File Name: (shareware version) A software pachage for Chinese language processing and tutoring. system: DOS From: Pinxxiee Corporation in Lansing, Michigan ----- Pinxxiee Chinese Language Technology ----- Do you need an efficient Chinese language processor or need to learn Chinese language? A Peking-born Michigan Doctor has discovered a Tenstrokes alphabet of only 10 letters, that can teach anybody in the world (who already knows the English Alphabet) within an hour to decode any Chinese character independently. No prior knowledge of Chinese is required. With the Tenstrokes alphabet, Dr H. C. Tien has created a computer-compatible Chinese script (PINXXIEE), an alphabetic touch-typeable language, like English, which is a perfect tool for English-Chinese communication and creates a new way of processing Chinese language on computer. With this PINXXIEE script and today's computer technology, it is now practical and profitable to touch-type on a standard computer keyboard. Dr. Tien has received patents on his technology in China and in United States, 1n 1992 and 1993, respectively. * What are PINXXIEE's general features? PINXXIEE is a general language technology that has both phonetics-&-graphics(x) in its script (containing both alphabet and icons). The common features are: 1. The phonetic scripts are for the "ear", whereas the graphic scripts are for the "eye". For example, the English letters of "ABC..." are used to transcribe and decipher sounds; and the Chinese strokes of "- | /..." are used to transcribe and decipher shapes. Pinxxiee spellings combine both basic phonetic and graphic information of Chinese characters into a unique and unified PX spelling for each Chinese character. For example: MAXX. MAXX = MA(sound of ma) + XX(shape for female) => maxx(mother) * What is the basic discovery of PINXXIEE language technology? The Chinese Tenstrokes Global Alphabet. * What are its unique features? The Tenstrokes Alphabet has only 10 letters: V H L J I T G N C Z, associated with 10 strokes: ` - | / \ / \ ) ( z, to form the Global Alphabet or Tenstrokes Transcode(TM): V` H- L| J/ I\ T/ G\ N) C( Zz. * What is the nature of this Transcode(TM)? Tenstrokes are the elementary "particles" of linguistics, analogous to those in physics; and the letter are "atoms". For instance, the English letter 'A' can be split into 3 strokes JIH: / \ - => A; or the Chinese character THREE can also be split into 3 different strokes HHH: - - - => = =_(3); (you need a Chinese character word processor to see the nature of the graphics more accurately). * What are the benefits of using this product to user? Pinxxiee Language Technology empowers the users to utilize the existing keyboards, software and hardware on the international market for multilingual word processing and data transfer, including Chinese, Japanese or English getting prepared for the multilingual Information Superhighway. * Who are some of the major clients of this technology? Purdue University, CBS, EDS, Encyclopaedia Britannica, 6 Peking schools; Peking University, Peking Normal College, Huiwen and Chongwen elementary and middle schools in China, Chinese Consulate in Chicago, and other corporate translators and academic centers have acquired the PX2001 language software. * What products have these centers acquired from PINXXIEE Corporation? Pinyin+Plus ChineseStar for Windows 3.1 Pinyin+Plus Input Diskette Pinyin+Plus Dictionary (hard copy) Pinyin+PX2001 Tutor 1.1 ChineseStar 2.0 for windows 3.1 * Is this technology patented, copyrighted and/or trademarked? Yes. PINXXIEE Technology has received copyrights and trademarks since 1961. And PINXXIEE obtained both China patent (1992) and US patent (1993). An article by Washington Post (1985) gave the history and an article by Chicago Chinese Times (1994) gave more recent details. * What is PX2001 software? It is a tutor that teaches the Pinxxiee Language Technology. PX2001 1.1 is a basic Chinese language learning and word processing software program, and it has broad applications and implications for users interested in R&D with multilingual technology for the information industry the near future (1-5 years). * How can I get more information? Contact: Pinxxiee Corporation phone: 517-372-4661 fax: 517-372-9959 Email: ** PX 2001 Installation Instructions ** 1. Create a directory. PX 2001 assumes it is in a directory named PX, which is a subdirectory of the root directory. To create it, type MD \PX 2. Copy the file to the PX directory. 3. Decompress the files, using PKUNZIP: PKUNZIP PX (When the files are successfully decompressed, you may delete the compressed file "", or retain it as a backup.) 4. Add path "C:\PX" into your autoexec.bat file (assume that you use C: drive). Then reboot your computer. 5. To start PX 2001, type PX. The PX dictionary is loaded into memory and left there for efficiency. To remove it, use RMOVDICT.COM. If you would like the dictionary removed after each time you use PX 2001, run the program using PX2.BAT instead of PX.BAT. 6. The PX Chinese Flashcards program is included in this package. To run it, type PXF. Note: the regular lessons are numbered 1, 2, 3, etc. Lessons A and B teach the 26 Pinyin Alphabet associated with 26 regular Chinese characters and 26 alphabetized Xxieepin characters. Lessons C and D teach the Tenstrokes and ten exemplary Chinese characters with single strokes. -------------------------------------------------------