MsDos Conversion Tool among Big5/GB/Jis, CN2JPDOS Ver 0.3 Apr 22 1996 By Seke Wei Purpose: Kanji Translation between Chinese and Japanese. Usage: B2J.EXE Translate Big5 to Jis/Euc-Jis/Shift-Jis/Ku-ten Selective Output Options: -u for uzpj option -j for Jis -e for Euc-Jis -s for Shift-Jis (default) -k for Ku-ten Example: B2J big5_file > shift-jis_file G2J.EXE Translate GB to Jis/Euc-Jis/Shift-Jis/Ku-ten Selective Output Options: -u for uzpj option -j for Jis -e for Euc-Jis -s for Shift-Jis (default) -k for Ku-ten Example: G2J gb_file > shift-jis_file J2B.EXE Translate Jis/Euc-Jis/Shift-Jis to Big5 (Automactic recognition of the input Jis) Example: J2B jis_file > big5_file G2B.EXE Translate GB to Big5 Example: G2B gb_file > big5_file J2G.EXE Translate Jis/Euc-Jis/Shift-Jis to GB (Automactic recognition of the input Jis) Example: J2B jis_file > gb_file B2G.EXE Translate Big5 to GB Example: B2G big5_file > gb_file NKF.EXE Translate among Jis/Euc-Jis/Shift-Jis (Automactic recognition of the input Jis) Selective Output Options: -j for Jis -e for Euc-Jis -s for Shift-Jis Example: NKF -s euc-jis_file > shift-jis_file MKTABLE.EXE Compact .TBL table into .T table (.TBL is a special format text file for human editing) (.T is a compact format of .TBL for dynamic lookup) Example: MKTABLE BIG2JIS.TBL (as output, BIG2JIS.T will be produced) MKTBL2C.EXE Encode .T table into a C program (.C is the program version of .T for static linking) Example: MKTBL2C BIG2JIS.T B2J > BIG2JIS.C BIG2JIS.TBL reference table for Big5 to Jis conversion GB2JIS.TBL reference table for GB to Jis conversion JIS2BIG.TBL reference table for Jis to Big5 conversion GB2BIG.TBL reference table for GB to Big5 conversion JIS2GB.TBL reference table for Jis to GB conversion BIG2GB.TBL reference table for Big5 to GB conversion (These tables are only for reference use. They are not required during execution) URL for the new version: Reference: (1) 'nkf' (2) 'nctu-py-b5.tit' National Chiao-Tung University, HsuChu, Taiwan (3) 'sinocode' 1992 Per Hammarlund (4) 'CJKXRef' 14 March 1994, John H. Jenkins ( (5) 'DeleGate' Yutaka Sato ( (6) 'hc' Ricky Yeung ( & Fung F. Lee (