PG.EXE is a program that translates Pinyin to Gwoyeu Romatzyh or vice versa. You can type PG at the DOS prompt followed by a word or sentence in Pinyin, and the output is in GR. For example, if you type C:\>PG Wang2 lao3shi1 then you get Wang laoshy You use the flag -r to convert from GR back to Pinyin. For example, if you type C:\>PG -r Wang laoshy then you get Wang2 lao3shi1 To convert a Pinyin file to GR, you type PG -f filename, and to convert a GR file to Pinyin, you type PG -r -f filename. To send the output to a new file, you type > followed by the name of the new file. The assumed tone marks in Pinyin are the numerals 1 through 4 for tone 1 through tone 4, and either 0 or 5 for tone 0. These numerals are assumed to be appended at the end of each Pinyin syllable. Pinyin forms without tone marks will be translated into the basic forms of GR, which is tone 2 if the syllable starts with m, n, l or r, or tone 1 otherwise. The vowel u" as in lu"4 (green) is assumed to be spelled as uu. Capitalization, punctuation marks, numerals other than the tone marks and untranslatable strings are preserved. This software is free for personal and educational use. Commercial use of this software must be agreed upon by the author. Benjamin Ao First Byte 19840 Pioneer Ave Torrance, CA 90503