GB2PCX is a utility program that converts GB files into ZSoft PCX files. This version contains 3 programs: 1. GB2PCX.EXE Converts GB files into PCX files. No EGA required. The dimension of the PCX files can be selected. 2. GBVIEW.EXE This is a revised version of original GB2PCX that needs an EGA to run and the screen can be captured as PCX files. 3. PCXMERGE.EXE A company utility for GBVIEW. This program maybe useful for combining several PCX files captured by GBVIEW into a larger PCX files. All programs here are MSDOS files. Refer to properiate DOC files for details. GB2PCX12.ZIP is an archived file created by PKZIP.EXE, thus you'll need PKUNZIP.EXE to unpack the file under DOS. PKUNZIP.EXE can be found in PKZ101EU.EXE on ahkcus/src/pc. Roxin Zhang. My NEW E-mail address is: FARZ%NMUMUS@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU