HEX is a board game for two people. The board is a parallelogram partitioned into n by n small hexagons. Players Black and White put a stone on the board in turn. The object is to make the stones that you put on the board connect sides left and right (for White) or top and bottom (for Black). HEX was created by the Danish inventor and poet Piet Hein. Among all the board games that have been invented by human beings, this game may be the one that has the simplest rules. Yet this does not mean the game itself is simple. Like the game Go, this game has its own Joseki, Tesuji, etc. Some people even call it "the game of the Universe." The machine playing part of this program is very primitive, it can only serve as a demo. But the two player part should serve you very well. If you have an idea about how to make the machine playing part stronger, please let me know. Or if you want to program the thinking part, I will be happy to cooperate with you. Please report bugs and suggestions to: zpy@jims.umd.edu The package hex10.exe is a self expanding file. It should expand to the following 4 files: 1. hex.exe (the excutables) 2. readme (this file) 3. hex.doc (simple instructions on how to use this program) 4. hex.ps (PostScript file to be used to print board on paper) The program requires VGA and a mouse. (C) 1993, Zhiping You: All Rights Reserved. This program may be freely distributed so long as this notice is maintained with it, and provided there is no cost or charge for this program.