (clothes) ¿Ç foo ku4 drawers, trousers ¿È yuk ru4 mattress ¿Ë chan qin1 closely related qing4 parents-in-law of one's offspring ¿Í tai di4 examine, truth (Buddhist) ¿Î yin yan4 proverb ¿Ï gaan jian4 admonish ¿Ð wai hui4 avoid mentioning/to taboo ¿Ñ mau mou2 to plan/seek ¿Ò dip die2 to spy ¿Ó haai xie2 harmonious ¿Ô ji zi1 consult ¿Õ nok nuo4 to promise, to yes ¿Ö yit ye4 to visit (a superior) ¿× wai wei4 speak of ¿Ø fung feng4 satirize ¿Ù yue yu4 order (from above) ¿Ú am an1 be versed in ¿Ý yue yu4 beforehand, honan, prepare ¿ß maau mao1 cat ¿à laai lai4 disclaim, rely, to blame ¿á tai ti2 hoof, pork shoulder ¿ã yung yong3 leap ¿ç fuk fu2 spoke of a wheel ¿è chap ji2 ¿é sue shu1 lose, transport ¿ë bin bian4 distinguish ¿ì baan ban4 deal with/manage, do ¿í juen zun1 obey ¿ï suen xuan3 elect, select ¿ð chi chi2 late ¿ñ liu liao2 Liaoning, name of a dynasty ¿ò wai wei4 yi2 leave behind ¿ô sing xing3 ¿õ ding ding4 ingot ¿÷ gui ju1 to mend (china) with staples ju4 a saw, to saw ¿ø maang meng3 manganese ¿ù choh cuo4 mistake, uneven, wrong ¿ú chin qian2 (surname), coin, money ¿û gong gang1 steel ¿ý luk lu4 to record/to copy ¿þ jang zheng1 clang of metals, small gong À@ jui zhui1 awl, to bore ÀA gam jin3 brocade, embroidered work ÀC kwan kun1 steel sword ÀD goo gu4 obstinate disease, restrain, to stop ÀE ji zi1 ancient weight, one-eighth of a tael ÀF yim yan2 (surname), gate of village ÀG sui sui4 subterranean, underground passage ÀH chui sui2 (surname), follow ÀI him xian3 danger (ous), rugged ÀJ diu diao1 engrave, shrewd ÀK saap sha4 all of a sudden, drizzle ÀM lam lin2 continued rain ÀN fok huo4 (surname), cholera ÀO ngai ni2 rainbow ÀP fei fei1 fall of snow ÀQ din dian4 indigo pigment ÀR jing jing4 quiet/not moving ÀT saau qiao4 scabbard ÀU gaap jia2 cheeks ÀV geng jing3 neck ÀW pan pin2 frequently/repetitious ÀX ham han4 chin, nod assent ÀY tau tou2 head tou5 suff. for nouns ÀZ tui tui2 become bald, decadent À[ yi yi2 cheeks, nourish À\ chaan can1 meal À] gang goon guan3 house/establishment À^ jin jian4 farewell dinner, preserves À` haam xian4 stuffing/forcemeat Àb hoi hai4 astonish, startle Àc ping pian2 literary style Àd lok luo4 camel Àe haai hai2 bones of the body Àf gaak ge2 skeleton Àj baau bao4 abalone Àk toh tuo2 ostrich Àl goo gu1 partridge/Francolinus chinensis Àm yeung yang1 mandarin duck Àn aap ya1 duck Àp yuen yuan1 mandarin duck Àq mak mo4 silent, write from memory Àr kim qian2 Guizhou Às lung long2 dragon Àt gwai gui1 tortoise/turtle jun1 qiu1 Àu yau you1 superior Àv seung chang2 recompense Àw lui lei3 injure, puppet Àx chue chu2 savings, to save chu3 savings, to save Ày lai li4 exhort Àz ho hao2 howl/bawl À{ ning ning2 enjoin À} yue ru2 chattering À~ haak he4 frighten xia4 frighten À¡ tai ti4 sneeze À¢ ho hao2 air-raid shelter, trench À£ aat ya1 press down À¦ ying ying1 infant À§ ban pin2 virtuous woman À¨ moh ma1 ma/mamma À© yue ru2 (surname), child Àª gaam gan1 À¬ jui yue yu3 islet À­ ling ling3 mountain range À¯ wing rong2 lofty À° bong bang1 to help À± nei mi2 full, to fill À² fai hui1 insignia À³ ying ying1 ought ying4 (surname), to answer À´ dung dong3 understand Àµ han ken3 earnest À¶ noh nuo4 imbecile, timid À¸ hei hu1 xi4 a play, trick À¹ daai dai4 wear (glasses/hat/gloves) Àº king qing2 to raise (hand) À½ jai ji3 squeeze, to crowd À¿ chaat ca1 to polish, wipe ÀÀ yi ni3 plan to ÀÁ gok ge1 to place ÀÅ bai bi4 die violently ÀÈ taan tan2 sandal wood ÀÊ kiu xi2 dispatch, order ÀË gim jian3 inspect ÀÔ lim lian4 prepare body for coffin ÀÖ jin zhan1 felt À× ning ning4 muddy ÀØ ban bin1 bank/beach ÀÙ jai ji3 ji4 aid, ferry, frugal ÀÜ to tao1 big wave ÀÝ laam lan4 excessive Àß sap se4 grating (of surfaces), tart/acerbic Àã sap shi1 wet Àå wai wei2 name of a river Àç ying ying2 camp, nourishment, to manage Àé chaan can4 resplendent/brilliant Àê cho zao4 dry/parched, impatient Àë juk zhu2 candle Àí kooi hui4 cooked in soy and vinegar Àï jeuk jue2 nobility Àð cheung qiang2 wall Àñ ning ning2 fierce-looking Àò wok huo4 to catch/obtain Àô waan huan2 bracelet, ring (not for finger) À÷ lo lao2 tuberculosis Àø liu liao2 to cure/to treat Àù ngaam yan2 cancer, carcinoma Àû tung tong2 pupil of the eye Àü ching deng4 stare Àþ sun shun4 to wink Á@ chiu qiao2 look at ÁB giu jiao3 dissemble, rectify ÁC lun lin2 phosphorus, water in rocks ÁD wong huang2 sulfur ÁG chiu jiao1 reef, shoal rock ÁI sim chan2 Zen Buddhism ÁJ sui sui4 ear of grain ÁK lung long2 cavity, hole ÁL juk cu4 crowded, frame work for silkworms ÁM lau lou3 deep basket ÁN mit mie4 bamboo splints for baskets ÁO pung peng2 sail ÁR hong kang1 husk ÁS mei mi2 dissolved, rice-gruel, wasted ÁT fan fen4 manure/dung ÁV jo zao1 dregs, to waste/spoil ÁW cho cao1 rough/coarse (in texture) ÁY suk suo1 shrink/reduce ÁZ jik ji1 merit/accomplishment Á\ lui lu:3 state in detail, strand, thread Á^ baang beng1 to stretch/taut, to tie/bind Á_ fung feng2 sew feng4 crack, seam Á` jung zong3 general/in every case Áa jue jung zong1 vertical zong4 even if, release Ác faan fan2 complicated Áj hing qing4 entirely, exhausted, stern Ál yik yi4 wing Ám ngo ao2 difficult to pronounce Án seng sing sheng1 noise, sound/voice, tone Áo chung cong1 acute/intelligent Áp luen lian2 ally, unite Áq sung song3 excite, raise up, to shrug Ár yik yi4 feelings, opinion, thoughts Ás yung yong1 Áu bei bi4 arm Áv tuen tun2 buttocks Áw nung nong2 pus Áx daam dan3 courage, gall bladder Áy lim lian3 face Áz kooi kuai4 chopped meat or fish Á{ lam lin2 just before Á| gui ju3 elect, to lift (up high) Á} gaan jian1 hardship Á~ san xin1 fuel, salary Á¢ lui lei3 bud Á¥ cheung qiang2 wild rose Á¦ sue shu3 potato, yam Á§ sit xue1 (surname), wormwood Áª gai ji4 cirsium Á« kwai kui1 deficiency, deficit Á¬ sut shuai4 cricket Á­ jeung zhang1 cockroach Á® tong tang2 praying mantis Á³ loh luo2 screw, snail Áµ sik xi1 cricket Á¸ seung xiang1 assist Á¼ mai mi2 riddle Á½ pong bang4 to slander Á¾ him qian1 modest Á¿ gong jiang3 explain, to talk ÁÀ fong huang3 lies/to lie ÁÁ yiu yao2 popular ballad, rumor Á je xie4 (surname), to thank Áà tung teng2 make a (clean) copy ÁÄ mat mi4 quiet ÁÅ koot hua2 play Chinese finger game huo1 opening, stake all huo4 exempt from, liberal-minded, open ÁÈ jaan zhuan4 earn, make a profit zuan4 cheat/swindle ÁÉ choi sai4 compete ÁÊ kau gou4 to purchase ÁÌ foo fu4 contribute to funeral expenses ÁÍ chui cu4 qu1 walk fast ÁÏ taap ta4 step on ÁÒ hat xia2 have jurisdiction over ÁÓ jin zhan3 roll over on side, turn half over ÁÕ yuen yuan2 shafts of cart, yamen ÁÖ yue yu2 carriage, sedan chair, world Á× bei bi4 avoid/hide ÁÙ waan hai2 still/yet huan2 (surname), pay back, return ÁÚ maai mai4 take a step ÁÛ haai xie4 meet unexpectedly ÁÜ yiu yao1 invite to come ÁÞ tong tang2 carbohydrate Áß wan yun4 to brew Áá do du4 -plated, to plate Áâ mei mei3 magnesium Áã miu mao2 anchor Áä gin jian4 door lock key Áæ sit qie4 cut, to carve Áç woh guo1 pot Áè chui chui2 to hammer, weight of steel yard Áé jung zhong1 (ancient measure), (surname) Áê chau qiao1 shovel, to dig Áë duen duan4 forge/wrought, to discipline Áî ngok e4 blade edge, sharp Áï foot kuo4 rich, wide Áñ laan lan2 door-screen, exhausted, late Áô yan yin3 conceal/concealed Áõ dai li4 attached to, scribe Áö sui sui1 although Á÷ seung shuang1 frost Áø ha xia2 red clouds Áú hon han2 (surname) Áû gwoh ke1 M for beads/pearls/stars Áü gui ju4 hurricane Áþ ping cheng3 hasten on, to gallop Â@ jun jun4 spirited horse ÂA sin xian1 fresh xian3 few, rare ÂE hung hong2 eastern bean goose, great/large ÂF gap ge1 pigeon/dove ÂG mei mi2 (surname), moose, river bank ÂH nim nian2 sticky ÂI dim dian3 ÂJ chut chu4 ÂK yau you3 black, dark green ÂL doi dai4 black, eyebrow ink ÂM hon han1 snore ÂN jaai zhai1 a fast, studio ÂO chung cong2 collection of books, thicket ÂP lo lu1 grumble/chatter ÂS lui lei3 rampart ÂT sam shen3 wife of father's younger brother ÂU yi yi2 normal nature of man, rule ÂW cheuk chuo1 to prick, wooden or rubber stamp ÂX kong kuo4 enlarge ÂZ yiu rao3 disturb Â[ lin nian3 expel Â\ baai bai3 pendulum, to display, to place/put Â] so sou3 shake/trembling Â_ duen duan4 break, to judge Â` yiu yao4 dazzle, glorious Âa mung meng2 deceive, indistinct Âc mung meng2 lemon Âe laam jian4 bar, railing kan3 door sill/threshold Âf ning ning2 lemon Âk gwai gui1 to return Âl ban bin4 encoffin, funeral Âm se xie4 have diarrhea, to flow Âo lui lu:4 to filter Âq chin jin jian1 jian4 splash Âr buk pu4 waterfall Âu jun jin4 ashes/embers Ây lip lie4 hunting Âz bik bi4 piece of jade with hole in center £ kui ju4 startled qu2 (surname) ¤ jim zhan1 gaze/view ¦ choh chu3 foundation § lai li3 gift, propriety, rite © wai hui4 dirt/filth « chuen cuan4 to escape, to leap ¬ hiu qiao4 intelligence, opening ­ siu xiao1 (flute), pan pipes ® wong huang2 metallic reed, spring of lock ² gaan jian3 simple ³ leung liang2 provisions ´ jik zhi1 weave µ sin shan4 make a fair copy of ¶ yiu rao4 go around, to wind (around) ¸ sau xiu4 embroider (y) ¼ kiu qiao2 outstanding, to raise qiao4 ½ faan fan1 flit about, translate, turn over ¾ jik zhi2 office/duty ¿ nip nie4 (surname), whisper ÂÀ chi qi2 navel ÂÁ ban bin4 kneecap/patella  gau jiu4 old (opposite of new) Âà chong jong cang2 to hide zang4 Tibet, stove, treasure ÂÄ saat sa4 (surname), Bodhisattva ÂÅ laam lan2 blue ÂÆ miu miao3 despise, small ÂÇ jik ji2 in disorder jie4 by means of ÂÈ fan xun1 Coumarouna odorata ÂÍ sim chan2 cicada ÂÐ fuk fu4 cover, overflow, to reply to a letter ÂÔ gan jin3 cautious ÂÕ mau miu4 absurd, erroneous ÂÖ jaak zhe2 disgrace (an official), find fault ÂØ jui zhui4 superfluous ÂÚ moon pan2 limp ÂÛ baang beng4 to jump/bounce ÂÜ jung zong1 footprint, trace Âß kui qu1 human body Âà juen zhuan3 convey, to forward (mail), to turn Âá chit zhe2 rut/track Âã sui sui4 deep, distant, mysterious Âä miu miao3 profound, remote Âå yi yi1 medicine, to treat Âæ jeung jiang4 jam, thick sauce Âé bong bang4 pound (sterling) Âê soh suo3 lock Âë woo wu1 tungsten Âì nip nie4 nickel Âí jan zhen4 composed, small town, suppress Âî go hao4 bright, place name, stove Âï yat yi4 abrasion, gold-20 taels in weight Âð gaak ge2 cadmium Âô chong chuang3 rush into Â÷ lei li2 (distant) from, to leave Âø jaap za2 mixed/miscellaneous Âù seung shuang1 pair Âú choh chu2 chick/young bird Âû gai ji1 chicken Ã@ bin bian1 whip ÃB ngaak e2 amount, forehead, quota ÃC ngaan yan2 (surname), color, countenance ÃD tai ti2 subject, superscribe ÃE ngok e4 palate ÃF juen zhuan1 (surname), good, simple ÃH lau liu4 reheat by steaming ÃK tim tie4 gluttonous ÃL fuk fu4 ÃM ke ji4 qi2 ride (astride) ÃO jung zong1 bristles, horse's mane ÃQ ngai wei4 (surname), name of a dynasty ÃT sa sha1 shark ÃU lei li3 carp ÃV jik ji4 bastard carp, sand perch ÃY guen juan1 cuckoo ÃZ ngoh e2 goose Ã\ kit xia2 (phonetic), crafty Ã^ yau you4 Ãa waai huai4 bad Ãb lung long3 monopolize Ãd chung chong3 to favor Ãe pong pang2 (surname), huge, mixed Ãf lo lu2 hut Ãg ching cheng2 punish Ãh waai huai2 bosom, cherish Ãi laan lan3 lazy Ãj mung meng3 stupid Ãk paan pan1 climb up, pull Ãl lung long3 collect, draw near to Ãm kong kwong kuang4 waste, wilderness Ãn bo pu4 to air, to sun Ão chue chu2 cabinet, wardrobe Ãr lo lu3 sculling oar Ãs ying ying2 ocean Ãv hon han4 ocean, vastness Ãw lik li4 drip Ãx pan bin1 near Ãz baau bao4 burst/explode Ã{ lok shuo4 bright/luminous Ã| duk du2 documents Ã} duk du2 calf, sacrificial victim Ã~ sau shou4 beast, quadruped â saai xi3 ruler's seal ã king qiong2 (red stone), beautiful ä faan ban4 petal, section Ã¥ chau chou2 arable fields æ geung jiang1 border/boundary ç bit bie3 deflated, shrivelled, sunken ê ngoi ai4 hinder/obstruct ë to dao3 pray í wan wen3 settled, steady ï bo bu4 register/account-book ñ chim qian1 sign one's name õ gaan jian3 cocoon ö yik yi4 continuous, explain, unravel ÷ sing sheng2 rope ø kooi hui4 to draw ù loh luo2 (surname), gauze ú giu jiao3 hand in/hand over ü gang geng1 soup ý lui lei2 entangled, lean þ laap la4 December, preserved (meat) ÃÀ ngai yi4 skill/art àngau ou3 root of lotus Ãà tang teng2 rattan/cane ÃÄ yeuk yao4 medicine/drug ÃÆ ngai yi3 ant ÃÇ ying ying2 fly/musca ÃÈ kit xie1 scorpion ÃÉ haai xie4 crab ÃÌ kam jin1 overlapping part of Chinese gown ÃÍ o ao3 short and lined coat or robe ÃÎ bik bi4 folds, pleats ÃÐ po pu3 chart, list, score (music) ÃÑ sik zhi4 to record, write a footnote ÃÓ taam tan2 (surname) ÃÔ kuet jue2 deceitful ÃÕ gei ji1 ridicule ÃØ jang zeng4 give present ÃÙ jaan zan4 to praise ÃÛ juen dun1 crouch/squat ÃÜ chue chu2 hesitate ÃÞ dang deng4 step into (as tight shoe) Ãá lun lin2 rumbling of wheels Ãâ kiu jiao4 sedan chair Ãã chi ci2 bid farewell, diction, resign Ãä bin bian1 side Ãè geng jing4 mirror Ãé dik di2 Ãê chaan chan3 shovel Ãì lin lian4 chain, lead or tin ore Ãð biu biao1 darts Ãñ loh saat luo2 Ãò jeung qiang1 tinkling of small bells Ãó lau lou4 engrave, hard steel Ãô hang keng1 jingling of metals, to strike Ãö gwaan guan1 (surname), mountain pass, shut Ã÷ lung long3 Gansu Ãø naan nan2 difficult, not good nan4 disaster, distress, to scold Ãù yam yin2 heavy rain Ãú mo wu4 fog/mist Ãû mei mi2 wasted mi3 extravagant, go with fashion, not Ãü to tao1 bow case, to cover Ãý wan yun4 rhyme Ãþ lui lei4 category ÄA din dian1 inverted, jolt, top ÄC maan man2 steamed bread ÄF pin pian4 deceive/swindle ÄH king jing1 whale ÄM mo wu3 parrot ÄN jeuk que4 magpie ÄO ngam an1 quail ÄP paang peng2 large fabulous bird ÄQ kei qi2 mythical unicorn ÄR lai li2 Korea li4 beautiful ÄS luk lu4 foot of a hill ÄU huen quan4 persuade ÄV lung long2 throat ÄW yeung rang3 to shout ÄX ying ying1 calling of birds ÄY yim yan2 (air or water) tight, stern ÄZ jeuk jiao2 chew jue2 to chew Ä[ yeung rang3 soil/earth Ä\ seung shuang1 widow Ä^ yip nie4 consequence of sin Ä_ bo bao3 precious, treasure Äa yuen xuan2 hang, suspend Äc yeung rang3 throw into confusion Äd laan lan2 cut off, hinder Äe chaam chan1 assist by the arm, mix Äf hei xi1 light of day Äg lung long2 rising moon Äi laan lan2 swelling water Äl lo lu2 stove Äm hin xian4 to offer Än lung long2 tinkling of gem-pendants Äq kong kwong gong3 ore kuang4 a mine, ore Äs faan fan2 alum Ät nik li4 gravel/small stone Äu dau dou4 (surname), sinus (anatom.) Äv ging jing4 compete Äw chau chou2 manage/plan Äx laam lan2 basket Äy jik ji2 (surname), record/register Äz noh nuo4 glutinous rice Ä| bin bian4 cue, to plait Ä~ gai ji4 continue, inherit Ä¡ jaan zuan3 compile Ä¢ aang ying1 earthen jar with small mouth Ä£ yiu yao4 brilliant, glorious Ä¥ laam jian4 warship Ħ jo zao3 (aquatic grasses), elegant ħ oi ai3 friendly Ĩ moh mo2 mushroom Ī lo lu2 rush/reed/Phragmites communis Ä« ping ping2 apple Ĭ so su1 (plant), place name, revive Ä­ wan yun4 bring together, collect į yue ru2 wriggle ruan3 wriggle Ä° laam lan2 ragged garments ı gok jiao4 a nap/a sleep jue2 feel, find that IJ juk chu4 knock against, touch ij yi yi4 criticize, discuss Ä´ pei pi4 give an example ĵ ging jing3 warn Ķ yik yi4 translate ĸ jim zhan1 incoherent talk, talkative Ĺ ying ying2 profit, win ĺ jim shan4 to support/provide for ļ cho zao4 hot-tempered, impatient ÄÀ sik shi4 explain, to release ÄÁ jung zhong1 bell, clock Ä naau nao2 big cymbals Äà sau xiu4 rust ÄÄ chin chan3 explain, open ÄÅ sin xian4 sleet ÄÆ piu piao1 to float ÄÉ hing xin1 fragrant ÄË tang teng2 move out, soar/hover ÄÌ so sao1 have sex appeal ÄÎ soi sai1 gills of fish ÄÒ dong dang3 party ÄÓ ng wu2 Petaurista leucogenys ÄÔ jui ju3 irregular, uneven teeth ÄÖ ling ling2 age Ä× lai li4 husband and wife ÄÙ jip nie4 move the mouth as in speaking ÄÛ hiu xiao1 clamor ÄÝ suk shu3 belong, class zhu3 enjoin Äß gui ju4 to fear Äá sip she4 assist, collect Äâ kwai xie2 bring, hold (hands) Äå ying ying1 cherry Äæ laan lan2 railing Äè chin jian1 annihilate Äé goon guan4 irrigate, pour Äê laan lan4 overcooked, rotten, soft Äë hei xi1 sacrifice Äñ chin chan2 to bother, wind around Äò juk xu4 continue, replenish Äõ laan lan2 orchid Äø chun chun3 blunt, stupid, to wiggle (of worms) Äú laap la4 candle, wax Äû mat wa4 socks/stockings Äý laam lan3 look over/to view Äþ hin qian3 punishment, scold Å@ woo hu4 protect ÅA yue yu4 reputation ÅB jong zang1 booty/spoils ÅC chau chou2 hesitate ÅD yeuk yue4 to jump ÅF gwang hong1 rumble, strike (by thunder/bomb) ÅG bin bian4 to debate ÅI lim lian2 scythe/sickle ÅJ lui lei2 radium ÅK tit tie3 iron ÅL dong dang1 sound of metal ÅM dok duo2 large ancient bell ÅN juk zhuo2 bracelet ÅO jun juan1 degrade, engrave (wood or stone) ÅQ ba ba4 tyrant/hegemon, usurp ÅR pik pi1 clap of thunder ÅS lo lou4 to expose lu4 dew ÅT heung xiang3 sound ÅU goo gu4 look after, take into consideration ÅV ho hao4 bright, white ÅX kui qu1 expel, urge on ÅZ mak mo4 leap on or over, suddenly Å[ lui luo2 mule Å\ lau lou2 skull Å] moh mo2 devil Å_ kei qi2 fins, supporting surfaces Åa ang ying1 golden oriole Åb hok he4 crane Åe se she4 musk deer Åf am an4 deep black/dark Åh ji zi1 projecting teeth Åi ngan ken3 gnaw/bite yin2 gums Åk yim yan3 majestic Ål tong tang3 if, unexpectedly Åm ngai yi4 talk in sleep Ån nong nang2 sack Åq din dian1 summit År luen luan2 mountain ranges Ås waan wan1 bend/bent Åt yi yi4 restrain, virtuous Åu taan tan1 spread out, vendor's stand Åv kuen quan2 authority, power Åw foon huan1 joyous/happy Åy taan tan1 beach Å{ nong rang2 pulp of fruit Å| dip die2 fold up, repeat Å¡ yeung rang2 sacrifice for avoiding calamity Å¢ lung long2 basket, cage Ť lung long2 deaf Å¥ ting ting1 listen/hear, obey ting4 let/allow Ŧ jong zang4 viscera ŧ jaap xi2 inherit, raid, suit of clothes Ũ chan chen4 give alms, underwear Ū duk dou4 comma, phrase marked by pause du2 read aloud, study Å« suk shu2 redeem/to ransom Ŭ ying yan4 false ů bei pei4 bridle, reins ű jue zhu4 cast metals, to coin (money) ų gaam jian4 example, mirror, to view Å´ jai ji4 sky clearing up ŵ mei mai2 dust-storm Ŷ daat da2 nomadic tribe Ÿ chin zhan4 shake/vibrate Ź ho tao1 gluttonous ź giu jiao1 arrogant Å» hiu xiao1 brave, good horse, strong ž bit bie1 turtle ÅÁ maan man2 eel/Anguilla lostoniensis Å je zhe4 partridge/Francolinus chinensis Åà au ou1 common gull ÅÄ yin yan3 mole ÅÅ yue yu3 irregular teeth ÅÆ chuk chuo4 dirty, small-minded ÅÇ gung gong1 (surname) ÅÊ luen lian4 feel attached to, long for ÅÌ fok jue2 seize (bird or animal) ÅÍ gaau jiao3 disturb, stir ÅÑ sit qie4 I beg to presume, steal ÅÕ ying ying1 tassel of hat ÅÖ chin hin xian1 fine/delicate ÅÙ jaam zhan4 dip into ÅÚ loh luo2 radish ÅÛ goo gu3 insanity, poison ÅÜ bin bian4 rebellion, to change ÅÞ loh luo2 logic, patrol Åß biu biao1 darts, escort, horsebit Åà seuk shuo4 bright, melt/fuse (metal) Åã hin xian3 prominent/conspicuous Åå ging jing1 alarm Åæ yik yi4 remount stations Åç yim yan4 examine Åè sui sui3 marrow Åé tai ti3 body Åì lun lin2 scales (of fish) Åï lun lin2 female unicorn Åñ juk zhu3 enjoin Åò ba ba4 dam, embankment Åó laam lan3 monopolize, seize Åõ taan tan1 paralyzed Åö din dian1 convulsions, crazy Å÷ chuk chu4 lofty, upright Åø goon guan4 a can, a jar Åù gei ji1 halter, restrain Åú chaam can2 silkworm Åü kui qu2 thoroughfare Åý yeung rang4 yield Åþ chaam chan2 to slander Æ@ cham chen4 fulfil, prophecy ÆA yim yan4 glamorous ÆB gung gan4 Jiangxi ÆC yeung niang4 ferment/brew ÆF ling ling2 alert, departed soul, efficacious ÆG oi ai3 cloudy sky, friendly ÆJ jaau zou4 sudden (ly) ÆM hau hou4 king crab ÆN ying ying1 eagle ÆO lo lu4 heron ÆP gaan gaan jian3 base (chem.), soda/alkali ÆQ yim yan2 salt ÆS ak wo4 dirty, small-minded ÆT yue qu3 decayed teeth, dental caries ÆU teng ting1 reception hall ÆW waan wan1 bay ÆX lei li2 a fence ÆY loh luo2 basket ÆZ maan man2 barbarian, bullying Æ[ goon guan1 behold, observe guan4 taoist monastery Æ^ seung xiang1 inlay Æ_ yeuk yao4 key yue4 key Æ` lo lu2 forehead, skull Æa chaam chan2 greedy (in eating) Æe luen luan2 name of a river Æf juk zhu3 gaze Æh nip nie4 forceps, to nip Æj lo lu:2 donkey Æl laam lan3 Æp juen zuan1 enter (a hole), probe zuan4 an auger, diamond Ær loh luo2 gong Æt lo lu2 common perch Æu duk du2 blacken, constantly, to insult Æw jok zao2 chisel zuo4 chisel Æx ying ying1 parrot Æz lai li2 black horse, good horse Æ| goon guan4 crane/stork Ìî daap da2 ïä nei ni3