For archiving purpose, I have moved to Nelson for The original readme follows, -- ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?? I N S T A L L D O U B L E - H U A ?? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 0. This package consists the following files: 549934 Dec 22 19:06 system files 23256 Feb 17 09:39 readme this file 2362837 Dec 22 19:41 Ziku file Please make sure that the *.zip files have the number of bytes shown above, else pkunzip will probably not be able to unzip it or a faulty system will be generated. If you have the right size, but pkunzip still complains, check if you have typed "binary" before transferring *.zip files. 1. The system is packed by pkzip version 1.02. PKZIP package is provided in the same subdirectory. Make sure PKZIP is ftpped if you don't have one at hand. 2. pkunzip file into c:\DHZKD or d:\DHZKD subdirectory. You may pkunzip into any subdirectory, but must be on the same harddisk. 3. type "mouse" if mouse driver is not running. If you have put the mouse driver in autoexe.bat, you don't have to worry about this. 4. Type "hzedit" (a batch file) to run the chinese editor. You can see menu by "ESC". 5. Please read this section carefully for previewing: a. Type "hzdhart" to run formatting system b. Under file management menu (Xuan Zhe Wen Jian), choose "py.txt" to demonstrate (TAB and arrow to move around). Hit return when cursor is on "py.txt". Hit ESC to return to main menu. c. Move cursor to FORMATTING MENU (Wen Gao Pai Ban), hit return. ( if you want to have a look at the file before formatting, you can move cursor to EDITTING MENU (Wen Gao Bian Ji). ) After formmating, move cursor to PREVIEW MENU (Yang Zhang Cha Yue), hit return to see preview. d. HP laser jet driver is provide for output in this gift version. 6. Type "dhsnpb" to run "what you see, what you get" system. a. Move cusor (by mouse or arrows) to EDITTING MENU (Bian Ji Chu Li), hit left button or F1. b. If you want to use commands (listed above), hit right button (or F2), then you can move cursor to any command menu and hit left button or F1 to choose commands. Note: you can input only at the main menu level, you may return to main by simply hit left button when the cursor is in editting window. c: You will find out how to choose font by fooling around with the command menu. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?? I N P U T M E T H O D S ?? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? This system uses PinYin input method with which most of us are very familar. It is not necessary to illustrate this method in detail. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? CURSOR MOVEMENT ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? This section describes DoubleHua's cursor movement functions. Mouse user may point the mouse cursor to any position in the screen, and then click the left button once to relocated the cursor in the current screen. KEY: [CursorLeft Arrow] CursorLeft arrow is one of the basic cursor movement keys. This key will move the cursor to the previous character. KEY: [CursorRight Arrow] CursorRight arrow is one of the basic cursor movement keys. This key will move the cursor to the next character. KEY: CursorUp arrow is one of the basic cursor movement keys. This key will will move the cursor one line up. KEY: CursorDown arrow is one of the basic cursor movement keys. This key will will move the cursor one line down. KEY: This function will move the cursor to the beginning of the current line. KEY: This function will move the cursor to the end of the current line. KEY: This key will `turn' the file one page backward. It will do nothing if the cursor is at the first `page' of the file. KEY: This key will `turn' the file one `page' forward. It will do nothing if the cursor is at the last `page' of the file. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Other Functions ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? KEY: This key prompts you with a menu. KEY: This key deletes the current character. KEY: This key deletes the previous character. KEY: This key toggles INSERT mode on and off. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? F I L E M A N A G E M E N T ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Press and simultaneously, file management is invoked. File management on-line menu pops out. The functions of file management allows user to open, modify, insert and save the current file. To choose a function, simply key in the letter shown on the menu. After press and keys simultaneously, the following keys can be applied: 1. Another window is opened for another file and the opened window is the current window. Hence the previous window will be the so-called back-end window. Only two windows can be opened simultaneously. If the third window needs to be opened, the contents of the current window will be saved and the window will be closed. Note: Don't try to edit the same file in two windows. 2. Change the current window to be back-end window, and the back-end window to be the current window. 3. Read in a file from a disk and insert it at the cursor. 4. "S": Save the contents of the current window. The window is not closed and is still the current window. "X": Save the contents of the current window and close it. If there is back-end window, pop out the back-end window as the current window. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? F A S T C O M M A N D S ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Press and simultaneously, the following fast commands can be applied. 1. Press "F", input the string to be searched and other parameters, such as the search direction etc. The parameters are shown on the menu. Example 1: Search : FIND the way to search: 3UB The string "FIND" is searched from the current cursor position to the left (B) of the file utill the third (3) "FIND" is found and the search is not case sensitive (U). If the third "FIND" is not found, the cursor will be at the beginning of the file. Example 2: Search : FIND the way to search: 3UBG The only difference between example 1 and 2 is that example 2 searches "FIND" from the end (G) of the file. 2. Press "A", input string1 (to be replaced) and string2. String1 is to be replaced by string2. Example 1: string1: FIND string2: FOUND the way to replace: 3N Search from the current cursor position to the right, replace the next three FINDs with FOUNDs without questioning (N). Example 2: string1: FIND string2: FOUND the way to replace: G Search from the current cursor position to the right, replace all of the FINDs with FOUNDs with a question asking if replacement is needed. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? B L O C K M A N I P U L A T I O N ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Press and simultaneously, block manipulation is invoked. Block manipulation allows users to highlight, move, restore and cut blocks. Block manipulations can only be applied to the highlighted blocks. After pressing , the following functions can be used. 1. Highlight: or : the beginning of the highlight. : the end of the highlight. Only on block can be highlighted at a particular time in one window. 2. Copy a block: After highlighting (see the previous item), the highlighted part can be copied to the current cursor position by . 3. Move a block: moves the highlighted text to the current cursor position. 4. Cut a block: cuts off the highlighted text. 5. Restore a block: The cut part can be restored by at the current cursor position. 6. Write a block to a file: asks the user for a file name and writes the highlighted block to the file. 7. Cancell the highlighted block: cancells the highlight. All other block manipulation will be ignored after this cancellation. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?? W I N D O W M A N A G E M E N T ?? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Press and <0> simultaneously, window management is invoked. Window management functions allow users to change right and left margins, and to format simple layouts. Ning: Is it 0/O? I believe O is for open file? 1. After , input the number of the left margin; After , input the number of the right margin; 2. The default hard TAB key is 8 characters. and a number: to set soft tab key; : to call a soft tab key, the default hard tab key can no longer be used; : to revoke the soft tab key, recall the hard tab key back. 3. Rearrange a paragraph: A paragraph can be rearranged by press and simultaneously. The paragraph is rearranged until a hard return or end of paragraph is seen. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??? F O R M A T T I N G C O M M A N D S ??? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Formatting commands are a kind of language that is used to describe the layout, character font, character size etc. This language provides an environment that allows user to design their own attractive layout. Double-Hua formatting language consists of printable ASCII characters, and they are from their corresponding English words. For example, CF is from "Character Font". Users can key in the formatting commands as they are typing their text. #^: the beginning of a Double-Hua formatting command #.: the end of a Double-Hua formatting command English Letters: formatting commands <>: contents in <> is required []: contents in [] is optional para: parameters required from users TEXT: to be formatted by formatting commands ,: needed to separate parameters; Note: 1. "#^" marks the beginning of a formatting command, "#." marks the end. If there is only one parameter, "#." is not necessary, however, it is required if there are more than one parameters. To use the formatting commands, a user is suggested to follow this manual strictly. 2. There should be no space between parameters. "," is the separator between parameters. Section 1: Chinese Character Formatting --------------------------------------- 1. Font: Four fonts are provided (Song, Hei, Kai and FangSong) for Chinese characters and two fonts (white and bold) for English letters. The default font for Chinese characters is Song. Each font corresponds to a number: ------------------------------------------------ Number Font --------------------- 0 Song (default) 1 Hei (bold) 2 Kai 3 FangSong 7 White English letters (default) 8 bold English letters ------------------------------------------------ Command format: #^CF 2. Size: Double-Hua provides user with not only 7 Character sizes, but also the convenience that allows users to set any size between 16X16 and 128X128 (the unit is point, i.e pt). ---------------------------------------- Number size(pt*pt) ------------------------- 1 128 by 128 2 88 by 88 3 64 by 64 4 48 by 48 5 40 by 40 6 32 by 32 7 24 by 24 ---------------------------------------- Command format: #^CS#. 3. Definition of non-standard fonts: Command format: #^CS<0><,width,length>#. where 16 <= length/width <= 128 Example: #^CS0, 110, 110#. 110*110 non-standard font; #^CS0,70,90#. 70*90 non-standard font; 4. Character Attribute change: The attribute of a character---such as upperline, underline, middle line, cross, box and shadow---can be changed by the following commands: --------------------------------------------- Parameter 1 parameter 2 --------------------------------------------- O: upperline o: cancell underline M: middleline m: cancell middleline U: underline u: cancell underline B: box b: cancell box H: shadow h: cancell shadow X: cross x: cancell cross --------------------------------------------- Command format: #^LA#^LA Note: 1. parameter 1 and 2 must be in pair. 2. Only one command can be used at one time. To use another one, the previous one must be cancelled by parameter 2. Section 2: Character and line skips ----------------------------------- 1. Character Skip: Character skip is represented by the percentage (0%-100%) of the character width. The default value is 10%. Command format: #^CG#. where 0 < percentage < 100 Examples: character skip 1% #^CG1#. character skip 40% #^CG40#. 2. Line Skip: Line skip commands can be used to set line skip. Line skip can be set to 0 to 128pt(the height of a 128pt*128pt chinese character). The default value is 10pt. Command format: #^LG#. where 0 <= line skip <= 128 Examples: line skip is set to 1 by #^LG1#. line skip is set to 60 by #^LG60#. Section 3: Other Formatting Commands ------------------------------------ 1. Set High Frequency Font: To print faster, the high frequency font should be set to the font that is used most frequently. The default value is 3. Command format: #^HZ[,width,height] 2. Subscripts and superscripts: The default size of sub and superscripts is 40% of the base character. Command format: #^SU#^SU ------------------------------------------- parameter 1 parameter 2 ------------------------------------------- P superscript p cancell superscripts B subscript b cancell subscript ---------------------------------------------- : the super/subscripts Note: Super/subscript command must be end before using another command for sub/superscript. Section 4: Paragraph Formatting Commands ---------------------------------------- 1. Page Width: Page width can be set by #^GW#. The unit of page width is point (pt). 2. Position a paragraph: A paragraph can be put in the middle of a page, can be flushed left and right. Command format: #^AJ : L: flush left (default) R: flush right M: middle To position a paragraph, you have first define the width of a paragraph. It does not make any sense if otherwise. 3. The end of a paragraph: #^GE, which is the equivalent of carriage return. 4. Move a paragraph dow: This command will move a paragraph down by certain number of point(pt)s so that a space can be created. Command format: #^DJ#. where 1 <= number of points <= 999 Example: #^DJ100#. can be used to create a space of height of 200pt. This command can be repeated to create more space. Section 5: Page Formatting Commands ----------------------------------- 1. Paper Orientation "|" "--" ------- ------------ | ... | | .... | | ... | | .... | | ... | ------------ ------- (1) (2) It is very important to be able to control the paper orientation (Landscape or Portrait). Double-Hua provides the following command for this control. Command format: #^L0 (parameter = 0 rowwise 1 columnwise) 2. Margin: The default margins ( top, bottom, left and right ) are 50 points. The margins can be defined by: #^MG<,right><,top><,bottom>#. where left, right, top and bottom are number of points. 3. Hard Page Break: #^PE is the command to force the following to be printed on the next page. 4. Page Box: Ning: Am I right? The text of a page can be boxed by #^BX. 0 sets the box on, 1 off. The default value is 0. 5. Page Headers(Marks): Command format: #^TM<,parameter2><,parameter3><,TEXT>#. --------------------------------------------------------- parameter1 parameter1 parameter3 --------------------------------------------------------- H: header begins 0: differentiation 1: header line on of even/odd on 0: header line off L: header from 1: differentiation left of even/odd off M: header in middle R: header flushed right C: cancell page header --------------------------------------------------------- : the content of the header. 6. Page Bottom Marks: Command format: #^BM<,parameter2><,parameter3><,TEXT>#. --------------------------------------------------------- parameter1 parameter1 parameter3 --------------------------------------------------------- H: mark begins 0: differentiation 1: mark line on of even/odd on 0: mark line off L: mark from 1: differentiation left of even/odd off M: mark in middle R: mark flushed right C: cancell page mark --------------------------------------------------------- : the content of the mark. Section 6: Multiple Columns --------------------------- 1. Multiple Columns: Maximum of 4 columns can be used on one page. The size of each column is defined by the basic size, the point(pt). Command format: #^FD<,y1><,y2> <,x1><,x1'><,x2><,x2'>,,#. number of columns: self explained y1: y coordinate of the start of the columns y2: y coordinate of the end of the columns x1: column 1 x coordinate x1': column 1 width x2: column 2 x coordinate x2': column 2 width .... Ning: is "field" instead of "column" better? 2. Next Column: Command format: #^NF Whenever next column command is seen, printer starts printing on next column evenif the current column is not full. 3. End of Multiple Column: Multiple column command will be in effect until end of multiple column is seen. Command format: #^FE Section 7: Footnotes -------------------- 1. The format of footnote: Command format: #^RF<,parameter2>#. ---------------------------------- parameter1 parameter2 0 no line T continuous 1 line D new line ---------------------------------- 2. The content of footnote: The font and size of footnote cna be changed by font and size command described in the previous sections. Command format: #^RM#. Section 8: Macros ----------------- 1. Define a macro: When a repetition of a paragraph or word is seen, user can define a macro for that paragraph or word. A macro can be a picture or a formatting command. However, please be noted that a macro can not contain another macros. Command format: #^MF<,macro>#. Example: Define a macro to be "try": #^MF#. Example: to print X+Y+Z=W, X=Y-A*B=? again, just call "try": #^MC#. Section 9: Graphics and File Linking ------------------------------------ 1. Link a file: Another file can be called and inserted by: #^XFT#. 2. Link a picture: To insert a picture, the file must have a particular format and an extension ".img". Command format: #^XFI<,left empty><,right empty> <,top empty><,bottom empty><,parameter1> <,parameter2><,parameter3>[,TEXT]#. file name: the name of the image file left empty(ZuoKong): the left side of the image is empty (no text) right empty(ZuoKong): the right side of the image is empty (no text) top empty(ZuoKong): the top side of the image is empty (no text) bottom empty(ZuoKong): the bottom side of the image is empty (no text) parameter1: 0 text allowed at left and right side of image 1 text allowed at left side only 2 text allowed at right side only 3 no text on both sides parameter2: L position image at left M position image in middle R position image at right parameter3: U image caption on top of image D image caption at bottom of image R image caption at right of image L image caption at left of image TEXT: the caption of the image Section 10: Other Commands -------------------------- 1. Register(counter> Manipulation: 10 registers (counters) are provided (A-J) for counting chapters, sections, footnotes, etc. The mathematical formular defines the computation applied to the registers. J is the page number register. Command format: #^R0,{math formular},...#. parameter = 1: compute and print the result parameter = 0: compute without printing the result Example: #^R00,{B=0}#.1.#^R01,{B=B+1}#. the result: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, ... 2. Carriage Returns: This function allows the system to ignore hard returns. The default is to accept hard returns. Command format: #^SC parameter = 0: accept hard returns = 1: ignore 3. Automatic Formatting: When a user does not want to format text, this command can be used to disable formatting commands: #^A0 The system does not format by default. When format is enabled, all formatting commands are interpreted and the system will ignore special control characters, such as space, soft return, and TAB. Please be noted that if such characters are found in formatting commands, system will complain. When format is disabled, system will keep the original layout. Although formatting commands are not interpreted, font, size, line and character skips etc are interpreted and executed. Special characters, such as space, CF2 soft return, TAB(8) are interpreted. 4. Line Drawing: Command format: #^PL<,X><,Y>,...#. line width: 1-3 line Ning: I don't understand this part. Section 11: Default Values -------------------------- font: song size: 3 (64*64) character skip: 10% line skip: 5 point paragraph position: left paper orientation: "|" margins: all 50 point page box: yes hard return: accepted format: no