HAN - Computer-Assisted-Learning for Learning Chinese Characters Version 1.3 for DOS Last Updated: June 19, 1996 Announcement More details about our work can be found in our project home page. Multi-media Project for the Teaching and Learning of Chinese http://www.hku.hk/curric/chincal Introduction <> is one of the pioneer works in using computer for primary pupils to learn Chinese characters. Early in 1991, the development of <> version 1.0 was finished. With the use of animation, graphics and sound, <> introduces the origins, written forms, pronunciations and usage of 42 Chinese characters. Together with demonstration and practice, <> further deepens the students' understanding of these concepts. To help to enrich the students' vocabulary, <> also provides two games of building characters, which lead the students into an more interesting and stimulating learning environment. Download free Han version 1.3 . download and save the file HAN13.EXE . Then install it under the DOS environment Hardware Requirements . IBM Compatible PC 386 or above . VGA or EGA display . 2M free hard disk space . Sound Blaster card . Mouse Software Requirements . DOS 3.3 or above Inquiry Lam, Ho Cheong Address: Department of Curriculum Studies, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong. E-mail: hclam@hkusua.hku.hk