INPUTDIC - Convert a GB input table to DIC file for NJSTAR Ver 3.0 Nov 1 1993 Copyright (c) Hongbo Ni 1991-1993. All Rights Reserved. Usage: INPUTDIC filename(.GB) output(.DIC) (without .ext) [*CiZu] Example: 1. INPUTDIC njinputz njinputz 2. INPUTDIC njinputz njinputz *CiZu NOTE: 1) If *CiZu is specified, INPUTDIC only read Def line of njinputz.GB, and generate 130 Byte file for NJCIZUZ.DIC. It require NJCIZUZ.DIC in order to work, Please Read CIZUDIC.DOC for how to generate such CiZu File. 2) With CiZu Input, Max key length is 16 Regardless defined in Def line of The output file name should be NJINPUTx.DIC(where x=A-Z,Note A-K have been used) NOTE: if you create a useful Input dictionary for NJSTAR. Please make it availabe to the public for the common interest of Chinese community. In the GB input file NJINPUTZ.GB, you should have a line like bellow. ****************************************************************************** * line start with * are comment * * +---------------- Input method name 2 char Chinese (4 bytes) * | +------------- N - Number key (0-9), A - Alpha key (a-z) * | | X - Alpha and numerical key(0-9 :;<=>?@[\] a-z) * | | +----------- Max key length * | | | +--------- M - Multiple selection or U - Unique key (1 CC per key) * | | | | +------ Range of Key Character ( 0-9 for Num Key, a-z for Alpha key * | | | | | 0-z for Alpha Numerical key) * | | | | | +--- Learning key (not implemented yet) * | | | | | | +- Input method name in ASCII of max 8 chars * | | | | | | | +-- anything after here * | | | | | | | | Îå»® N 5 M 0-9 0 WuHua (Five Strokes) (C) Hongbo Ni 1991. 25152 °¡ 52122 °¢ 12154 °£ 12154 °¤ 25114 °¥ 25154 °¦ 41254 °§ 32515 °¨ ....