this is a KuaiXue patch to cxterm 5.0, A Tool for Learning Chinese. get cxterm5.0.p3.tar.gz and kxterm-patch.gz % tar zxvf cxterm5.0.p3.tar.gz % cd cxterm-5.0 % gzcat ../kxterm-patch.gz | patch -p1 Nelson for --- To install: From the same directory in which you see this README.kxterm file, type ./ Ask for the full compilation, installation and setup. To use kxterm: The same command-line options exist as for cxterm, plus a new one, -kxdd Use this latter option to indicate in which directory kxterm should look for the character and compound dictionary files (CanMan.b5 and Compound.b5 or and These files originally will exist in the cxterm subdirectory of the same directory in which you see this README.kxterm file. (They are NOT moved by the automated installation scripts). You can use kxterm just like cxterm, for both reading Chinese text and writing Chinese files. If you have not used cxterm before, please see the tutorial on the World Wide Web, at URL However, kxterm's main distinction is that it also serves as an automatic dictionary-lookup program, as follows: While reading Chinese text, each time you see a character you do not know, click on it with the left mouse button. Pronunciations (Cantonese, then Mandarin), as well as an approximate English translation, for the character will then appear at the bottom of the kxterm screen. If this character, along with neighboring characters, forms a character-compound found in Compound.b5, this compound will be displayed as well. This material will also be recorded in the ShengZi file, giving you a record of all the new characters and compounds you have learned. If you wish to use normal xterm cut-and-paste, you can temporarily disable kxterm's dictionary-lookup feature by clicking the left mouse button anywhere in the bottom area of the screen. This will be confirmed by a dimming of the "KX System" message there. To restore the dictionary-lookup feature, simply click with the mouse again. Be sure to explicitly specify BIG5 or GB in the -hz command-line option. Kxterm will use this to determine which character and compound dictionaries to use. Disclaimer: kxterm comes with no warranties of any kind, explicit or implicit.