Pull -- A Cross-Platform Tool  
for File Extraction and Compact Packaging 
Yao Li 
April 20, 1997 
v. 3.2 

Table of Contents 

1. Introduction   2. Obtain and Setup pull  3. Usages   4. Typical Usage Examples   5. Other Related Topics   6. License, Copyright, and Warranty  
7. Troubleshooting 
8. Bug Report and Comments 
9. History  
10. Acknowledgments 
11. References  

1. Introduction

This section gives an overview of the pull. 

1.1 What Is the pull 

pull is a cross-platform software tool used for convenient file extraction and packaging. It can does several things at once. When packing a file, it can compress, split, and/or uuencode the file. When extracting the original file from a compressed, split, and/or file(s), it does the opposite of packing: uudecoding, merging, and decompressing. 

1.2 What Are the Major Uses of pull 

pull can be used for two opposite purposes: file extraction and packaging.  For file extraction, it can conveniently extract the original file(s) from  For file packing, it can in one step  1.3 On What Platforms pull Works 

pull currently works on three major platforms: Unix, MS-DOS/Windows, and VMS. To elaborate, the variants or family members of these platforms are listed below. 
Table 1. Platforms on Which pull Works 


SunOS, Solaris, HP-UX, AIX, IRIX, NeXT, Ultrix, QNX,  ... 

MS-DOS 6.22, Windows 3.x/95/NT 


1.4 In What Ways pull Might Be Used

At present, pull is implemented as a Command-Line Interface (CLI) filter application. By properly setting it up in windows environment as described in the sequel, it can perform drag-and-drop, double-click etc. types of operations as a Graphical User Interface (GUI) application. The next table elaborate on how pull might be used in MS Windows, in which "MS-DOS mode" refers to a screen created by directly launching MS-DOS or restarting computer in MS-DOS mode; whereas "MS-DOS window" refers to a window launched by clicking MS-DOS prompt icon or selecting it in Program Menu in MS Windows. Either may be called the MS-DOS box. 
Table 2. The Ways pull Might be Used in MS Windows Environment 
Used in  Through  MS-DOS  Windows 3.x  Windows 95  Windows NT 
MS-DOS mode 
MS-DOS window 
cmd typing/piping 
cmd typing/piping 

1.5 How pull Works

pull packs a file for email delivery and extracts original file from received emails. 

1.5.1 Pack A File 

Packing a file involves three possible stages of processing:  The sequence of above three stages are predetermined. Which stage or stages the packing will go through might be specified by users. For example, a user may only want to split a huge downloaded file for disk floppy transfer, or perform a simple uue77 encoding. To be meaningful, the packing process has to go through at least one stage. The all possible combinations of packing operations are tabulated below. Note that each individual packing operation has been implemented. It is some of combinations that have not been "unlocked". 
Table 3. Possible Combinations of File Packing Actions 
combination  compress  split  encode  status  possible use 
7 (111) 

3 (011) 

5 (101) 

6 (110) 

1 (001) 

2 (010) 

4 (100) 

0 (000) 








tightly pack email file 

pack email file 

tightly pack email file 

fit file onto floppy 

uue77 encode 

versatile split, for floppy 

compress in .gz/.zip 

does nothing 

1.5.2 Extract Original File 

It is extremely easy for users to extract the original file from the packed files. pull performs the task automatically no matter what stage and how many stages the file packing had gone through. 

2. Obtain and Setup pull

"obtain" is about getting right version of pull for your platform. "setup" describes compiling, linking, installing, customizing pull for convenient use. In particular, "compile, link, install" here enables pull to be used through the command-line interface; while "customize" enables pull to be virtually a Graphical User Interface (GUI) application allowing drag-and-drop, double-click,... type of GUI operations. 

2.1 Which Program Files Are Required and Where They Are Archived

Table 4. Archived and Executable Pull 
platform  pull archived  executable  used on 






all UNIX variants 

MS-DOS, WIN 3.x/95/NT 


A single source pull.c is developed and maintained. When conditionally compiled on a particular platform, a platform-specific pull executable is generated. 

pull can be obtained through 


ftp://uwalpha.uwinnipeg.ca/pub/fcssc/fhy/HELP/pull.c -- Unix, VMS 
ftp://uwalpha.uwinnipeg.ca/pub/fcssc/fhy/HELP/pull.exe -- MS-DOS 

ftp://ccic.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/utils/pull.c.gz -- Unix 
ftp://ccic.ifcss.org/pub/software/dos/utils/pull.exe -- MS-DOS 
ftp://ccic.ifcss.org/pub/software/vms/utils/pull.c-gz -- VMS 

and CCIC's ftp mirror sites. 


http://ccic.ifcss.org/ftp-pub/software/unix/utils/pull.c.gz -- Unix 
http://ccic.ifcss.org/ftp-pub/software/dos/utils/pull.exe -- MS-DOS 
http://ccic.ifcss.org/ftp-pub/software/vms/utils/pull.c-gz -- VMS 


To obtain the latest version of pull, send an email to "listserv@uwalpha.uwinnipeg.ca" with a one-line command in mail body as below: "help fhy-ps" for Unix and VMS version, or "help fhy-psdos" for Ms-dos version. Then the listserv "machine" will automatically email you a copy. 

2.2 How to Compile and Link pull 

This subsection only applies to Unix and VMS users. pull MS-DOS/Windows users receive the executable pull.exe. Thus no compilation and linking is required. 

2.2.1 On Unix Platforms

Let ">" be Unix command prompt. Compile pull.c to pull with 

>cc -o pull pull.c 

The compilation is successful if no error message or only with warning message. In later case, you may send the complete warning message to me for code improvement. 

Or, with optimization 

>cc -O -o pull pull.c 

It might produce a smaller and more efficient executable. But it usually takes longer time to compile and possibly fails to compile. If fails, go back to simple approach above. 

In case cc compiler is not on your system, next try GNU C compiler. Substitute "gcc" to "cc" in above commands. 

Finally, you may confirm if it works with 

>pull -h 

that gives pull's on-line main help page. 

2.2.2 On VMS Platforms

Compile and link pull.c for VMS version 

Let ">" be VMS command prompt. 

1. Specify I/O 

>define lnk$library sys$library:vaxcrtl 

2. Compile pull.c to pull.obj 

>cc pull /define=(VMS_PULL) 

where VMS_PULL must be in upper-case. The compilation is successful if no error message or only with warning message. In later case, you may send the complete warning message to me for code improvement. 

3. Link pull.obj to pull.exe 

>link pull 

4. Set symbol for pull.exe 

>pull == "$disk:[directory]pull.exe" 

5. Clean Up 

>delete pull.obj;1 

6.  For confirmation, display on-line main help page. 

>pull -h 

Note: after step 4, pull is ready for use. BUT it only works for current terminal (login) session. To make it work for every login session as a system command, do "installation" described next. 

2.3 How to Install pull 

The purpose of installation here is to enable you to conveniently use pull as a system command in command-line interface environment. 

2.3.1 On Unix Platforms

There are two options: 

a) Move pull to your "bin" directory. Then it can be used from any directory. If you don't have "bin" directory, 

a-1) at your home dir, issue "mkdir bin" -- creates "bin" under your home directory; 

a-2) edit one of your login profiles such as .cshrc or .login file by adding bin to search path, i.e., add a line 

set path = ($path /absolutePathToYourHome/bin) 

or alike; To get the value of "absolutePathToYourHome", issue "cd" or "cd ~/" to return to your home directory. Then issue "pwd". Finally, it might look something like: 

set path = ($path /users/group3/john/bin) 

a-3) logout then login (for once only). This is a safe way, but slow. Or you may issue "source .cshrc" or "source .login" in each window you'll use pull if you are in window system. 

b) Define an alias of pull in your .cshrc file pointing to where pull resides 

Once all done, to save disk space, you might remove pull.c 

2.3.2 On MS Windows Platforms

First, put PULL.EXE under C:\BIN directory, or any directory you like. Then add the directory path into C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT file, such as 


or append it to an existing one 


When pull involves compress/decompress operation, it calls an external utility gzip. This requires gzip also installed as a DOS command or at least under the same directory. For gzip, from ftp you may get gzip.exe and gzip386.exe. gzip386.exe runs faster. pull.exe uses one of them, and must be named as gzip.exe. To have better performance, use gzip386.exe and rename it to gzip.exe. Please note this gzip386.exe works on Win3.x and 95, but not on NT. For NT user, look for NT version of gzip.exe that also works on Win95. Before proceed further, open a MS-DOS box. Issue "gzip -h" there to confirm gzip works. If not, such as encountered "Abnormal program termination", you've got a wrong version. 

Having completed the above step, there are two options. The first supports the full power of pull. The second gives drag-and-drop and double-clicking types of conventional window application convenience, as described in next subsection. 

Use pull in MS-DOS Command-Line Interface  

First open an MS-DOS window/box, such as a native MS-DOS 6.22 box, or an MS-DOS Prompt window launched from Windows 3.x/95/NT, or start with MS-DOS mode. Then inside DOS window/screen, issue pull commands, see "pull -h". This approach allows every feature of pull to be realized. 

2.3.3 On VMS Platforms

Place following line in your LOGIN.COM file 


Modify disk and directory appropriately to point to pull.exe. If you don't have LOGIN.COM file, you can create one. Once all done, to save disk space, you might delete pull.c 

2.4 How to Customize pull as A Window Application

This subsection discusses methods to enable pull for drag-and-drop, double-click windows operations. In general, the drag-and-drop feature requires to create an icon of pull on desktop/workspace so dragged file(s) can be dropped upon the icon. The double-click feature requires to register the file extension such as ".pul" with windows and associate it with an application such as pull. 

2.4.1 On Unix Platforms

It is largely Unix variant dependent. 

2.4.2 On MS Windows Platforms

For MS Windows, Windows 95 and NT 4.0 have the similar "look and feel"; whereas NT 3.51's is more similar to Windows 3.x's. Some discussion in this section are organized along these two groups. Customize pull for Drag and Drop GUI Operation

The basic idea is to create an icon shortcut to pull on desktop. To extract or pack the file, simply drag a file or several files and drop it/them onto the pull icon. pull will automatically do the rest. No MS-DOS window requires to be opened first. No pull commands need to be entered in command line. Here are steps to set up pull icon on desktop. Assume that PULL.EXE is placed under directory C:\BIN 

Windows 95 and NT 4.0 

Step 1. Create shortcut icon to pull.exe on desktop 

Through Window (NT) Explorer or "Start | Find -> Files or Folders", navigate down or search for PULL.EXE. 

Select it 

Click it with right mouse button, drag it onto desktop while holding the right mouse button. 

Click "Create Shortcut(s) Here" with left mouse button. An MS-DOS icon of "Shortcut to Pull.exe" name is created. Internally, a program information file (PIF) is created that optimize the DOS environment for pull. Next we want to customize pull's PIF for our convenience using GUI. 

Step 2.1 Modify the icon property for file extraction 

Click icon name to change it to "Pull 3.2" or the current version number if v.3.2 is not the current. 

Right mouse button click on pull icon, select "Properties" in pull-down menu. 

Select "Program" 

Click "Change Icon..." button in bottom-right. Change the icon from MS-DOS one to any one else you like since the window the pull.exe icon corresponds to is different from the MS-DOS Prompt window. 

Still in Program box, "Working" field lists the working directory where pull output file is to be placed. So change it to C:\TEMP, assume you have a C:\TEMP directory. 

The text field containing "PULL.EXE" on top besides the icon is the window name when launched in future. 

Change it to "PULL output to C:\TEMP". It reminds you later where the pull output file is. 

Deselect (empty) "Close on exit" check box under text fields. After pull execution, the inactive pull window remains and contain pull working message. (Later after you become familiar with pull, you might check this box to save a step of closing pull window.) 

Click "Apply" and "OK" to finish pull icon setup. 

An alternative to above configuration is to leave "Working" filed empty so pull output file is directly placed on desktop. (You need to clean up desktop later.) And check "Close on exit" check box, so after file dropped on pull icon and "pulling" down the pull window is closed by itself. 

Step 2.2 Modify the icon property for file packing 

To make use of the other half of pull feature--file packing, another icon may be created as above and modified in addition as following. 

Change icon name to "Pull -d 3.2" or "Push 3.2" 

Append pull command option "-d", not "-D", into "Cmd line" field as "C:\BIN\PULL.EXE -d". 

Please note that the "Push" icon only works for NT 4.0, not for Windows 95. On Windows 95, "-d" is ignored, that is, "PULL.EXE -d" is treated as "PULL.EXE". (If you find the work-around, let me know.) 

Windows 3.x and NT 3.51 

As a remark, drag-and-drop operation is not limited to drop a file on a shortcut icon. Dropping a file on PULL.EXE listed in Windows/NT Explorer works as well. The price? need to navigate to PULL.EXE. 

Besides, as you can imagine, the way to configure a shortcut icon of a filter type DOS application such as pull icon is very flexible. Customize pull for Double-click GUI Operation

The double-click operation refers to by double-clicking a file, pull is automatically launched extracting or packaging the file. The idea is to associate the file name extension with the application in Windows, in other word, register a file type with an application in Windows. Therefore once a file with this type of extension is double-clicked, Windows launches the associated application. 

Windows 95 and NT 4.0 

From Windows (NT) Explorer, navigate to C:\BIN and select PULL.EXE 

Click "View | Options...| File Types | New Type..." 

(Or from "Control Panel', click "Internet | Programs | File Types... | New Type...".) 

From "Add New File Type" dialog box, fill "Description of type" text entry field up with "compressed/split/encoded". 

put either ".pul" or ".cse" in text entry field "Associated extension". "pul" stands for "pull', easy to memorize. ".cse" stands more accurately for "compressed/split/encoded", or for Computer and Systems Engineering:) 

Click "Change Icon..." button on top. Select a favorable icon for this new type, ideally choose identical one with the pull shortcut icon on desktop. 

Click "New..." button under big "Actions:" box. A "New Action" box pops up. 

Branch 1. Link to pull icon to do file extraction 

Place "Extract file with Pull 3.2" in "Action" text entry field. 

Click "Browse...". An "Open With..." window pops up. Default "Look in" directory is "Desktop". 

Find and select "Pull 3.2". Double-click it. Click "Open" button. "Pull 3.2.pif" file is selected. 

Click "OK" button in "New Action" window. 

Branch 2. Link to pull -d icon to do file packaging 

Place "Package file with Push 3.2" in "Action" text entry field, assuming "Push 3.2" icon has been created earlier. 

Click "Browse...". An "Open With..." window pops up. Default "Look in" directory is "Desktop". 

Find and select "Push 3.2". Double-click it. Click "Open" button. "Push 3.2.pif" file is selected. 

Click "OK" button in "New Action" window. 

(Branches merged) 

Click "Close" in "Add New File Type" window. 

Click "Close" in "File Types" window 

Click "OK" in "Internet Properties" window. 

Remark: In above new file type is linked to pull icon on desktop. The other way is to directly link file type to C:\BIN\PULL.EXE 

Since pull can extract uuencoded, gzip compressed, Unix "compress" compressed file, you may associate .uue, .gz, .Z with pull one by one. 

Windows 3.x and NT 3.51 

In File Manager, you can drag a gzip/split/uue file and drop it over PULL.EXE for file extraction. To use double-click feature, you need do following. 

Step 1. Create a PIF file for pull.exe 

From Program Manager, Main launch PIF Editor. An PIF Editor window pops up. Fill up following: 

Program Filename: C:\BIN\PULL.EXE 

Window Title: Pull 3.2 (output to C:\TEMP) 

Start-up Directory: C:\TEMP (if you don't have directory TEMP, create one.) 

Deselect (empty) check box Close Window on Exit at bottom-left. 

To save, click File | Save As... 

Directory: C:\PULL, File Name: pull.pif 

Then File | Exit PIF Editor - PULL.PIF window. 

Step 2. Associate file *.PUL with PULL.PIF (PULL.EXE) 

From File Manager, locate C:\PULL\PULL.PIF, select it. 

Click File | Associate... An "Associate" window pops up. Fill up 

Files with Extension: PUL 

Click Browse... till locate C:\PULL\PULL.PIF and select it. 

Click OK exiting Associate window. 

Remark: The purpose of Step 1 is to create an inactive pull window that displays pull working message after pull completes. This may not be necessary if you know where pull places its output file. If so, only do Step 2. In it, associate .PUL directly with C:\PULL\PULL.EXE. 

To use it, double-click a file FOO.PUL. To make pull works for another file extension, repeat the association with that extension. 

2.4.3 On VMS Platforms

3. Usages 

pull performs two opposite types of operation: file extraction and packaging. In addition, pull includes a rich set of two level on-line help pages. It is called page because each command help option gives up to one-screenful, i.e., a page, of help information, not to be confused with a web page. 

usage: pull [-hBCDGILSUV] [-cqs] file(s) 
[-cqs]  -- on VMS 
[-cqs] [- < file(s)] [> outfile]  -- on Unix and MS-DOS 
-d[cq] [-b bytes] [header] file 
-d[cq] [-p parts] [header] file 
-d[cq] -f [-b bytes] file 
-d[cq] -l [-b bytes] file 
-d[cq] -n [header] file 

3.1 Extracting 

Extract the original file(s) from uuencoded/split/compressed raw file(s). 

3.1.1 Jointly

Extracts a single file by combining a set of compressed/split/encoded files that can be in arbitrary sequence. 

pull file1 file2 file3 ... 

pull metafile 

where a "metafile" is a filename containing meta-chars (wild card): 

*, ?, and [...], [!...] -- on Unix 
*, ? -- on MS-DOS 
*, % -- on VMS. 

where  "*" matches zero or more chars. "?" and "%" matches any single char. "[...]" matches a char in the specified range. "[!...]" matches a char outside the specified range. 

Before actual extraction took place, the meta-filename is expanded to a list of filenames by system command shell, or by the application, depending on the operating system. 

pull catfile 

where a "catfile" is a single file in which several encoded files are concatenated. 

3.1.2 Separately

Extract files independently from several files. No file merging. 

pull -s file1 file2 ... 
pull -s metafile 
pull -s catfile 

3.1.3 Standard I/O (Filter)

Standard I/O option can be combined with other command options for file extraction as well as packaging. It renders pull the power as a filter application for command piping, GUI drag-and-drop, double-click... 

Read from stdin/terminal 

Unix, MS-DOS: 

pull [-] 



Send to stdout/terminal 

Unix and MS-DOS only. 

pull -c file 

3.1.4 Suppress Verbose

pull -q file 

Works silently. Apply to file packaging as well. 

3.2 Packaging 

Packs file by compress, split, and encode. "De" pull = push. 

3.2.1. One Input File 

pull -d [-fln -b bytes -p parts] file 

-d file: equal size split, up to default 64k/chunk 
-d -n file: no split 
-d -b bytes file: equal size split, up to "bytes"/chunk 
-d -p parts file: equal size split, into number of "parts" (1--9) 
-d -f [-b bytes] file: first file aligned split. 
-d -l [-b bytes] file: last file aligned split. First/Last N-1 files has chunk size "bytes" or default 64k each. The N'th file takes the remaining size. 

3.2.2 Two Input Files 

pull -d [-n -b bytes -p parts] header file 

Ascii "header" file with arbitrary filename is prepended intact to the first part of output files. All output parts are of equal size in bytes. 

-d header file: equal size split, up to default 64k/chunk 
-d -n header file: no split 
-d -b bytes header file: equal size split, up to "bytes"/chunk 
-d -p parts header file: equal size split, into number of "parts" (1--9) 

3.3 On-line Help Pages

To display help pages, issue "pull [-hBCDGILSUV]". On VMS, double-quotes are required for an upper-case option, e.g. pull "-V". 

-h : main help page 
-I : installation 
-B : bug report and comment 
-L : license 
-C : compilation and link 
-S : PostScript file viewing and printing 
-D : "de" pull, packing file 
-U : usage examples 
-G : gzip/gunzip archive information 
-V : version number 

4. Typical Usage Examples 

This section provides some typical usage examples for file extraction and packaging. Instantiated filename "foo", "bar" may be used in examples (Unix flavor). 

4.1 Extracting 

Examples are listed in subsections along the platforms: Unix, MS-DOS/Windows, and VMS. 

4.1.1 On Unix

a) To extract foo9508a.ps from 4 received mails, use one of methods below 

a-1) without saving file(s), from your mailer, pipe the ps mails to pull; 

Example 1. in Elm, press "t" to tag the ps mails one by one; then from one of tagged mails, press "|"; then issue "pull", "pull -c > foo.ps", or "pull -c | lpr -prtname" to extract, extract to file, to printer. 

Example 2. in "mail" prompt &, "| 5-8 pull" pipes mails 5-8 to pull. 

a-2) append received mails, in any order, onto one file, say foo.uue. For example if Netscape 3.x mailer is used, click on 4 mails while holding Control key. Click "File | Save As..." to default file type ".html" and file name  "untitled.html". Issuing "pull foo.uue" or "pull untitled.html" extracts foo9508a.ps. 

Issuing "pull foo.uue" extracts foo9508a.ps 
a-3) save received mails in 4 separate files: foo1, foo2, foo3, and foo4. Assume foo1, foo2, foo3, foo4 uudecoded to foo9508a.sz1, ...foo9508a.sz4 

- "pull foo?": "?" matches any single char 

- "pull f*": "*" matches zero or more chars 

- "pull foo[1-4]": matches exactly files foo1, foo2, foo3, and foo4. 

In above sub-usages, if irrelevant filenames are expanded, pull will quit. In sub-usages below, the order of input files may be arbitrary. 

- "pull foo1 foo2 foo3 foo4" 

- "pull foo4 foo9508a.sz1 foo2 foo9508a.sz3", in mixed formats. 

- "pull foo9508a.sz1 foo9508a.sz2 foo9508a.sz3 foo9508a.sz4". 

b) To extract foo9508a.gb or foo9508a.bg5 from received mail, issue "pull foo.uue", assuming the mail saved in file "foo.uue" 

c) To decompress, "pull foo.gz" or "pull foo.Z" 

4.1.2 On MS Windows and MS-DOS

On MS Windows 

a) Double-click 

Assume the raw file to be extracted had the extension already registered in Windows and associated with the pull. The extensions might be .PUL, .UUE, .CSE, etc. Locate the file, double click on the file. Pull is invoked performing file extraction. 

To extract foo9508a.ps from four received mails, first concatenate them into one file in arbitrary sequence. It often can be done at the time saving emails to file. For example if Netscape 3.x mailer is used, click on 4 mails while holding Control key. Click "File | Save As..." to file name  "foo.pul". Then double clicking file "foo.pul" extracts foo9508a.ps. 

b) Drag and Drop 

Drag and drop does not require file extension registered. In addition, several files can be dragged and dropped at once. 

Locate the raw file with Windows Explorer, NT Explorer, or File Manager. Drag and drop it on Pull icon on desktop (may not applicable to Windows 3.x), or directly on PULL.EXE file (applicable to all). 

To select a group of files, click them while holding Control key or Shift key. Holding Shift key limits selection to adjacently listed files. 

Inside An MS-DOS Box 

a) To extract foo9508a.ps from 4 received mails, use one of methods below 

a-1) without saving file(s), from your mailer, pipe the ps mails to pull; 

a-2) append received mails, in any order, onto one file, say foo.uue. Issuing "pull foo.uue" extracts foo9508a.ps 
a-3) save received mails in 4 separate files: foo1, foo2, foo3, and foo4. Assume foo1, foo2, foo3, foo4 uudecoded to foo9508a.sz1, ...foo9508a.sz4 

- "pull foo?": "?" matches any single char 

- "pull f*": "*" matches zero or more chars 

In above sub-usages, if irrelevant filenames are expanded, pull will quit. In sub-usages below, the order of input files may be arbitrary. 

- "pull foo1 foo2 foo3 foo4" 

- "pull foo4 foo9508a.sz1 foo2 foo9508a.sz3", in mixed formats. 

- "pull foo9508a.sz1 foo9508a.sz2 foo9508a.sz3 foo9508a.sz4". 

b) To extract foo9508a.gb or foo9508a.bg5 from received mail, issue "pull foo.uue", assuming the mail saved in file "foo.uue" 

c) To decompress, "pull foo.gz" or "pull foo.Z" 

4.1.3 On VMS

a) To extract foo9508a.ps from 4 received mails, use one of methods below 

a-1) without saving file(s), from your mailer, pipe the ps mails to pull; 

a-2) append received mails, in any order, onto one file, say foo.uue; Issuing "pull foo.uue" extracts foo9508a.ps 

a-3) save received mails in 4 separate files: foo1.uue, ..., foo4.uue. Assume foo1.uue, ..., foo4.uue uudecoded to foo9508a.sz1, ...foo9508a.sz4 

- "pull foo%.uue": "%" matches any single char, 

- "pull f*.uue": "*" matches zero or more chars 

In above sub-usages, if irrelevant filenames are expanded, pull will quit. In sub-usages below, the order of input files may be arbitrary. 

- "pull foo1.uue foo2.uue foo3.uue foo4.uue". 

- "pull foo4.uue foo9508a.sz1 foo2.uue foo9508a.sz3", in mixed formats. 

- "pull foo9508a.sz1 foo9508a.sz2 foo9508a.sz3 foo9508a.sz4". 

b) To extract foo9508a.gb or foo9508a.bg5 from received mail, issue "pull foo.uue", assuming the mail saved in file "foo.uue" 

c) To decompress, "pull foo.gz" or "pull foo.Z" 

4.2 Packaging 

To split foo9508a.ps into multiple emailable parts of equal size in bytes: 
  • "pull -d header foo9508a.ps" creates 4 mails, "header" prepended to mail 1. "header" is a pre-edited text introduction message for the mail. 
  • "pull -d foo9508a.ps" creates 4 sendable mails 

  • To uuencode file in 77-char line, issue "pull -d foo9508a.gb" or "pull -d foo9508a.bg5" 

    5. Other Related Topics 

    5.1 Exit Code 

    0: normal 

    >0: abnormal 

    5.2 Internally Supported Filename Extensions 

    5.3 gzip Archive Information 

    pull uses gzip/gunzip that is stored at anonymous ftp sites (for Unix, MSDOS, OS/2, VMS, Mac, Atari, Amiga, Primos): 

    prep.ai.mit.edu:/pub/gnu/gzip-1.2.4.tar (or .shar or .tar.gz : source) prep.ai.mit.edu:/pub/gnu/gzip-msdos-1.2.4.exe (MSDOS, lha self-extract) garbo.uwasa.fi:/unix/arcers/gzip-1.2.4.tar.Z (source) 

    garbo.uwasa.fi:/pc/unix/gzip124.zip (MSDOS exe) ftp.uu.net:/pub/archiving/zip/VMS/gzip124x.vax_exe (VMS exe) mac.archive.umich.edu:/mac/util/compression/macgzip0.22.cpt.hqx (Mac) src.doc.ic.ac.uk:/computing/systems/mac/info-mac/cmp/mac-gzip-022.hqx mac.archive.umich.edu:/mac/development/source/macgzip0.2src.cpt.hqx 

    To get NT versions (Intel, Mips, Alpha) of gzip.exe, search http://www.shareware.com for NT version of gzip. 

    Reference: Usenet Newsgroup comp.compression FAQ Part 1 stored at: rtfm.mit.edu:/pub/usenet/news.answers/compression-faq/part[1-3] 

    5.4 Viewing and Printing PostScript Files

    5.4.1 Viewing A PostScript File 

    Need a ps interpreter and a previewer. They are widely available as freeware. 

    Unix: check "pageview" on Sun, "ghostview" on HP, etc. 

    MS-WIN, OS/2: GSview and Aladdin Ghostscript; 
    VMS: GhostView-VMS. Check info at ftp://ftp.cs.wisc.edu/ghost/gsfaq.txt 
    Mac:     ftp://ftp.cs.wisc.edu/pub/ghost/aladdin/mac/ 
    Ghostscript, Ghostview and GSview Home page: http://ftp.cs.wisc.edu/~ghost/ 

    For more information on ps viewers and ps file, you may read the FAQ of Usenet newsgroup comp.sources.postscript (also available from ftp://wilma.cs.brown.edu/pub/comp.sources.postscript) 

    5.4.2 Printing A PostScript File 

    Printable on the PostScript laser printer, or a personal laser printer plus a PostScript interpreter such as Ghostscript. 

    5.5 uue77 Encoder

    The conventional uuencoder writes output 61 chars/line. uue77 encoder writes 77 chars/line. By doing so, it cuts number of lines by 20%. uue77 encoder is modified from the original pair of uuencode/uudecode developed by Regents of the University of California in 1983. Conventional uudecoders can decode the file encoded by uue77. pull.c includes uue77 and uudecode pair. 

    6. License, Copyright, and Warranty 

    Author: Yao LI  <ah163@freenet.carleton.ca> 

    Copyright (c): 1995-1997 

    For user's convenience, uuencode.c and uudecode.c are trimmed and included with the key change to uuencode.c of widening the output from 61 chars/line to 77 chars/line. These two utilities have Copyright (c) 1983/1993 Regents of the University of California. 

    This software is provided "as is" without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability. Redistribution and non-commercial use are permitted. 

    7. Troubleshooting 

    8. Bug Report and Comments 

    Send the bug report to me (Yao LI) at "ah163@freenet.carleton.ca". 

    Please include 

    - platform: Unix, MS-DOS, Windows, or VMS? 

    - problem description: complete error/warning msg displayed on your screen, including command option, file names in command line 

    - the version number of pull, if obtainable, issue command 
    pull -V -- for Unix and MS-DOS 
    pull "-V" -- for VMS 

    - operating system and version/release number, C compiler if used 

    on Unix, command "uname -a" displays OS, platform, ... 

    Your comments are always welcome. 

    9. History 

    The first release --  pull 1.0 was made on Feb. 10, 1995 

    All together, 18 releases have been made: 

    10. Acknowledgments

    VMS porting received help from W.M. (Canada) and Seak (France). 

    11. References

  • "FAQ of Pull and FHY-PS Lists" at