Welcome to D a t e S t a r Chinese Calendar Producer ShareWare Version 1.1 (November 1993) +----------------------------------------------------------------+ | DDDDDD SSSSS | | D D aa ttttt eeeeee S ttttt aa rrrrr | | D D a a t e S t a a r r | | D D a a t eeeee SSSSS t a a r r | | D D aaaaaa t e S t aaaaaa rrrrr | | D D a a t e S t a a r r | | DDDDDD a a t eeeeee SSSSS t a a r r | |----------------------------------------------------------------| | # # # # | | # # ########### ########### | | ############ ## ## ## ## | | ## ## ## ## ########## | | ## ## ## ## ## ## | | ## ## ########## ########## | | ## ## ## ## ## # | | ########### ## ## ## ## | | ## ## ########## ## ## | | ## ## ## ## ########## | | ## ## ## ## ## ## | | ## ## ## ## ## ## | | ## ## ## ## # ########## | | ########### ## ## ## | | ## ## ## #### ## | | # # # # ############## | +----------------------------------------------------------------+ U S E R'S M A N U A L Youzhen Cheng P.O.Box 81 Kingsford, NSW 2032 AUSTRALIA VOICE: (+61-2) 314-2896 FAX: (+61-2) 314-1846 EMAIL: youzhen@civeng.unsw.OZ.AU Copyright (C) Youzhen Cheng, 1991-1993. All rights reserved. DateStar SOFTWARE LICENSE This version of DateStar is NOT free or public domain software, but is being distributed as "Shareware" software for user's free Evaluation Purposes within a fixed period Only. See DATESTAR.DOC for details. ***************************** CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION software: DateStar - Chinese Calendar Producer version : 1.1 function: Displays Chinese and western calendar in ASCII code, BIG-5 code (Hongkong, Taiwan), GuoBiao code (PRC Standard), and HZ code (Network) Prints on two most popular laser printers PostScript laser printers, and HP LaserJet (PCL) printers Generates four different format Yearly calendar, Monthly calendar, One-page Weekly calendar, and Two-page Weekly calendar Shows calendar with 24 Solar Terms (JieQi), the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches (TianGan DiZhi Eight Characters) Supports user defined annotations Applicable from year 1841 through to 2060 ftp site: ifcss.org[]:/software/dos/misc filename: datestar.doc datestar.zip. author : Youzhen Cheng comment : MS-DOS 2.0 and above 1.1 What is DateStar The DateStar program is a friendly Chinese perpetual calender producer that displays and prints a combination form of Western and Chinese calendar, and runs on the IBM PC and compatible computers. The DateStar produces monthly reminder calendars or weekly working planner calendars. DateStar was developed with the following goals in mind: - Multiple Environment - DateStar was designed to meet various operating environments which are: - PC-DOS, MS-DOS ASCII only system - CC-DOS, GuoBiao Chinese Operating system - Eten, KC, etc. BIG-5 Chinese Operating system - PC-DOS, MS-DOS with ZWDOS environment - Postscript Laser Printer - HP LaserJet Printer - Ease of Use - This version of DateStar includes: - Command line options - One single executable file performing all DateStar's features - Customizing Configuration File (for advanced users) - Compact Program Size - Every effort was made to keep the size of program as compact as possible. DateStar never requires more memory than absolutely necessary. 1.2 Features The main features that you will enjoy while using DateStar are listed below: - DateStar displays and prints calendars between AD 1841 - 2060. - User defines the calendar in whatever monthly reminder calendar or weekly working plan calendar. - Solar Terms (24 JieQi), Birth Characters (ShengChen BaZi) and also the Lucky Days (HuangDao JiRi) are included in DateStar. - DataStar supports Postscript laser printer, HP LaserJet series and various Chinese Character Code systems. - It is Configurable. DateStar can be easily customised in the way you like it. This includes the code generation, calendar format, printer selection as well. 1.3 System Requirements DateStar runs on the IBM PS/2, PC/AT, PC/XT, PC, PC/Jr, and on IBM compatible computers including the Compaq, NCR, Tandy, and WYSE PC's. MINIMUM requirements are: - 64 KB of memory - PC-DOS 2.0 or greater (or MS-DOS 2.0 or greater) - One diskette drive - Either a color or a monochrome monitor with 80-column display 1.4 Installation Before installing DateStar, you should review the contents of the READ.ME file on your DateStar distribution diskette. The most up-to-date information will always be contained in the READ.ME file to supplement this manual. DateStar can be easily installed. For the sake of safe-keeping, it is recommended that you make a backup copy of the original distribution diskette before installation. Copy DATESTAR.EXE to the disk and/or subdirectory where you would like to use it. If you are using a hard disk, then you probably want to put the program somewhere accessible via your DOS PATH variable. If you want to customize DateStar (Refer to Chapter 4 in DATESTAR.DOC for complete information on customizing DateStar), then you may like to create a separate directory and copy the files DATESTAR.EXE, DATESTAR.INI, to that directory. *************** TABLE OF CONTENTS in 'DATESTAR.DOC' =================================== DateStar Shareware Software License 0.1 Copyright, Proprietary Rights 0.2 Usage Restrictions 0.3 Distribution, Copying Restrictions 0.4 Ordering Information Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 What is DateStar 1.2 Features 1.3 System Requirements 1.4 Installation Chapter 2 User's Guide for DateStar 2.1 Getting Started 2.2 How to View on Screen 2.3 How to Write into a File 2.4 How to Print 2.5 How to Generate Weekly Planner Calendars 2.6 How to Print Yearly Calendar ? 2.7 How to Get User's Note Printed Chapter 3 DateStar Command Line Options Chapter 4 DateStar Configuration 4.1 Search Path for Configuration File 4.2 Multiple Configuration Files 4.3 Configuration File Format 4.4 A Simple Example of Configuration File Appendices DateStar Technical Notes A.1 The Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches A.2 The Twenty-Four Solar Terms A.3 DateStar Order Form