DM24 Chinese GB/HZ Files Printing Program For EPSON 24pin and Compatible Dot-Matrix Printers Version 2.0 (c)1992-93 Gongquan Chen, All Rights Reserved. Introduction: ------------- DM24 is a DOS program for IBM PC and compatibles. It is developed to print Chinese GB/HZ-encoded files on an EPSON 24pin and any compatible dot matrix printer. This version of DM24 has been completely updated. Here is a brief summary of DM24. It can: - print GB-encoded Chinese files, like HXWZ files; - print HZ-encoded Chinese files, like articles on alt.chinese.text; [new!] - supports both Unix and DOS text file formats (LF vs. CR/LF); [new!] - use any 24x24 GB Chinese bitmap font; [new!] - support wildcards to print multiple files in one session; - print to any device port(LPT1, LPT2, etc), even to a file; [new!] - support user-defined page format, including margins and page size; [new!] System Requirements: -------------------- - IBM PC or a compatible computer; - a hard disk is strongly recommended; - MS-DOS 2.0 or later; - an EPSON 24pin and compatible dot matrix printer. The following are the printers that I have tested: EPSON LQ-850, EPSON Action 3250, Panasonic KX-??24, and a DataProducts printer. Installation: ------------- 1. Create a directory your hard disk, for example, c:\dm24 2. Copy all the files in this package into this directory. Only dm24.exe and dm24.cfg, plus whatever the font you specify, are required in order to print Chinese files. Be sure you put dm24.exe and dm24.cfg in the same directory. 3. Obtain some 24x24 GB bitmap font files using anonymous ftp from /fonts (if you don't have any). If you are using HXLaser, my printing program for HP LaserJet, you can use the same font file(s). 4. Modify the configuration file dm24.cfg for font and print format if needed(see below). 5. Optionally, you can put the directory of DM24 in DOS's path so you can execute DM24 anyway from the system. File List: ---------- Here is the list of files that are compressed into dm24.doc - This file dm24.exe - DOS executable Chinese LaserJet print program dm24.cfg - Configuration file containing default parameters Configuration: -------------- You may need to modify the configuration file (dm24.cfg) to customize DM24 for your PC environment. Simple use an ASCII text editor such as DOS's EDLIN or EDIT to do it. Remember that a semicolon (;) begins a comment. An effective line always has the form: variable = value A blank line is ignored. For switch variables, you can enter as On/Off, Yes/No, or 1/0. There are 10 some variables that you can modify. (Varaible names are NOT case-sensitive). o Output - this is the printing device. Default: LPT1 If your printer is connected to a port other than LPT1, you need to change this variable. Serial ports are also supported, but I never tested. In case of problem, you can use DOS's mode command to redirect output from a serail port to a parallel one. You can also print to a file for later use. o hzFont - the exact path and file name of Chinese GB font, default: CCLIB.K24 DM24 doesn't assume any embedding commands in your documents. Everything is interpreted as it is. Therefore, you can only use one font per session under DOS. You can use any 24x24 row-ordered Chinese bitmap fonts. These fonts are exactly the same fonts for HXLaser. If you don't have any font files, you may check the Chinese archive site: via anonymous ftp, under /software/fonts. The following is a brief list of 24x24 fonts that you can download from (in BINARY mode): Font File Description hzSkip --------- ------------------------------------------ ------- cclib.24 simplified, Song style ~{#(